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Maintaining Workforce - Transfers in HRS


Employees can move to different jobs without a break in service, within an institution or to a different institution entirely, and the Action used in HRS is Transfer. Transferring employees to a different institution will require coordination between the two institutions involved. Specific inquiries need to be made when a person resigns to determine if a person is actually transferring to a different position or institution. Benefits, absences and pay can be negatively affected in the cases where a person is inadvertently terminated when a Transfer is the correct action. This document describes how to transfer an employee within the UW system.
Warning - Does not apply to UW-Madison

Process Considerations:

  • Job actions:
Hire: First time employee is added to HRS or when adding an additional job for employee.
Used when individual is UW system employee and takes another job within UW System. Could be at any institution.
Used when an employee has a termination row. Could be for concurrent job; could be gone and come back.
  • If an employee in a University Staff Temporary (CL) position with the Under Min check box checked is transferring to a different job that has a position, you must first remove the Under Min check box (from the UW Custom tab) before applying the Position. Once you apply the position, the check box will gray out, and you will no longer be able to edit it.

  • Special care and coordination is required between institutions who are transferring an employee between institutions. To assist in the coordination when transferring a person between institutions, the directory link is as follows:
  • Employees who are transferring between jobs in OT, CL, or SH Empl Classes may not use positions.

  • If an employee's BN Eligibility=NO and they are transferring to a position that gives them eligibility, the UW Benefits tab needs to be updated.

  • University Staff (CP) employees transferring to another CP job should always be transferred on a Sunday if they are starting the new job at the beginning of the week.

  • For Employee Classes of SH, OT, CL or pay group (NON), or employees with Standard Hours of 4.00 or less per week (FTE is < 0.100000), HRS automatically places a checkmark in the Encumbrance Override indicator field. This cannot be overwritten manually.  When adding a row to transfer (or rehire) someone who was previously in an Employee Class that did encumber to a job that does not encumber, the Encumbrance Override checkbox will automatically update. However, when adding a row to transfer (or rehire) someone that did not encumber and the Standard Hours are changing from less than 4.0 to greater than 4.0 per week, HRS will allow you to uncheck the Encumbrance Override indicator manually.

  • Employees' security roles will be de-provisioned upon the Effective Date of the Transfer row, if moving to a new position/job in a different department.

  • For FA / AS / LI, if the current position ends on a Friday and the new position starts the following Monday, the Transfer date should be Sunday.  The two units / institutions will split the weekend.  The appointment letter must reflect the start date of Sunday.

  • An HR Job Data Action of Transfer triggers the need to add funding for the employee's salary expense for the new appointing department to which the employee is transferring. For step-by-step instructions, refer to Adding or Changing Appointment Level Funding for Employee's Salary Expense in HRS
  • Criminal Background Check date, Sexual Harassment Reference Check date and Position of Trust type will need to be updated after all steps have been completed; see Using the Person Assignment Checklist to record Criminal Background Check, Position of Trust, and Misconduct Reference Checks in HRS


  1. Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
  2. Enter Employee Name or Empl ID.
  3. Click the Search button.
  4. Click the plus sign button to add a row.
  5. Enter appropriate Effective Date.
  6. Select Action of Transfer.
  7. Select appropriate Action Reason, such as Original/New Hire.
  8. Enter new Position # (if applicable), then press Tab for data to repopulate.


  9. Click the Job Information tab.
  10. If you are using a Position, verify that the fields listed below have populated correctly. If you are not using a Position, these fields may need to be updated.
    • Job Code
    • Reports To 
    • Empl Class
    • Full/Part
    •  Pay Basis
    •  Standard Hours/FTE
  11. Other fields on this tab that may be used are:
  12. Click the Compensation tab if there is a salary change involved.NOTE: Review The Compensation Tab in HRSfor assistance on what should be in the fields.
    • Important: Click the Default Pay Components button.
    • In the Pay Components section, on the Amounts mini-tab, verify the Rate Code. See Comp Rate Frequency in HRS.
    • In the Pay Components section, on the Amounts mini-tab, enter the Comp Rate. If this is a lump sum job, leave this field blank.
    • In the Pay Components section, on the Amounts mini-tab, verify and/or update the Frequency ("bottom Frequency"), if necessary.
    • In the Compensation section, located near the top of the screen, verify and/or update the Frequency field ("top Frequency"), if necessary.
    • Click the Calculate Compensation button.
    • Verify the Compensation Rate calculated as expected.
  13. Click the UW Custom tab.
  14. Select or verify Continuity. See Continuity Status in HRS.
  15. If a probation is required, select the Probation Type. If no probation is required, you must choose Not Required. See Employee Probation Types in HRS.
  16. Enter the Probation End Date, if applicable.
  17. Click one of the Rate Exceptions checkboxes, if applicable.
  18. Edit the Working Title, if applicable.
  19. Click the UW Benefits tab.
  20. If the employee is required to work out of state for their job, select Yes from the drop-down for the Work Out of State Required field.
  21. If the employee is expected to work less than 20 hours per week, select Less than Half Time Rate in the Health Rate field.  Otherwise, enter/verify this states Full Share Rate.
  22. If this is a Faculty transfer that is eligible for tenure,
    • Click the Employment Data link at the bottom of the page.
    • Click the USA flag icon
    • Click the Accrue Tenure Services checkbox.
  23. Click Save.
    Transfer - Employment Data link

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

The Compensation Tab in HRSComp Rate Frequency in HRSContinuity Status in HRSEmployee Probation Types in HRSAction/Action Reason Codes Used in HRSManaging Position Data in HRSComp Rate Frequency in HRSThe Compensation Tab in HRSContinuity Status in HRSEntering Contract Administration in HRSHR Report List for HRSMaintaining Workforce - Seasonal Employees in HRSOfficer Code Listing Job Aid for HRSEntering Pay Rate Changes in HRSEmployee Probation Types in HRSAdding or Changing Appointment Level Funding for Employee's Salary Expense in HRSManaging the Individual Retroactive Payroll Process (Payroll Coordinators) in HRS

Employee Transfers Employee Transfer on Campus Employee Transfer off Campus Position Management under min funding campusesinstitution hire rehire transfer hire rehire HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources 
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Jessica R. in UW–Shared Services
UW–Shared Services