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Running the Missing From CAT Report


This report is intended to identify employees that exist in Job Data, but are missing in the Compensation Administration Tool (CAT).

Process Considerations:

  • Reasons an employee may be missing in the CAT may include:
    • Hired after the Initialization Report (IR) was run
    • Hired before the first of the next Fiscal Year
    • The employee record was excluded while working in the Initialization Report
    • The employee record was excluded while working in the Institutional Planning Spreadsheet (IPS)
  • This report should be run regularly, after the IPS is loaded into the CAT
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Navigate to Workforce Administration > UW External HR Systems > Compensation Admin Tool > CAT Reports > Missing From CAT Report
  2. Click Search under the Find an Existing Value tab to select a previously created Run Control ID, or create a new Run Control ID by selecting Add a New Value.  To create a Run Control ID, assign a unique identifier as the Run Control ID (eg. initials_date_etc.) into the Run Control ID box and select Add.

    NOTE:  The Run Control ID sets the report parameters.  Users can create one ID and use it to run multiple processes and reports, or create a new ID for each process or report.

    • Select the upcoming Fiscal Year used for CAT budget planning purposes.  This field will default to the latest Fiscal Year setup in the CAT.
    • Select a Business Unit
    • If desired, select a Division
    • If desired, select a DepartmentEnter parameters to define the criteria for the Missing From CAT Report.
    • If available, the Department field will become editable when the user selects a Division from the search tool or enters one manually and presses the tab button.
  3. Click Select Values in the Employee Class box if you wish to exclude certain Employee Classes from the report.  The default is for all Employee Classes to be included.  Employee Classes that are not included in the CAT will not pull onto CAT reports.
  4. Click Save in the bottom left to save the parameters for the report.
  5. Click Run in the top right to run the report.
  6. User will be automatically directed to the Process Scheduler Request page.  From this page, select OK.
  7. Note the Process Instance number under the Process Monitor link.  This designates the specific instance of the report run.

  8. Click Process Monitor at the top right of the window.  Search for your Process Instance number under the Process List, which will indicate the status of the report generation.  When the report is complete, the Run Status will be "Success" and the Distribution Status will be "Posted."
    • If Run Status is "Queued," it indicates that the report generation is waiting to start.
    • If Run Status is "Blocked," it indicates that another process or report is being run.  Do not resubmit your report.  It will be queued as soon as the other process or report has completed.
    • If Run Status is "Processing," it indicates that the report is being generated.
    • Click Refresh at the top right of the window to refresh the status of the document.

  9. Once the Run Status is equal to "Success" and the Distribution Status is equal to "Posted," download the output.
    • Click Details
    • Click View Log/Trace at the bottom right of the window.

  10. Under File List, click the file with the .xls extension to download the output.  NOTE:  You may have two .xls outputs if you have additional splits.

  11. When opening the file in Excel, if an error message appears indicating that "the file you are trying to in a different format than specified by the file extension," click Yes

    Note that different internet browsers may have different opening processes.

    CAT 9
  12. Review the report.
  13. Open the downloaded Excel file:
    • A description of the different header fields of the output is below.
    • Review each record, and determine if that employee is eligible for Merit or should be added to the CAT.
    • If a particular employee record should be added, navigate to Workforce Administration > Compensation Administration Tool > CAT Page > Add a Value
    • Enter the Employee ID (Empl_ID) and Employee Record (Empl_Rcd) number
    • A blank CAT page will appear for the user to enter rate increases and funding information.


 Field Name  Description
 Run Control ID  The Run Control identification entered when the report was created.
 Run Date  The date the report was created
 Fiscal Year  The Fiscal Year selected in the Run Control
 Business Unit  The Business Unit selected in the Run Control
 Division  The Division (if any) selected in the Run Control
 Process Instance  The unique number assigned by PeopleSoft for each report or process run
 Run By  The unique user identification number of the user who ran the report
 Employee Class  The Employee Classes included on the report's Run Control parameters
 Department  The Department (if any) selected in the Run Control
 Column  Description
 FISCAL YEAR  The upcoming Fiscal Year that is active in the CAT
 The Business Unit of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Home Department of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Employee ID of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Employee Record Number of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Employee's Name of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Employee Class of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Employee Position Number of the Employee Record from HRS
 JOBCODE  The Job Code of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Title of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Continuity Code of the Employee Record from HRS
 The Full Time Equivalent of the Employee Record from HRS
 PAY BASIS  The Pay Basis of the Employee Record from HRS
 COMPRATE  The Compensation Rate of the Employee Record from HRS
 ANNUALIZED FULL TIME RATE (1 FTE)  The Annualized Full Time Rate (annual salary as of 1 FTE) from HRS
 EXPECTED END DATE  The Expected Job End Date of the Employee Record from HRS if applicable
 FUND CODE (1,2,3,4,5)  The Fund of the Funding String(s) of the Employee Record from HRS
 DEPARTMENT (1,2,3,4,5)  The Department ID number of the Funding String(s) of the Employee Record from HRS
 PROGRAM (1,2,3,4,5)
 The Program of the Funding String(s) of the Employee Record from HRS
 PROJECT ID (1,2,3,4,5)
 The Project ID number of the Funding String(s) of the Employee Record from HRS

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Jessica R. in UW–Shared Services
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