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Viewing the Summary Reporting Page in CAT


The CAT Summary Reporting Page is an online page that allows end users to summarize key metrics critical for analyzing compensation distribution against the employee population.
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The CAT Summary Report is an online page within the CAT solution that allows users to summarize key metrics critical for analyzing compensation distribution against the employee population.  This page allows for flexibility in summarizing information from the CAT page, focusing on compensation changes and Continuing Staff Basis. Users can access the Summary Reporting page to monitor the allocated compensation changes as a percentage of the continuing staff base to make sure it is meeting the pay plan guidelines.

The CAT Summary Report only reflects data entered into the CAT page and does not include data from the AAP page. The report calculates data for “CSB FTE” and “CSB Amount” marked as yes in the “Add Salary to Continuing Staff Base?” check box from the CAT page and only summarizes data for the  Action Reasons that are marked “Include in CSB” on the Annual Setup Page for each institution. For reference, please see the Annual Setup KB on the CAT Project User Acceptance Testing web page.

CAT Summary Page Functionality

Search Criteria Section

CAT Summary Page

1.  Parameters
  • Fiscal Year
  • Funding Business Unit
  • Funding Division
  • Funding Department
  • Fund
  • Program
  • Project ID
  • Staff Type
  • Employee Class
  • Action Reason
2.  The Drill Down radio button provides the option to view data at a greater level of detail.
  • Example:  Reviewing Funding Division totals in a particular funding Business Unit.
search criteria
  • The following applies when using the Drill Down button:
    • Only one can be selected at a time
    • Corresponding Roll Up must be "unchecked"
    • Funding Division cannot be drilled down without first specifying the Funding Business Unit
    • Funding Department cannot be drilled down unless both Funding Division and Funding Business Unit are specified
    • Fund, Program, Project ID, Staff Type, Empl Class, and Action Reason can all be drilled down to the Fiscal Year, Funding Business Unit, Funding Division, and/or Funding Department level
      • These do not involve a hierarchy of steps like Funding  Business Unit, Funding Division, and Funding Department do

3.  Selection Type is used to define a specific Parameter value

  • Roll Up check box must be "unchecked" to enter a value

4.  The Roll Up check box determines the level of detail the report returns

  • Unchecked - Must define a specific value for those particular parameters
  • Checked - All amounts within the parameters will be included in the results

5.  Description gives a long description of the Selection Type.

6.  Control buttons on the CAT Summary Page include:
  • Run button is used to retrieve report results based on parameters entered
  • Clear Drill Down button removes selected Drill Down
  • Reset All button resets all Search Result criteria to their defaulted values
7.  Search Save provides the option to save any Search Criteria
  • Saved searches are for informational purposes only, and will not default any Search Criteria fields

Results Section & Output Value Overview

Based on input parameters, employee population included in Continuing Staff Base (CSB), Action Reasons included in CSB and Base Increase Percent by Action Reason, the results table lists totals for CSB FTE, CSB Amount, Non-Merit Percent, Non-Merit Amount, Merit Percent, Merit Amount, Merit Percent of CSB, and Variance. It is important for the user to understand where these output values come from, and what they do and do not include.

CAT Summary Page - Results Section

summary page results

1.  Parameters
  • Description:  Displays report parameters entered in the Search Criteria section.
    • Note:  When Roll Up is selected in the Search Criteria, "ALL" will display when Roll Up is selected
  • Description:  The CSB FTE is the sum of all Budgeted FTE for all employees who are included in the Continuing Staff Base.
  • Example:

A.  Employees who's Add Salary to Continuing Staff Base? box "checked" are included in the CSB FTE total

B.  Those employee's Budgeted FTE are then added to the CSB FTE total

Input Value(s) - CAT Summary Page

compensation and funding data

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

budgeted FTE

3.  CSB Amount

  • Description:  The CSB Amount is the sum of employee base compensation plus compensation changes that are included in the CSB.
    • Formula:  (Comp Rate + Change Amount ($)) * Budgeted FTE = CSB Amount
  • Example:

A.  First, only employees with the Add Salary to Continuing Staff Base checkbox "checked" will be included in the CSB Amount calculation.

B.  those Employees Comp Rates (annualized salary) will then be added to the CSB Amount.

Input Value(s) - CAT Page

values on CAT page

C.  In addition, Compensation Changes are added based on whether the Action Reasons is indicated to be Included in CSB - this is defined on the Annual Setup page.

Input Value(s) - Annual Setup Page

annual set up page

D.  The Change Amount ($) for all Action Reasons are marked to be Included in CSB will be added to the CSB Amount.

Input Value(s) - CAT Page

change in duties

E.  Budgeted FTE is then multiplied by the total amount (base salaries + comp changes).

Input Value(s) - CAT Page

input values on CAT page

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

CSB Amount

4.  Non-Merit & Non-Chancellor Discretionary Amt

  • Description: Non-Merit & Non-Chancellor Discretionary Amount is the sum of all non-merit compensation and non-chancellor discretionary Change Amounts ($) entered on the CAT Page

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

non-merit and non-chancelor discretionary

5.  Merit Percent

  • Description: The Merit Percent is a fixed percent defined by each Funding Business Unit for merit compensation increases.
  • Example:

Input Value(s) - Annual Setup Page

input merit

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

merit percentage

6.  Merit % of CSB

  • Description:  Merit % of CSB represents the CSB Amount multiplied by the Merit Percent.
  • Formula: CSB Amount * Merit Percent = Merit % of CSB
  • Example:

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

percent of CSB

7.  Merit Amount

  • Description: The Merit Amount represents the sum of all employees' merit compensation Change Amounts ($) defined on the CAT Page.
  • Example:

Input Value(s) - CAT Page

019 merit increase

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

merit amount

8.  Chan Discr Percent
  • Description: The Chan Discr Percent is a fixed percent defined by each Funding Business Unit for Chancellor Discretionary compensation increases.
  • Example:

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

chancellor discretionary percentage

9. Chancellor's Discretionary % of CSB

  • Description:  Chancellor's Discretionary % of CSB represents the CSB Amount multiplied by the Chan Discr Percent.
  • Formula: CSB Amount * Chan Discr Percent = Chancellor's Discretionary % of CSB
  • Example:

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

chancellors discretionary percent of CSB

10. Chancellor's Discretionary Amount

  • Description:  The Chancellor's Discretionary Amount represents the sum of all employees' Chancellor's Discretionary compensation Change Amounts ($) defined on the CAT Page.
  • Example:

Output Results - CAT Summary Page

chancellors discretionary amount

11.  Merit and Chancellor's Discr Total
  • Description: The Merit and Chancellor's Discr Total represents the sum of all employees' merit and chancellor's discretionary compensation Change Amounts ($) defined on the CAT Page.
  • Example:

Input Value(s) - CAT Page

merit and discretionary totals

12.  Variance

  • Description:  Calculated by subtracts the Merit % of CSB from Merit Amount to identify fund Variance.
    • Positive amount represents remaining available money for merit increases
    • Negative amount represents amount over allotted Merit Percent
  • Formula:  Merit % of CSB - Merit Amount = Variance

Output Results - CAT Summary Page



1.  Navigate to Main Menu > Workforce Administration > UW External HR Systems > Compensation Admin Tool > Summary Reporting Page.

2.  Enter desired Fiscal Year

  • This field will default to the latest fiscal year setup in the CAT

3.  Click the Run button

4.  Review the Results

  • Results return one string of information for the defined Fiscal Year.

5.  Next, select the Drill Down radio button next to Funding Business Unit.

6.  Click the Run button

7.  Review the Results, which will return a totals row for each Funding Business Unit

  • Note:  Funding Business Units returned may be limited based on security permissions

8.  Select one of the yellow Drill Down buttons on the right-hand side of the Results to view Funding Division totals for a particular Funding Business Unit

  • The following should occur in the "Search Criteria"
    • Funding Business Unit auto-populates
    • "Uncheck" corresponding Roll Up box
    • Drill Down button selected for Funding Division

9.  Click the Run button

10.  Review the Results which will return a totals row for each Funding Division within the Funding Business Unit

11.  Select one of the yellow Drill Down buttons  on the right-hand side of the Results to view Funding Department totals within a particular Funding Division

  • The following should occur in the "Search Criteria"
    • Funding Division auto-populates
    • "Uncheck" corresponding Roll Up box
    • Drill Down button selected for Funding Department
12.  Click the Run button 

13.  Review the Results
  • Results section will show all sub-departments on individual strings
  • Note that Funding Business Unit, Funding Division, and Funding Department function in a hierarchy in which the user must specify the parameters in order as they move from unit to department
14.  Click the Reset All button  

15.  Click the Drill Down button for the empty Funding Division field
  • Notice this will prompt an error message.  Fiscal Year, Funding Business Unit, Funding Department, and Funding Division involve a hierarchy that must be filled in order.  Therefore, the user cannot drill down to Funding Division without first defining Funding Business Unit.



CAT Summary Page
Table 1: Search Criteria:


The optional fields for searching.  Only Fiscal Year is required.  Funding Business Unit, Funding Division, and Funding Department have to be searched together as the user moves down.
Drill Down The parameter for which the results will organize each option as it's own string.
Selection Type The editable fields to set up the search.  the user can either specify a particular parameter or Roll Up all possibilities into the search.

Roll Up The option to include all items for that particular parameter in the search.
 Description The full expression for the abbreviated selection type specified.


*Fiscal Year The desired year to search by - Required
Funding Business Unit The specific UW institution
Funding Division The desired Funding Division within the Funding Business Unit
Funding Department The desired Funding Department within the Funding Division and Funding Business Unit
Fund The specific UW Fund codes
Program The specific UW Program codes
Project ID The specific UW Project ID
Staff Type The specific UW Staff Type from the drop-down menu
Employee Class The specific class of employee
Action / Reason The reason for the given compensation change
Drill Down Organizes each individual item in the given parameter by its own string
Search Tool Opens the search box for the user to find a specific item for the parameter
Roll Up Includes all items in the given parameter in the search
Run Runs the search - results displayed in the Results box
Clear Drill Down Clears any Drill Down button selected in the Search Criteria section
Reset All Returns all fields to their default:  Fiscal Year as 2018, all empty parameters set to Roll Up, no parameters set to Drill Down

CAT Summary Page
Table 2: Results

Fiscal Year The specified year from the Search Criteria section
Funding BU ALL/specified Funding Business Unit(s) from the Search Criteria section
Funding Divsion ALL/specified Funding Division(s) from the Search Criteria section
Funding Department ALL/specified Funding Department(s) from the Search Criteria section
Fund ALL/specified UW Fund Code(s) from the Search Criteria section
Program ALL/specified UW Program Code(s) from the Search Criteria section
Project ID ALL/specified UW Project ID(s) form the Search Criteria section
Staff Type ALL/specified UW Staff Type(s) from the Search Criteria section
Employee Class ALL/specified UW Employee Class(es) from the Search Criteria section
Action / Reason ALL/specified reason(s) for given compensation change from the Search Criteria section
CSB FTE This column displays sum of the FTE for Only employees identified as being in the Continuing Staff Base
CSB Amount Displays sum for all employees identified as being in the Continuing Staff Base
Non-Merit Percent Displays all other compensation increases (excluding Merit 019) for ONLY employees identified as being in the Continuing Staff Base
Non-Merit Amount Non Merit % will only display when Employee Class and Action Reason input parameters are specified or Action Reason is set to "Drill Down"
Merit Percent Displays Merit compensation increase % (Merit 019) for ONLY employees identified as being in the Continuing Staff Base
Merit Amount Displays all Merit compensation increases (Merit 019) for ONLY employees identified as being in the Continuing Staff Base
Merit % of CSB Calculate by Merit % x CSB
Variance Calculated by: Merit % of Base - Merit
Personalize Allows the user to reorder, hide, or freeze columns in the Results section
Find Allows the user to search for key words within the Results section
View All Defaults to inaccessible unless the user uses the Personalize or Find buttons.  View All returns the Results section to all results.  It will then give change to View 20, which if clicked, will return to the inaccessible View All
Zoom - Results Prompts a pop up window of just the results box
Download Allows the user to download the Results section
First Navigates to the first page of results
Last Navigates to the last page of results
[Any Column Header] Organizes the Results section by the chosen field

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KeywordsCompensation Administration Tool report query fiscal year budget merit HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources   Doc ID60505
OwnerJulie P.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2016-02-05 12:42:11Updated2024-05-14 12:57:27
SitesUW–Shared Services
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