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Creating and Maintaining Time and Labor Security in HRS


After an employee is hired, rehired or has a job change, enrollment into Time & Labor is automatically handled via a nightly enrollment job. In addition to enrollment, Time & Labor Security must also be setup or reviewed for any necessary updates. Payroll coordinators and approvers need to be assigned prior to the employee submitting time to allow for workflow to be generated so an employee's time and/or absence request can be approved. Time approval is a required step in the payroll process. The maintenance of TL Security is the responsibility of the HR Staff or Payroll Coordinators. This set up allows the supervisor, backup supervisor, and/or Payroll Coordinator to approve an employee's time or absence request prior to a payroll calc. Within TL Security, student differentials, meal deductions, and time and absence entry methods are also assigned. The TL Security page also controls the dynamic provisioning of security roles for Payroll Coordinators and Approvers. To remove a dynamic security role for a user, the user must be removed from all active employee TL Security pages.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Navigating to Maintain/Create TL Security

1. Navigate to: Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Create (or) Maintain TL Security:

2. Enter the person's Empl ID.

Maintain TL Security Page Enter Employee ID

3. If this is a NEW EMPLOYEE or if a NEW EMPL RECORD is being added for an existing employee, use Create TL Security. This can also be used if an existing employee has NOT had a TL Security Page created for that empl record previously.

Create TL Security Page Enter Employee ID


  • The Create TL Security Data page can only be used for employees that do not have an existing TL Security page for that empl record.  
  • When updating an existing TL Security Data page, use the Maintain TL Security Data page.

Creating TL Security for New Employee or New Position for an Existing Employee

When an employee is hired a TL Security page must be created at the same time to assure the accurate and timely processing of the employee's Payable Time and Absence Requests.  If an employee is rehired or transfers into a position, the employee's existing TL Security page should also be updated with a new effective dated row.  The effective date of the new row added to the TL Security page should be the same as the effective date of the job action row in JOB. Keeping the employee's TL Security page updated is very important to assure the accurate and timely processing of Payable Time and Absence Requests.

1. Click in Effective Date field and enter the employee's Start Date. The effective date should equal the employee's hire effective date on Job Data. The effective date will initially be blank until manually updated.

TL Security Page Enter Effective Date

TL Security Page Effective Date

2. The Payroll Coordinator field will automatically be defaulted once the effective date is entered.  The default is dependent on the employee’s Campus, Division/Department and Employee Classification combination.  If there isn’t a default defined for the employee’s Campus, Division/Department and Employee Classification combination, the field will remain blank and needs to be entered manually.  To request an update to the existing default payroll coordinator configuration or to have a new configuration set up, please complete the Default Payroll Coordinator Template and submit it on a Help Desk ticket to be processed.  

NOTE: When an existing employee is transferring, if the receiving department does not have a default coordinator set up, the old payroll coordinators configuration will pull through on the new TL Security row.  Be sure to review these fields, ensuring incorrect payroll coordinators are not assigned to the employee. 

  • To manually enter, click into the Payroll Coordinator field and enter EMPLID. Use the Magnifying Glass to view a list and search for a person. To narrow the search, enter the Last Name and First Name of the Person as well as the Department code (ex: N242400, the alpha letter 'N' designates UW-Whitewater).
  • Click the "Plus" button to add another Payroll Coordinator and repeat Search Mechanism or enter the additional EmplIDs.

    TL Security Page Payroll Coordinators

    TL Security Page Insert New Payroll Coordinator Row

3. Click the UW Approver field and enter the Empl ID of the intended Time Approver. Use the Magnifying Glass to view a list and search for a person. To narrow the search, enter the Last Name and First Name of the person as well as the Department code (ex: N242400, the alpha letter 'N' designates UW-Whitewater).

  • Click the "Plus" button to add another Approver and repeat Search Mechanism or enter the additional Empl IDs.

4. Click into the UW Approver Backup field and enter the EMPLID of the intended Approver Backup. Use the Magnifying Glass to view a list and search for a person. To narrow the search, enter the Last Name and First Name of the person as well as the Department code (ex: N242400, the alpha letter 'N' designates UW-Whitewater).

  • Click the "Plus" button to add another Backup Approver and repeat Search Mechanism or the additional EmplIDs.
  • As a best practice there should only be one Primary Approver.  All other approvers for the employee should be entered as a Backup Approver.

5.    If Approvers are non UW Staff use the fields for Non UW Approver and Non UW Approver Backup fields (these are usually off campus supervisors who are supervising work study students).

TL Security Page Insert New Approver Row

6. Click the Time Reporter Information tab.

7. Assign Student Differentials, Exam Differentials, and Meal Deductions, if applicable.  Use the Magnifying Glass to view a list and select an appropriate code.

9.2_Warning_Sign.pngNOTE: If an employee's assigned schedule includes a meal deduction, it must be added on this page.  If the employee's schedule changes to exclude the meal deduction, a new row should be added to the TL Security page to exclude the meal deduction.

8. Select a TCD Group, if applicable (this is used by those units using Time Collection Devices).

9. Select a Task Group, if applicable (this is currently being used by only a few units).

10. The Active TL Security check box is checked if the employee is active in Time and Labor.

  • 21 days after an employee has been given a status of ‘Terminated’ in the Job Data record the employee will automatically be removed from the build of the Approver's Static (B-E) Group ID and the Payroll Coordinator's Static ‘A’ Group.  Please refer to Employee Search Options in HRS  for an overview of Static and Dynamic Group IDs.

11. The employees Time Entry Method will automatically be defaulted once the effective date is entered.  The default is dependent on the employee's Campus/Division/Department and Employee Classification.  If there isn't a default defined for the employee's Campus/Division/Department and Employee Classification combination, the field will remain blank and will need to be entered manually.  To request an update to existing Default Time Entry Methods or creation of a new Default Time Entry Method configuration please complete the Default Time Entry Methods template and submit on a Help Desk ticket to be processed.

  • To manually enter , select the employee's Time Entry Method as a TL User and AM User, as applicable.  The TL User options are: Timesheet, Time Clock, Web Clock or None.  The AM User options are AM ESS or None.

    TL Security Page Student Diferentials and Time Entry Method

12. Review the information on the Time Approver Information and Time Reporter Information tabs carefully.

13. Click the Save button.

To the top

Maintaining TL Security for an Existing Employee whose Position has a TL Security Record

1. Click the "Plus" button to add a new row.

TL Security Page Insert New Effective Dated RowTL Security Page Effective Date

2.  The Effective Date should be the first day of the pay period whenever possible.  When a new row is inserted on the page, the Effective Date defaults to blank.  If there is an existing TL Security row and corrections or changes need to be made to the row, insert a new row and change the Effective Date to the first day of the pay period.  If the new inserted row has the same Effective Date as the prior row, then the Sequence number will automatically increase by 1.

3.  The Payroll Coordinator field will automatically be defaulted once the effective date is entered.  The default is dependent on the employee's Campus, Division/Department and Employee Classification combination.  If there isn't a default defined for the employee's Campus, Division/Department and Employee Classification combination, the field will be populated from the prior effective dated row on the employee's TL Security page.  To request an update to the existing default payroll coordinator configuration or to have a new configuration set up, please complete the Default Payroll Coordinator Template and submit it on a Help Desk ticket for processing.

  • To manually enter, click the Payroll Coordinator field and enter the EMPLID of the intended coordinator.  Use the Magnifying Glass to view a list and search for a person.  To narrow the search, enter the Last Name and First Name of the person as well as the Department code (ex: N242400, the alpha letter 'N' designates UW-Whitewater).
  • Click the "Plus" button to add another Payroll Coordinator and repeat Search Mechanism or enter the additional EmplIDs.

4.  Make changes to the fields for UW Approver and UW Approver Backup as applicable.

  • Enter a new Backup Approver EmplID in an existing blank field if possible.
  • Click the "Plus" button to add another row and repeat Search Mechanism or enter the additional EmplIDs.
    • As a best practice there should only be one Primary Approver.  All other approvers for an employee should be entered as Backup Approvers.
  • Changing an existing Approver or Backup Approver
    • Remove the EmplID from the (Approver and/or Backup Approver) field.
    • Click the Save button
    • Enter the new EmplID into the appropriate field.

5.  Make changes to the fields for Non UW Approver and Non UW Approver Backup as applicable.

6.  Use the Magnifying Glass to view a list and search for a person.  To narrow the search, enter the Last Name and First Name of the person as well as the Department code (ex. N242400, the alpha letter 'N' designates UW-Whitewater).

TL Security Page Insert Approvers

7. Click the Time Reporter Information tab.

8. Make changes to the fields for Student Differentials, Exam Differentials, Meal Deductions, TCD Group, Taskgroup, and Time Entry Methods if applicable.  Click the Magnifying Glass to view a list and select an appropriate code. 

9.2_Warning_Sign.png  NOTE: If an employee's assigned schedule includes a meal deduction, it must be added on this page.  If the employee's schedule changes to exclude the meal deduction, a new row should be added to the TL Security page to exclude the meal deduction.

9. The Time Entry Method field will automatically be defaulted once the effective date is entered.  The default is dependent on the employee's Campus, Division/Department and Employee Classification combination.  If there isn't a default defined for the employee's Campus, Division/Department and Employee Classification combination, the field will be populated from the prior effective dated row on the TL Security page.  To request an update to existing Default Time Entry Methods or creation of a new Default Time Entry Method configuration please complete the Default Time Entry Methods template and submit to your Affinity Group.

  • To manually enter, click the down arrow next to each of the Time Entry Method fields and Select the employee's Time and Labor and Absence Management time entry methods as applicable.  The TL User options are: Timesheet, Time Clock, Web Clock or None.  The AM User options are AM ESS or None.

    TL Security Page Student Differentials

10. Review the information on the Time Approver Information and Time Reporter information tabs carefully.

11. Click the Save button to save your work.

Job Change Mid-Period for Existing Employee

1. If the employee has a job change with an effective date that is not at the start of the pay period, the Maintain TL Security page will have to be set up so that temporarily the employee's current and new supervisors, as well as current and new payroll coordinators, will be able to approve time for the pay period.

Note: The losing and gaining unit payroll coordinators will need to confer to determine who will make the changes to the Maintain TL Security record. Depending on the effective date of the job change, either the losing unit will make the change or the gaining unit will make the change. This will depend on whether the job change effective date is in the current pay period or whether it is future-dated.

2. The most current record will show the current payroll coordinators and supervisor(s) (UW Approver).

TL Security Page Time Approver Information Tab
3. Click the "Plus" button to insert a new effective dated row on the TL Security page. Enter the same date in the Effective Date field as the employee's effective dated row for the position change in Job Data.

TL Security Page Insert New Effective Dated Row

The Effective Date field will initially default to blank and will need to be entered manually.

TL Security Page Add Effective Date
4. Once the date has been entered in the Effective Date field, the payroll coordinators will default automatically on to the page. Because the effective date entered is the same date as the date of the employees job change, the default payroll coordinators will be from the gaining unit.

If default payroll coordinators have not been configured for the gaining unit, the payroll coordinators will then have to be added manually for the gaining unit.

TL Security Page Payroll Coordinators

5. The payroll coordinators from the losing unit then need to be added.

To add a new row for the payroll coordinators from the losing unit, click on the ‘Plus’ button.

TL Security Page Add New Payroll Coordinator Row

6.  The Approvers and Backup Approvers will also need to be added for the gaining unit.  The Approvers and Backup Approvers from the losing unit will automatically be brought forward from the previous effective dated row.

          To add a new row for the Approvers from the gaining unit, click on the ‘Plus’ button.

TL Security Page Add Approvers

7.  To remove the temporary access for the losing unit, another future effective dated row needs to be inserted on the TL Security page by clicking on the ‘Plus’ button.  The effective date of the new row should be the first day the next pay period after the start date of the employee.

TL Security Page Insert Effective Dated Row

Once the date has been entered in the Effective Date field, the payroll coordinators will default on to the page from the gaining unit.

TL Security Page Add Effective Date
8. The approvers from the previous effective dated row will automatically be brought forrward.  Remove the approvers from the losing unit by clicking on the ‘Minus‘ button.

TL Security Page Remove Approver Row
TL Security Page Approvers

9. Select the Time Reporter Information Tab to verify if the following fields require updating for the employee:

a. Student Differentials
b. Exam Differentials
c. Meal Deduction
d. Task Group
e.  TCD Group (Time Collection Device Group, only for applicable departments)

10. The Time Entry Method will have automatically defaulted on the page when the effective date was entered on the Time Approver Information tab.  If the default Time Entry Method has not been configured for the gaining unit, the Time Entry Method from the prior effective dated row will be brought forward to the new row.  Adjust the Time Entry Method as needed.

TL Security Page Time Entry Method
11. Review the information on the Time Approver Information and Time Reporter Information tabs carefully.

12. Click Save to save your work.

To the top

Maintaining TL Security After Employee's Termination

When an employee is terminated in Job Data the system will automatically remove the employee from the Approver's Static Groups (B – E) and the Payroll Coordinator’s Static Group (A) 21 days after termination. However, if you wish to remove the employee from Static Groups earlier than the 21 day period, use the following steps.

NOTE: Terminated employees will remain in the Payroll Coordinator's F Dynamic Group indefinitely. The below procedure applies to Static Groups only.

1. Click the "Plus" icon to add a new record. Change the Effective Date to be the effective date of the employee's termination.

TL Security Page Insert New Effective Dated Row

2. Click the Time Reporter Information tab.

TL Security Page Active TL Security Flag

3. On the Time Reporter Information tab, uncheck the Active TL Security check box. This will remove terminated employees from Static groups.

4. Click Save to save your work.

To the top

Automated Time Reporter Roles

1. To change an employee's Time Reporter Role or Absence Self-Service Role (Timesheet, Time Clock, Web Clock, or AM ESS access), update the Maintain TL Security page to reflect the desired updates.

2. Add a new row on the Time Approver Information tab to update the employee's time entry method.

3. The Effective Date field will initially default to blank and will need to be entered manually.

TL Security Page Insert New Effective Dated Row

TL Security Page Enter Effective Date
9.2_Warning_Sign.pngNOTE:  Make sure the effective date is the beginning of a pay period.
4. Select the Time Reporter Information tab to assign the time entry methods to the employee.

5. Under the Time Entry Method section, update the TL User role and/or AM User role, where applicable.

TL Security Page Time Entry Method

6. Click Save to finalize the update.

7. The employee will be assigned the role identified on the TL Security page within twelve hours after the provisioning process has run.

Management of the Provisioning of Payroll Coordinator and Approver Dynamic Security Roles

Dynamic security roles for Payroll Coordinators and Approvers are managed on the TL Security page by the HR Staff or Payroll Coordinators.  If a user is listed as a Payroll Coordinator or Approver on at least one active employee's TL Security page, the user will automatically be provisioned the appropriate Payroll Coordinator or Supervisor dynamic security role(s).  To remove a dynamic security role from a user's security profile, the user must first be removed as a Payroll Coordinator and/or Approver from all active employee's TL Security pages.  Once the user has been removed from all active employee's TL Security pages, the dynamic security role(s) will be removed automatically from the user's security profile.  To assure that the Payroll Coordinator and Approver dynamic security roles are being provisioned to the appropriate users, it is important to keep TL Security pages updated and accurate.   

Dynamic Security Roles

UW_UNV_TL Camp Div PY Admin: This dynamic security role will be automatically provisioned to a user if they are listed as a Payroll Coordinator on at least one active employee's TL Security page.  This role will grant access to review and approve time.  It will also grant the ability to report/change time entries, assign schedules, maintain an employee's payroll coordinators, time approvers and other TL Security information.

UW_UNV_TL Supervisor : This dynamic security role will be automatically provisioned to a user if they are listed as an Approver on at least one active employee's TL Security page. This role will grant access to review and approve time, approve and mange their employee's absence requests. Allows users to view Absence History and Balances for their staff as well.
1.  To change or remove a Payroll Coordinator or Approver, navigate to the Maintain TL Security page, enter in the employee's ID and Job Record in the Search Criteria and then click the Search button.
2.  When the employee's TL Security page appears, add a new row on the Time Approver Information tab of the TL Security page.

TL Security Page

3. The Effective Date field will initially default to blank and needs to be entered manually.  The effective date entered should be the same as the effective date used on the row with the job action on the employee's JOB page.

Job Data Page

Time Approver Information Tab

4.  If default Payroll Coordinators have been configured for the employee's department and employee classification, the current default Payroll Coordinators will appear.  If the Payroll Coordinator defaults haven't been configured, then the Payroll Coordinators from the prior row on the TL Security page will pull forward to the new row.

TL Security Page

5.  Approvers will be pulled forward from the previous effective dated row on the TL Security page.
6.  Adjust the Payroll Coordinators and Approvers accordingly using the '+' and '-' buttons on the row being updated.
7.  When all updates have been completed, review the information on the Time Approver Information tab carefully.

8.  Click the Save button to save your work.

Additional Resources

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Keywordssetting up supervisors add payroll coordinators assign student differentials assign meal deduction automate time reporter roles timesheet access webclock access time clock access AM ESS access assign time entry methods hire rehire TL, AM, Time, Labor, Absence Management, dynamic security role   Doc ID17043
OwnerNeal W.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-02-23 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:48:05
SitesUW–Shared Services
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