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Entering Time Using a Punch Hourly Integrated Timesheet in HRS


This document will explain how an employee and/or manager enters time into the punch hourly integrated timesheet. This timesheet is generally assigned to employees that record "IN" and "OUT" punch times for each shift and may or may not have a prepopulated schedule assignment.

Process Considerations:

  • "Exception" time reporters are generally assigned a default schedule which will automatically be processed by time administration to generate payable time without needing to click the Submit button on the timesheet.
  • "Positive" time reporters generally do not have a schedule assignment. A default schedule may be assigned to the Employee but this type of timesheet will require that the Timesheet be submitted by clicking on the Submit button in order for scheduled hours to be processed for approval.
  • Both Exception and Positive leave eligible punch time reporters will use their punch hourly integrated timesheet to record worked hours and absence takes.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Reporting Time Basics

1. To access or review the timesheet or for a general overview of timesheet fields refer to TL - Accessing a Timesheet (Employee & Manager).
2. Select the correct time period. If the employee does not have a default schedule assignment, scheduled hours will reflect "0.00". If the employee does have a default schedule assignment, the total scheduled hours for the period being viewed will display.

time period select

3. Enter the times the employee arrived at and left work.
  • The "Shift In" and "Shift Out" fields are used to record the start and finish of a work shift.

    Shift In Shift Out

  • The second "Break Out" and "Break In" fields are only used to record an unpaid break (i.e. lunch) within the work shift. If the employee is not required to report a lunch break, then these punch fields should be left blank.

    Break In / Break Out Punches
4. The timesheet has now been submitted and the Submitted icons appear in the Status column.
After Time Administration runs, the hours will be available for approval.
When FLSA nonexempt hourly employees enter In and Out punch times in the timesheet, each punch will be rounded to quarter hours in payable time. Please refer to TL - Rounding of Reported Time to Payable Time in HRS for more information.

Instructions for Removing Rows

1. Click the delete (-) button on the row you wish to delete. You may also check the "Select for Delete" box(es) for the row(s) you need to remove scheduled hours and then click "Delete Selected Rows". This function can be used to delete a single row or multiple rows at once.
  • If using the (-) button to delete:
delete row

confirm delete
  • If using "Select for Delete"
delete multiple

delete multiple 3
2. If this completes your timesheet adjustments, click Submit.

Instructions for Adding Rows

1. If multiple rows are needed for a single day (i.e. the employee works an extra shift that begins on the same day a previous shift ended, multiple TRCs are necessary, partial day absences) add a row to that day in the timesheet by clicking the (+) button on the appropriate row.
add a row
2. A blank row is inserted for the day.
new row
3. You may now enter additional punches or TRCs as necessary.
  • Multiple TRCs: In the example below, the employee worked their scheduled shift and was then on standby for 4 additional hours.
stand by
  • Additional shift/shift crossing midnight: This employee worked their scheduled hours and then picked up an additional evening shift, crossing into the next day. In this example it is necessary to insert an extra row on the day of the Shift In punch, as well as an additional row on the day of the Shift Out punch.
additional shift
To the top

Employees with Default Schedules

1. If the employee has a default schedule assignment, upon accessing the timesheet, the Scheduled Hours field will show the total scheduled hours. The punch times will also be pre-populated in the punch fields and the "Sched Hrs" column will display the total scheduled hours each day.
scheduled hours
2. Exception time reporters with a default schedule assignment only need their timesheet updated/submitted if they deviate from their scheduled hours.
Warning Sign  Positive time reporters must physically click submit each pay period for their scheduled hours to be processed by time admin.
3. If the employee has an automatic lunch deduction, the Shift In and Shift Out fields will be populated but the Break Out and Break In fields will be blank. The Punch Total quantity for each day will display the total hours without accounting for the lunch deduction, thought the Schedule Hours totals are reflective of the hours less the automatic lunch deduction.
auto lunch
4. The automatic lunch deduction is controlled on the employee's TL Security page. Refer to TL - Create and Maintain Time and Labor Security for more information.
5. To change the length of the auto lunch deduction or to override it in the event the employee does not take a lunch break, click on the Additional Elements tab to expand and view all timesheet fields.
auto lunch expand
6. Use the Lunch Deduct drop down on the row for which you wish to change the length of. If the employee did not take a lunch, select "No Lunch Deduct" to override the automatic deduction.
lunch override
7. Click the Submit button to submit changes.
Warning SignWARNING! Do NOT fill in the Break Out/Break In fields with punch times if the employee is assigned an auto lunch deduction. Doing so will cause the employee to have their lunch deduction doubled. Automatic Lunch Deduction hours will display in payable time in a closed status. The timesheet will display the Multiple Status icon after time is submitted and time administration runs due to these closed hours and the status of the payable time.

summary 1

Overriding Default Scheduled Hours

If the employee did not work a scheduled shift, it is necessary to clear the hours from that day in the timesheet. To clear the hours from a scheduled day: 

 1. Click the delete (-) button on the row for which you need to remove the scheduled hours. You may also check the "Select for Delete" box(es) for the row(s) you need to remove scheduled hours and then click "Delete Selected Rows". 
delete a row

delete a row 2

2. To override the scheduled hours, enter a "0" in the quantity column. Click Submit.
quantity zero 

Editing Default Schedule Punch Time

1. If an employee works different hours than scheduled, including taking lunch at a different time, the punch times should be changed in the timesheet to reflect what was actually worked. It is best practice to delete the entire row of scheduled hours prior to making punch time changes. Delete the row by either clicking the (-) icon or checking the "Select for Delete" checkbox and then clicking "Delete Selected Rows". 

2. Enter the new punch times on the appropriate row. 
edit punches
3. Click Submit.

Adding a Full Day Absence Take

Whether the employee has a schedule or not, an absence take can be entered from the timesheet by selecting the appropriate take from the Time/Absence Code dropdown on the row associated with the date of the absence. 

1. Select the appropriate Time/Absence Code from the dropdown on the row associated with the date of the absence. 
summary 2
2. Upon selection of the absence take, the punch fields/times disappear. If the employee has a default schedule, the quantity will automatically populate with the number of scheduled hours. If the employee does not have a default schedule, enter the number of hours to be associated with the absence take.
absence 2
 3. Click Submit

Adding a Partial Day Absence Take

 1. Add a row to the day associated with the partial-day absence by clicking the (+) button.
partial abs 1
2. On the new row select the type of absence take from the Time/Absence Code drop down. 
summary 3
3. Enter the appropriate number of hours associated with the absence take in the quantity field
partial abs 3
 4. If the employee had already submitted punch time or has a default schedule assignment, update the punch times to reflect hours worked accordingly. 
partial abs 4
5. Click Submit.

Deleting an Absence from the Timesheet

You may remove a previously requested/approved absence take by following the procedure to delete the row associated with the absence from the timesheet. The changes will flow into the UWS Absence and Absence Event pages accordingly.

 1. To delete an absence delete the row with the absence from the timesheet using either the (-) button or Select for Delete/Delete Select Rows function.
delete abs
 2. Enter punch times if necessary or leave the punch fields blank if the employee did not report to work that day. 
replace punches
3. Click Submit.

Updating an Absence Type or Quantity

Updates made to absence types or quantity of hours can be made from the integrated timesheet. These changes will automatically be updated on the UWS Absence and Absence Event pages.

 1. To update the absence type, choose the appropriate take from the Time/Absence Code dropdown.

 2. To update the absence quantity, enter the appropriate number of hours associated with the absence take in the Quantity field.

Status Icons

Status icons on the Punch Hourly Integrated Timesheet indicate the stage of processing reported or payable time is in. Access the legend of status icons by hovering over the "Status" link. You may also hover over the icon itself to view the description. 
status legend

status icon list

Viewing Payable Time Detail for a Day

 When time is first submitted on the timesheet, it is considered to be "Reported Time". Following the Time Administration process, the reported time is converted to "Payable Time."  Details of daily payable time can viewed by clicking on the Date link for the day you wish to view.  Prior to payable time generating the link is not available. 
 Reported time is submitted. Time Admin has not yet processed the reported time to payable time.

reported time

Following Time Admin, payable time is generated and the date becomes a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink triggers a pop up display of payable time detail for that day.

payable time

pay time detail

For more information on the Time Administration process including when it runs each day refer to TL- Time Administration.

Earning Comp Time

Some employees may be eligible to earn compensatory time in lieu of overtime for hours reported in excess of 40 for the workweek. Comp time is granted at the discretion of the employing department.

If the employee has a comp time balance exceeding 80 hours a Time and Labor Exception will be generated and no payable time on the day of the exception will be processed until the exception is resolved. The employee will not be allowed to earn/use comp time until their comp time balance has been reduced to 80 hours or less. This can be accomplished by processing a Comp Time Payout (using the CTPAY TRC) for the employee. Once the employee's comp time balance is reduced, the employee will be able to earn/use comp time hours. For information on processing a compensatory time payout please refer to TL - Compensatory Time Payout or TL - Compensatory Time Payout upon Termination.

1. To earn comp time in lieu of overtime, put a checkmark in one of the boxes in the Comp Time column within the week. Only one box within the week needs to be checked in order for overtime earnings to calculate as comp time.

earn comp
2. Click Submit.

Using Comp Time

An employee's comp time balance can be viewed on the Compensatory Time tab in the summary section of the timesheet. The comp time balance is reflective of what is available as of the start of the Calendar Period when viewing the entire period, the start of the week when viewing by week, or as of a specific day when viewing by day.

summary 4

1. To use comp time hours, select the CTUSE time reporting code from the Time/Absence code dropdown and enter the quantity of hours to be used.

2. Click Submit.

Comp Time Error

If the employee has no comp time balance or the amount of the comp time usage exceeds the comp time balance, an error message will occur.

In the error message shown, the employee is trying to use one more hour of comp time than is available in their balance. (Note: This error is a bit misleading because the employee is trying to use too many hours, however the comp time balance may not go negative).

comp time error
The number of hours associated with the CTUSE time reporting code must be reduced to an appropriate amount before the timesheet can be submitted.

Additional Elements

Some departments may use additional time reporting features, such as Taskgroup, Task Profile ID, TCD ID (Time Collection Device ID), or Lunch Deduct. These elements are accessed by clicking the "Additional Elements" tab. For more information on Taskgroup/Task Profile IDs refer to TL - Taskgroup/Task Profile Reference Setup.

additional elements

Once expanded, enter the desired information into the appropriate fields. You may choose for the additional elements section to remain expanded each time you access the timesheet. To default the expanded timesheet view, put a checkmark in the "Show all columns by default" box prior to submitting the timesheet.

default expand

Copy from Previous

Depending on the timesheet view you are using, the Copy from Previous feature allows you to copy reported time and absences from the previous period, week, or day. If an employee works the same or similar hours from week to week, this feature saves the amount of manual entry necessary to complete the timesheet. Once time is copied, you may then make any additional necessary changes before submitting.

In the below example, time is reported for the first week of the period, with the "View By" set to Week view. On Friday the employee used 8 hours of vacation.

week 1

1. To copy the same hours into the next week, click the "Next Week" link.

next week

2. On the blank week, click "Copy from Previous Week"

copy from previous

3. All reported time and absences from the prior week will populate.

copied hours

4. If any changes are necessary, update/delete the punch times or absence rows accordingly.  If non of the copied punches from the prior week are going to be used for a particular day, you must delete the line, just removing the punches won't work. When finished, click Submit.

The Copy from Previous button will update depending on if you are viewing the timesheet by Day, Week, or Calendar period and will function accordingly.

View By Day: 

copy day

View by Calendar Period: 

copy period

Reviewing Absence Balances

View the employee's Absence Balances by clicking the "Absence Balances" tab in the summary section underneath the punch timesheet.
NOTE: More information about each column can be found by clicking on the blue i (information icon)
  • Posted Leave Balances show balance totals as of the last completed payroll (Available Balance).
  • Projected Balancesshows all absences that have been entered, approved and run through overnight processing, for the current and/or future pay periods.
    • Beginning Balance – balance as of the end of the last pay period processed.
    • Current Usage – any requests entered for current pay period that have been approved and overnight processing has run.
    • Current Balance – beginning balance minus current usage.
    • Future Usage - any requests entered for future pay period(s) that have been approved and overnight processing has run.
    • Future Balance - beginning balance minus current usage and future usage.
PHITS balance

Banked Leave Conversion

1. To enter a banked leave conversion take, selected "Convert Vac Banked Lv (CLS)"  Time / Absence Code on a non-scheduled day during the month of December.

2. Fill in the number of hours you would like to convert and payout based upon the employee's eligibility statement.

sabbatical conversion
3. Click Submit.

Overtime and Differentials

Overtime and differentials are automatically calculated through the Time Administration process for nonexempt/hourly employees. It is not necessary to use overtime or differential Time Reporting Codes for FLSA nonexempt/hourly employees. Rules have been built within Time Admin which will analyze the employee type, time worked and absences, time of day worked, etc., and then automatically generate overtime and differential pay as applicable.

Employees with Multiple Jobs

If your employee search was for one employee who has multiple jobs, click the Next Empl/Job hyperlink at the top of the timesheet to go to the employee's previous or next Empl Rcd. If you employee search was for a group of employees, click the Next Empl/Job hyperlink to move to the next employee in your group selection. (Note: The group of employees retruned in the selection results will be sorted alphabetically by last name).

multiple job 1

The timesheet retains the time period from the previous screen.

Multiple job 2
Enter time for the employee's other job(s), remember to click Submit before exiting the timesheet.

Employees with Alternate Work Week Schedules

If an alternate work schedule is approved by the employing department, automatic generation of overtime may be avoided by using the ALTWK Time Reporting Code. This may be necessary in cases where an employee works more hours one week and less the next, for example a 36/44 schedule. To ensure hours calculate at the straight rate for the second week, associate the ALTWK TRC to any hours over 40 that should not be processed as overtime.
In the example below, the employee crosses 40 hours at 12:30 on Friday of the 2nd week in the pay period. This allows for the shift to be broken at lunch with the remaining 4 hours associated to the ALTWK TRC. **Note: In some cases it may be necessary to break the shift at a different point.
Add a row and enter the punch times for hours associated with the ALTWK TRC.
alternative week

Shift Crossing Midnight/Spanning Two Days

If the employee's shift spans two days (starting on one day and crossing over midnight to another day) and if the shift is not part of an assigned schedule, it will be necessary to add rows to enter the shift times. For example, and employee is asked to work an additional night shift on Monday.

Timesheet before changes for second shift:

span mid

1. Click the '+' button to add a new row for 6/25.

add row for shift

A new row is added for 6/25.

new row added

2. Add the start time for the second shift.

shift start

3. Since this shift ends after midnight but does not take the place of the Tuesday shift, click the '+' button to add a row for Tuesday, 6/26. Enter the Shift Out time on the new row.

shift out

4. After clicking Submit, the rows and punch times will be sorted appropriately.


If a meal break is taken during the extra shift, be sure to include break out/break in punches accordingly.

If the second shift takes the place of the schedule shift on Wednesday, remove the Wednesday scheduled hours as detailed in the "Overriding Default Scheduled Hours" section of this document.

Shift Ending at Midnight

If the employee's shift ends at midnight, the Shift Out time may be entered in one of two ways. It can be entered on the same day, using 11:59:59pm, or the shift out time may be entered on the next day.

Shift end time on the same day:

same day

Shift end time on the next day:

shift end next day

Work on Legal Holiday

For information on reporting time when an employee works on a Legal Holiday, refer to TL - Work on Legal Holiday.

Additional Resources

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Keywordstimesheet, time sheet, punch, times, hours, reported, payable, icon, submitted, exception, absence, sick, vacation, classified, personal holiday, legal holiday, university staff, convert, conversion, sabbatical, biweekly, nonexempt, non exempt, student, temporary, limited term, lunch deduct, auto lunch, autolunch, schedule TL, AM, Time, Labor, Absence Management   Doc ID82812
OwnerNeal W.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2018-06-11 14:50:03Updated2024-05-14 10:48:42
SitesUW–Shared Services
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