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Reprocessing Events Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS


On Demand Event Maintenance is a screen used to manually run Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) in place of the automated Ben Admin processes that run every night Sunday through Thursday. Typically we use On Demand Event Maintenance to process manual enrollments such as ADM and SAV Events for enrollment purposes, but On Demand is also used for finalizing Events reported on the MSC Event Evaluation Report as well as manually finalizing Term Events to avoid deductions being taken on a final payroll check. Using On Demand Event Maintenance allows you to process participant Events quickly without setting up Run Controls, waiting for the overnight Ben Admin processes to run, or switching to other pages to enter the employee's enrollments. At times automatic Events created by adding Job Rows (MSC, DTA, etc) or manual Events (ADM, SAV) have been added to the system retroactively. When this occurs, it may be necessary to reprocess existing Events to bring the employee's records up to date. At other times you may need to correct enrollment errors after the ADM Event has been finalized or Re-Open an Event to make additional elections on behalf of an employee. This document will walk you through reprocessing Events using the On Demand Event Maintenance screen in HRS.

Process Considerations:

  • When reprocessing Events after a payroll has finalized, it's important to verify the Base Benefit Enrollment pages to ensure all Deduction Dates are accurate both the day of AND the day following the reprocessing of Events.
  • You will have the option to reprocess Events back to a status of Assign Benefit Program or to a status of Re-Enter.  It is critical to reprocess all Events that are not used for enrollments back to a status of Assign Benefit Program to ensure all potential changes in eligibility or enrollments has been captured before moving forward since these Events are tied to specific HR Job rows.  You will need to make a judgment call when reprocessing manual Events (SAV, ADM, FSA) whether to use Assign Benefit Program or Re-Enter based on whether eligibility has potentially changed on or near your Event Date. When you reprocess back to Assign Benefit Program, you are effectively telling Benefits Administration to start over and re-evaluate the eligibility criteria first and the system will remove any elections you had made in that Event.  When you reprocess back to Re-Enter, Benefits Administration will not re-evaluate the eligibility criteria and will remember the elections you had entered when you initially processed that Event.
    • OE and Hire Events are used for employee self-service.  When an employee enrolls on line, the Events are tagged with the employee's Empl_ID which serves as their electronic signature.  These Events may be reprocessed if the employee wants to make changes the same day they have submitted their enrollment choices.  After that point, reprocessing the Events will invalidate that electronic signature.  Only the original election would be transmitted to the SGL and ICI vendors, all other vendors will receive updates as changes are made within the 30-day enrollment period, and employees will receive updated confirmation statements based on their enrollment changes.  Employees will be required to complete paper applications if a change is needed for SGL and ICI, and these enrollments would need to be manually entered using an ADM Event.
    • When reprocessing Events, you need to skip over any Events that have been Voided, permanently Closed to processing (OE Events), or Disconnected. 

    You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

    Instructions for Reprocessing Manual Events

    When enrolling employees for benefits, there can be only one ADM, SAV, or FSA Event with the same Effective Date.  At times you may need to add elections, change existing elections, or remove elections in an existing Event that you have already Finalized.  To perform these functions, you need to Re-Open the Event, make the changes, and then re-finalize the Event. 

    NOTE:  Before you proceed, it's highly recommended that you note all Benefit Plans the employee is currently enrolled in as of the Effective Date of the Event.  This will help ensure you Re-Enter all appropriate benefits within the Event before Finalizing it:

    1.  Navigate to:  Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health Benefits > Enter the employee's Empl_ID number.  Note all plans the employee is enrolled in, coverage levels, and dependents. 

    • Repeat this process using the same navigation for Life and AD/D Benefits, Disability Benefits, Savings Plans, Spending Accounts, and Retirement.
      • Although you can see an employee's benefits at a glance by navigating to Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefit Summary, it is NOT recommended to use this method as it will not provide the details regarding which dependents are covered under a plan, and will not allow you to see historical or future enrollments.
    2.  After noting the employee's benefits and Coverage Begin Dates (Effective Dates), navigate to the employee's On Demand Event Maintenance Screen: 
    • Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments >Events > On Demand Event Maintenance > enter the employee's Empl_ID and click the Search button.

    3.  Click the Event Status Update button to open the BenAdmin Event Status page.

    Upd. Event Status Update Button

    4.  On the BenAdmin Event Status Update page, all Events for an employee will be listed in date order.  For our example, we will use an SAV Event dated 10/1/2016.  Note that the Event has been Finalized and is Closed for Processing.
    SAV Event to be Processed

    5.  Using the drop down menus, change the Process Indicator to "Re-Enter" and the Event Status to "Open for Processing."

    SAVProcess Indicator
    NOTE:  To reprocess your Event back to Assign Benefit Program, simply change the Process Indicator to Assign Benefit Program and Event Status to Open for Processing and proceed with the steps below.  

    6.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the OK button
    SAV OK
    7.  You will be redirected back to the employee's main On Demand Event Maintenance screen.  Note that the Process Indicator is now "Re-Enter" and Event Status is "Open for Processing."  Click the Reprocess button to continue.  (If you chose Assign Program versus Re-Enter, the Process Indicator will be "Assign Program" and Event Status will be "Open for Processing.")
    Upd. SAV Reprocess Button
    8.  You will receive a pop up box indicating that the process has completed successfully.  Click the OK button to continue.
    OK Pop Up
    9.  Note that the Event Status is now "Re-Enter" and "Open for Processing,"  and the Process Indicator is set to "Normal Processing."  Currently there are two enrollments entered of a possible 12 options.  (If you chose Assign Program, screen would show 0 of 12 options.)
    Upd. SAV Status Now Re-enter

    10.  Click the Election Entry button to make changes to your elections as needed. 

    Upd. SAV Election Entry
    In this example, the employee has decided to change their deduction amount as of 10/1/2016 after the SAV Event had been finalized.  Unlike an ADM Event, in an SAV Event, you have the choice to add an Enrollment Code and Reason and an App Received By date or leave these fields blank.  Scroll down to the appropriate plan and enter the dollar amount or percentage of earnings in the appropriate tax row for that plan.
    SAV Election Entry 2
    11.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the OK button.  You will be redirected back to the On Demand screen.  Click the Validate/Finalize button.  Note that there are now 2 enrollments of 12 possible entered. 
    SAV Validate Finalize

    12.  A pop up box will notify you that your process has completed successfully.  Click OK to continue.

    13.  Be sure to verify that the enrollments are correct by navigating back to the Base Benefit Pages:

    Benefits > Enroll in Benefits >
    • Health Benefits
    • Life and AD/D
    • Disability
    • Savings
    • Spending Accounts
    • Retirement
    14.  You will need to reprocess any Events that have a later Event Date than the Event you have just reopened and finalized.  See procedure steps below for more information.

    Instructions for Reprocessing Events that are Out of Sequence

    When Job Rows have been entered retroactively, the Events created by the system will be inserted into the employee's Event timeline.  This causes all Events dated later than the inserted Event to be "out of sequence."  To bring the employee's eligibility and enrollment records up to date, you will need to reprocess these Events.  Events can also become out of sequence if a manual Event (such as an ADM or SAV) is entered retroactively to existing Events.  In this instance once the manual Event has been finalized, all Events dated later must be reprocessed in the appropriate order.  It is critical that Events are processed in a very specific order to ensure benefits are not deleted or overwritten with waive rows in the process. 

    NOTE:  Before you proceed, it's highly recommended that you note all Benefit Plans the employee is currently enrolled in as of the Event Date.  This will help ensure you re-enter all appropriate benefits within the Event before finalizing it:

    1.  Navigate to:  Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health Benefits > Enter the employee's Empl_ID number.  Note all plans the employee is enrolled in. 

    • Repeat this process using the same navigation for Life and AD/D Benefits, Disability Benefits, Savings Plans, Spending Accounts, and Retirement.
    • Although you can see an employee's benefits at a glance by navigating to Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefit Summary, it will not provide the details regarding which dependents are covered under a plan, and will not allow you to see the historical or future enrollments.
    2.  After noting the employee's benefits, coverage levels, dependents, and Coverage Begin Dates (effective dates), navigate to the employee's On Demand Event Maintenance screen:  Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments >Events > On Demand Event Maintenance > enter the employee's Empl_ID and click the Search button.

    3.  The employee's On Demand screen will be displayed.  Click on the Event Status Update button to view the list of Events that have been processed for this employee.
    Upd. Event Status Update Button
    4.  The employee's BenAdmin Data Entry screen will be displayed.  In our example, an ADM Event effective 8/1/2016 was entered and finalized for an enrollment change after 9/1/2016 and 10/1/2016 Job Rows had been entered creating MSC Events.  Because these Events have not been entered and finalized in date order, the Events dated later than the 8/1/2016 ADM Event are now marked as "Out of Sequence."
    Out of Seq All
    5.  Events need to be reprocessed in order to ensure that any changes to the employee's Benefit Program or eligibility for benefits is accounted for leading up to the ADM Event.  It will also ensure that all new enrollments, cancellations, or changes in benefits are reflected in the correct order for all later Events
    The order to reprocess Events is as follows:
    1. Date Order from the oldest to the newest (reprocess 1/1/2015 Event, then reprocess 2/1/2015 Event, then reprocess 3/1/2015 Event, etc.)
    2. If you have multiple Events for the same date, process those Events in Event Priority from lowest to highest (reprocess Event priority 75, then 200, 290, 375, 900, etc.)
    3. If you have multiple Events for the same date and same Event Priority, process those Events by Event ID priority from lowest to highest (1, 2, 3, etc.)
    6.  In our example, we have three Events that are out of sequence following the ADM Event that need to be reprocessed.  The MSC Events have an earlier date than the ADM Event and need to be processed first.  However, there are two MSC Events with the same Event Date and same Event Priority.  The MSC Events should be processed in Event ID order.  The picture below shows the order the Events need to be reprocessed:
    Order to Reprocess

    7.  To reprocess an MSC Event, change the Process Indicator to "Assign Benefit Program" and the Event Status to "Open."

    Process Indicator

    8.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the OK button.

    OK to Reprocess

    9.  You will be redirected to the On Demand screen.  Click the Reprocess button to continue.

    Reprocess Button Upd.

    10.  You will receive a pop up box when the reprocessing has been completed successfully.  Click OK to continue.

    OK Pop Up
    11.  Click the Finalize/Apply Defaults button.  NOTE:  This radio button must be checked when processing Events that are NOT used for enrollments. 
    12.  Click the Validate/Finalize button.
    Upd. Validate Finalize

    13.  Click the Event Status Update button to select the next Event to be reprocessed.

    Upd. Event Status Update Button

    14.  Note that the MSC Event #1 is no longer out of sequence.  You can now reprocess the MSC Event with an Event ID = 2.

    Event no longer out of seq

    15.  Repeat steps 7 through 13 for all Events that are marked out of sequence for all dates up through today's date.

    warning sign  Warning:  It is very important when re-processing ADM Events that you verify that ALL Benefit Plans, effective date, levels of coverage and dependents to be covered under each Benefit Plan at that point in time are reflected accurately in the ADM Event before you Finalize it again - particularly if Events were entered with a future effective date or if Events became out of sequence to avoid current enrollments from being overwritten. 

    Verify enrollments by navigating to:  Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health > enter the Empl_ID and search.  Repeat the navigation for Life & AD/D, Disability, Savings, Spending Accounts, and Retirement.

    An example below is an illustration of how an MSC Event can affect the results of an ADM Event.  The date the Event was Scheduled and Prepared dictates what Benefit Program and Options that will be Prepared for the enrollment Event.

    MSC and ADM event table
     Order Prepared  Event  Status  Date Prepared  BN Program  Coverage Level  Coverage Begin Date
     1  ADM  Not yet Finalized  10/3/2015  G01 (Grad)  No WRS  11/1/2015
     2  MSC  Finalized Enrolled  10/4/2015  U02 (AS/FA/LI)  WRS  10/4/2015

    In the example above, an ADM Event was created on 10/3/2015 but it has not been Finalized. At that time the employee was assigned to a Grad Benefit Program which was not eligible for the WRS and options prepared for that employee based on the Grad Benefit Program.  On 10/4/2015, the employee received an Academic Staff position and a Job Row was added to change the Continuity Code to 03 (Ongoing) and the employee became eligible for the WRS as of 10/4/2015.  The MSC Event is Finalized and the employee is assigned to the U02 Benefit Program on 10/4/2015. 

    The Benefit Administrator uses the ADM Event to change from Dean single coverage to Dean family coverage as of 11/1/2015.  The Event is Finalized and the employee is incorrectly put BACK into the G01 Grad Benefit Program effective 11/1/2015, the WRS is overwritten with a waive row, and the employee will be charged Grad rates for health insurance.  To avoid this issue, the ADM Event must be reprocessed back to Assign Benefit Program to pick up the eligibility change from Grad to Academic Staff.

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