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Deleting and Voiding Events Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS


This document provides the steps a Benefit Administrator will follow to delete unnecessary ADM, SAV, or UIA Events using On Demand Event Maintenance. In cases where Events have already been prepared but should not be used, Benefit Administrators may need to void Retirement, Termination, or manually created SAV, ADM, or UIA Events.

Process Considerations:

  • The only Events that should be deleted from On Demand Event Maintenance are those you manually added to the BAS Activity Table (ADM, SAV, UIA, FSA) using the wrong date and/or duplicating an existing Event for same date.)  Deleting and/or Voiding other Events such as MSC, DTA, etc can cause significant issues and a loss of history on employee records and should NEVER be done.
  • If an employee is termed in error on Job Data and you are made aware of it the same day, you can Void the Event to prevent the COBRA notices from generating, as well as eliminate the need for reinstating benefits.  Please note Term and Retire Events must NEVER be deleted from HRS to avoid a loss of history on the employee's records.
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Instructions: Deleting Events

When an Event has been added to the BAS Activity Table but is not needed, it can be deleted from the On Demand Event Maintenance screen to avoid BenAdmin from picking up and processing the Event.  To Delete an Event from On Demand Event Maintenance, follow these steps:

1.  Navigate to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance

2.  Enter the employee's Employee ID (Empl_ID) number and click Search

3.  The employee's On Demand Event Maintenance Screen will be displayed.  Events that are pending and have not yet been Scheduled/Prepared will be displayed at the top of the page.

Upd. Pending Event

4.  There can only be one ADM, SAV, or UIA Event for an Effective Date.  If you've added an Event with the same Effective Date or one with an incorrect Effective Date, you will need to delete it from the On Demand screen.  To delete an Event, click the Show Activities button to display all pending Events.

Upd. Show Activities

5.  The BAS Activity screen will be displayed.  Click the minus (-) sign next to the Event you wish to delete.

Minus Sign 

6.  A pop up box will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the Event.  Click the OK button.
Delete Confirmation
7.  The screen will show that the Event has been deleted.  Click the OK button to continue.
Final OK for Delete
8.  You will be returned to the employee's main On Demand Event Maintenance screen.  You must click the Save button for the Event to be deleted.
Save to Finalize Delete
Note that the main screen still shows this Event as pending even after clicking the Save button.  The Event will no longer display the next time you access this employee's On Demand Event Maintenance screen.  You can verify this immediately by exiting the screen and re-entering the On Demand screen.
Event no longer visible

Instructions: Voiding Events

When an Event has been Scheduled and Prepared (but NOT Finalized), you no longer have the option to delete the Event.  At that point in time, the Event will need to be voided to prevent it from being Finalized through BenAdminEvents that should be voided include ADM, SAV, or UIA Events that were created with the incorrect effective date.  

To void an Event, follow these steps:

1.  Navigate to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance

2.  Enter the employee's Employee ID (Empl_ID) number and click Search

3.   In this example, there are no Events pending in the top section of the employee's On Demand Event Maintenance screen.  Click the Event Status Update button. 
Upd. Event Status Update to Void
4.  Locate the Event that should not have been used for an enrollment.  It's important to Void the Event so subsequent Events will not be held up from processing through Ben Admin. 
Event to Void
5.  In the employee's On Demand Event Maintenance Screen, set the Process Indicator to a value of Void and leave the Event Status to Open.  Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Process Indicator to Void
6.  Click the Reprocess button on the On Demand Event Maintenance screen.
Reprocess button
7.  A pop up message will appear indicating that the process was successful.  Click the OK button to continue.
Process Completed Pop Up
8.  Click on the Event Status button to return to the employees On Demand list. 
Event Status Button
9.  Note that the Event is now voided and BenAdmin will ignore the Event.
Event Now Voided
Warning Sign  WARNING:  Benefit eligible employees who are termed and rehired on the same day (and the Term Event is not voided the day of the termination) will need an ADM Event to reinstate benefits. Enrolling, Changing, or Canceling Coverage Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS 

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KeywordsBAS, Activity, Table, Adding Events, Deleting Events, Processing Events, Ben Admin, Benefits Administration, Event Processing, Events, BAS Activity Table; Event Maintenance, SAV, ADM, UIA, CAT, UCT, UIA, HC0, HC1, HC2, HG0, HG1, HG2, HU0, HU1, HU2, HL0, HL1, HL2, TM1, TM2, TL1, TL2, TX1, TX2, DEA, DTA, CPR, ICI, LOA, PLA, RFL, POS, MSC, OE, SBK, RBK, PAY, PIC, RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4, RT5, RT6, RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL5, RL6, SNP, Benefits BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID16468
OwnerJack R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-01-08 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:48:04
SitesUW–Shared Services
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