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Running the Audit Log Report in CAT
The Audit Log Report pulls records separately from the Audit Log tables for CAT, Vacant Positions and Budget Adjustments, and will therefore output three unique reports. The user will select the desired report output on the run control.User of the CAT will need to view if other users have changed the information on a shared employee. This report will serve as an update notification of these kinds of changes. Users will need to then review the information on this report and communicate with other users to determine if the compensation increases and funding entered in the CAT is correct.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:
Navigate to Workforce Administration > UW External HR Systems > Compensation Administration Tool > CAT Reports > Audit Log Report
Click Search under the Find an Existing Value tab to select a previously created Run Control ID, or create a new Run Control ID by selecting Add a New Value. To create a new Run Control ID, assign a unique identifier as the Run Control ID (eg. initials_date_etc._) into the Run Control ID box and select Add.
Note: Run Control ID sets the report parameters. Users can create one ID, and use it to process multiple reports/processes, or create a new ID for each report/process.
Enter parameters to define criteria for the Audit Log Report.
a. Select the radio button for the desired Report Output Type (CAT Positions, Vacant Positions, or Budget Adjustments):
i. CAT Positions requires either a Business Unit OR Empl_ID.
b. Select the upcoming Fiscal Year used for CAT budgeting planning purposes. This field will default to the latest fiscal year setup in the CAT.
1. When one is edited, the other will become uneditable.
ii. Vacant and Budget Adjustments require a Business Unit
2. If using Business Unit:
a. If desired, select a Division
3. If using Empl_ID:
b. If desired, select a Department
a. If desired, select an Empl Rcd. It is not required and will default to zero.
1. If desired, select a Division
2. If desired, select a Department
3. Note that Empl_ID and Empl_Rcd will become invisible
c. Select a From Date and a To Date to establish the range of dates for which you would like to see changes to the CAT/AAP.
- Click Save in the bottom left to save the parameters for the report.
- Click Run in the top right to run the report.
User will be automatically directed to the Process Scheduler Request page. From this page, select OK.
Note the Process Instance number under the Process Monitor link. This designates the specific instance of the report run.
Click Process Monitor at the top right of the window.
Search for your Process Instance number under Process List, which will indicate the status of the report generation. When the report is complete, Run Status will be "Success" and Distribution Status will be "Posted."
a. If Run Status is "Queued" or "Initiated," it indicates that the report generation is waiting to start.
b. If Run Status is "Blocked," it indicates that another process is being run. Do not resubmit your report to run. It will queue up as soon as the system completes the other process.
c. If Run Status is "Processing," it indicates that the report generation is taking place
d. Click the Refresh button at the top right of the window to refresh the status of the document. -
Once the Run Status hits "Success" and the Distribution Status hits "Posted," download the output.
a. Click Details
b. Click View Log/Trace hyperlink at the bottom right of the window.
c. Under File List, click the file with the .xls extension to download the output.
d. When opening the file, if an error message appears indicating that "the file you are trying to in a different format than specified by the file extension," click Yes.
e. Note that different internet browsers may have different opening processes.
Review the report.
a. Open the downloaded Excel file
i. The outputs for CAT Positions, Vacant Positions and Budget Adjustments are all pictured below.
ii. Reference Tables 1-4 for output field descriptions.
b. If an Empl_ID / Empl_Rcd (from the CAT) or a Position (from the AAP) has had more than one change in the defined period, they will appear multiple times on the report.
c. The Audit Action Column pulls the Action Code associated with the change made in the CAT or AAP
i. A - Row inserted
ii. D - Row deleted
iii. K - Row updated, snapshot before update
iv. N - Row updated, snapshot after update
v. When any change is made to an existing compensation or funding row in CAT, two new rows (K and N) will populate the report.
vi. Changes made to job, compensation and funding data appear as separate rows on the output for CAT Positions, even if they were made at the same time. The 'Source Table' field specifies which type has occurred.
vii. For example, if Jane Doe is deleted from CAT, three new rows will appear on the Audit Log Report.
viii. The fields 'Audit OPRID' and 'EmplRCD' will repeat for each row. Each row will have Audit Action D.ix. The fields Home Dept and Base Comp Rate will only populate for the first row, where the Source Table is 'CAT Job Data Change'
x. The fields Action and Adjusted CAT Annual Salary will only populate for the second row, where the Source Table is 'CAT Rate Data Change'
xi. The fields for Fund and Budgeted Amount will only populate for the third row, where the Source Table is 'CAT Job Data Change'
Table 1: Report Parameters
FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Run Control ID The Run Control identification entered when report was created. Run Date The date the report was created Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year selected in the Run Control Business Unit The institution code selected in the Run Control Division The Division (if any) selected in the Run Control Department The Department (if any) selected in the Run Control Report The Report Type specified in the Run Control (CAT Positions, Additional Adjustments, or Budget Adjustments) Process Instance The unique number assigned by PeopleSoft for each process Run By The user ID of the person who ran the report EMPLID The Employee ID selected in the Run Control. This can only be entered if the CAT Position radio button is selected. Empl_Rcd The Employee Record number for the employee selected in the Run Control. This can only be entered if the CAT Position radio button is selected. Audit Report Start / End Date The time range for which you would like to see record changes.
Table 2: Output Header Fields for CAT Positions
FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Audit OPRID The Operator ID Number with the audit log row (user who made the change) from the CAT Audit Log Tables, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Opr Name The Name associated with the audit log row (user ID who changed it) from the CAT Audit Log Tables, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Date / Time The timestamp associated with the audit log row (time the change was made) from the CAT Audit Log Tables, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Action The Action Code associated with the audit log row from the CAT Audit Log Tables, based on the Run Control criteria selected.
- A - Row inserted
- D - Row deleted
- K - Row updated, snapshot before update
- N - Row updated, snapshot after update
When any change is made to an existing row in CAT, two new rows (K and N) will populate the report.
Name The employee's First and Last name from HRS for CAT audit log rows that meet the Run Control criteria selected. Empl_ID The Employee ID number from the CAT audit log for Employee Records that exist in the CAT and meet the Run Control criteria selected. Empl Rcd The Employee Record number from the CAT audit log for Employee Records that exist in the CAT and meet the Run Control criteria selected. Source Table Displays the CAT Table that was audited:
- CAT Job Change
- Rate Change
- Funding Change
Home Dept (DEPTID) The employee's main department from the CAT audit log for employee records that exist in the CAT and meet the Run Control criteria selected.
Format: A072600Position Number The Position Number from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Job Code The Job Code from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Title The Job Code Description from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Empl Class The employee's job classification from the CAT audit log for employee records that exist in the CAT and meet the Run Control criteria. Pay Basis The Pay Basis Code from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Total Planned FTE The Planned FTE field from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Redbook Title The Redbook Title field from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. CSB Flag The 'Add Salary to CSB' indicator from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Base Compensation Rate The Base Compensation Rate from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Annual Salary The Adjusted Base Salary based on Base Comprate * Planned FTE (for A & C Basis) and Comprate * 2080 * Planned FTE (for H Rate Eff Date Effective Date for Rate Change Action The Action associated with the first non-merit comp increase from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Action Reason The Action Reason associated with the first non-merit comp increase from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Change Amount The comprate change amount associated with the Action Reason from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Change Percent The comprate change percentage associated with the Action Reason from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Rate OK to Load Bus Unit GL The Business Unit GL from the CAT audit log for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Fund The Fund of this Employee Record from the CAT audit log. DeptID The department of the Employee Record from the CAT audit log. Program The Program of the Employee Record from the CAT audit log. Project The Project ID of this Employee Record from the CAT audit log. Distribution Pct The Distribution % of this Employee Record from the CAT audit log. Budgeted FTE Budgeted FTE of this Employee Record from the CAT audit log. Budgeted Amt The Final CAT Budget Amount from the CAT audit log. Funding OK to Load SFS Edit Comments
Formatting Consideration: The Home Dept → Base Compensation Rate will only populate for rows whose Source Table is Funding Data Change. Formatting Consideration: The Action Reasons → Adjusted CAT Annual Salary columns will only populate for rows whose Source Table is Rate Data Change. Formatting Consideration: The Fund → Budgeted Amount columns will only populate for rows whose Source Table is Funding Data Change.
Table 3: Output Header Fields for Vacant Positions
FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Audit OPRID The Oprid associated with the audit log row (user who made the change) from the Vacant Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Opr Name The Name associated with the audit log row (user ID who changed it) from the Vacant Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Date/Time The timestamp associated with the audit log row (time the change was made) from the Vacant Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Action The Action Code associated with the audit log row from the Vacant Audit Log Tables, based on the Run Control criteria selected.
- A - Row inserted
- D - Row deleted
- K - Row updated, snapshot before update
- N - Row updated, snapshot after update
When any change is made to an existing row in AAP, two new rows (K and N) will populate the report.
Funding Department
(DEPTID)The funding department ID number from the Vacant Audit Log for rows that exist in the audit log and meet the Run Control criteria selected. Staff Type The Adjustment Type (FA/AS/LI, University Staff, Grad, Student Help, University Staff Temporary) from the Vacant Audit Table for rows that match the Run
Control criteria.Job Code The Job Code from the Vacant Audit Log Tables for rows that match the Run Control criteria (and have a Job Code entered). Title The Job Code Description from the Vacant Audit Log Tables for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Pay Basis The Pay Basis from the Vacant Audit Log Tables for rows that exist in the audit log and meet the Run Control criteria. Position Number The Position Number from the Vacant Audit Log Tables for rows that match the Run Control criteria (and have a Position Number entered). Business Unit The Business Unit from the Vacant Audit Log Tables for rows that match the Run Control criteria. Fund The Fund of this Employee Record from the Vacant Audit Log Tables DeptID The Department ID number of this Employee Record from the Vacant Audit Log Tables. Program The Program of this Employee Record from the Vacant Audit Log Tables. Project The Project ID number of this Employee Record from the Vacant Audit Log Tables. FTE The FTE from the Vacant Audit Log Tables for Positions that exist in the Vacant Audit Log and meet the Run Control criteria. Budgeted Amount The Total Budgeted Amount from the Vacant Audit Log Tables. Description The Comments / Description field from the Vacant audit Log Tables for rows that exist in the Vacant Audit Log Table.
Table 4: Output Header Fields for Budget Adjustments
FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Audit OPRID The Operator ID number associated with the audit log row (user who made the change) from the Budget Adjustment Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control
criteria selected.Audit Opr Name The Name associated with the audit low row (user ID who changed it) from the Budget Adjustment Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control criteria selected. Audit Date / Time The timestamp associated with the audit log row (time the change was made) from the Budget Adjustment Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control criteria
selected.Audit Action The Action Code associated with the audit log row from the Budget Adjustment Audit Log Table, based on the Run Control criteria selected.
- A - Row inserted
- D - Row deleted
- K - Row updated, snapshot before update
- N - Row updated, snapshot after update
When any change is made to an existing row in AAP, two new rows (K and N) will populate the report.
Staff Type The Adjustment Type (AS/FA/LI, University Staff, Grad, Student Help, University Staff Temporary) from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table for rows that match
the Run Control criteria selected.Business Unit The Business Unit from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table for rows that match the Run Control criteria selected. Fund The Fund of this Employee Record from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table for rows that match the Run Control criteria selected. Funding Department ((DEPTID) The Funding Department from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table for rows that exist in the audit log and meet the Run Control criteria selected. Program The Program of this Employee Record from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table Project The Project ID number (if entered) of this Employee Record from the Budget Adjustment Audit Log Table FTE The FTE from the Budget Adjustment Audit Log Table and meet the Run Control criteria Budgeted Amount The Total Budgeted Amount from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table Description The Comments / Description field from the Budget Adjustment Audit Table for rows that exist in the audit log.
Additional Resources
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