Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Benefits Administration
Benefits Administration Schedule Summary in HRS
A Benefit Schedule allows Benefit Administration to process Events by groups. The Schedule Summary Table provides statistical data at a glance on Event Statuses for a particular Schedule. The goal is to make sure all Events are processed to Close with a Status of Finalized Enrolled, Finalized Prepared None, or Finalized Assign None. Only when all Events are finalized can we be assured that employees have been evaluated appropriately for benefits eligibility. This Table provides information on the University's overall achievement on processing Events to Closed.You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:
1. Navigate to: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Enrollment Schedule Summary
2. Enter a Schedule ID or select a Schedule ID by click on thebutton and click on Search.
3. You can now review the BenAdmin Schedule Summary and determine if we are close to our goal of 100% of all Events closed or voided.
Open schedule with Events that need to be processed:
Closed Schedule with all Events processed: