Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Talent Acquisition Management > TAM Learning Path

Creating Job Opening(s) in TAM


The purpose of this document is to provide end users with the information needed to Create a Job Opening for a Recruitment when using a Position number, or when only using a Job Code.

Process Considerations:

  • All institutions MUST include an additional Recruiting Location indicating the city in which the vacancy is located, as well as including the UW Business Unit (institution) as the Primary Recruiting Location.  If the UW Business Unit is not entered, the Self-Identify section doesn’t appear in the online application.  The applicant can still submit their application, but no gender, ethnicity, veteran or disability pages are displayed, thus none of this information is collected. 
  • Recruiting processes vary at each campus, so please check with your campus' Human Resources department for more information. When recruiting with a Position, be sure to contact the appropriate office at your campus to obtain the Position Number prior to creating the Job Opening.
  • After the job posting has been approved and is posted to candidate gateway, it is recommended that you review the posting on multiple size devices to ensure the posting looks as expected. If job posting is not appearing as expected see KB Modifying Images and Tables in Job Posting in TAM .
  • If you are creating a Job Opening without using a Position, you must have the following additional information to complete the entry:
    • Empl Class
    • Pay Basis
    • Total FTE
    • Continuity
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


1. Navigation: Recruiting > Create Job Opening. The Primary Job Opening Information page displays.
Alternative navigation for Recruiters: Recruiting Home > Quick Links > Create Job Opening
 Create a job posting primary entry 
2. The originator (Hiring Manager, Recruiter or designee) updates the following fields:
  • Job Opening Type(required)
  • Standard Requisition: This type of job opening is for specific jobs or positions to fill and requires specific information for the posting.
  • Continuous Job Opening: This type of job opening will be used for ongoing recruitments, such as pool hires or areas with constant vacancy, and could remain open for an indefinite period of time.
    • NOTE: The Job Opening Type drop down menu defaults to Standard Requisition.
  • Business Unit (required) - Select your campus Business Unit (i.e. UWGBY).
      • warning  HRS defaults the Business Unit to SHARE.  It is important to select the appropriate Business Unit or the Self-Identify section doesn’t appear in the applicants online application and none of this information is collected.
The applicant can still submit their application, but no gender, ethnicity, veteran or disability pages are displayed, thus none of this information is collected.
  • Department (required) - Select your Department. Use the magnifying glass look-up function to find your department or type your campus letter code and six digit UDDS number, e.g., D128000. Or, search using your campus letter code, e.g., D.
      • warning  Failure to select the Department on the Primary Job Opening Information page may result in the Salary Information section not auto-populating as expected at a later step, which can lead to being unable to Save and Submit or Save as Draft.
  • Position - Enter the appropriate Position if hiring using a position number. If not using a position, leave blank.
  • Official Title (required) - If a position has been entered, Official Title will be automatically populated with the Job Code assigned to the Position.  If no Position is being used, a Job Code must be entered.
  • Recruiting Location (required) - If a position has been entered, Recruiting Location will be automatically populated.  If no Position is being used, a Recruiting Location must be entered.  Select the UW Institution (i.e. UW Green Bay). The Recruiting Location entered here will be designated as the Primary Recruiting Location for the Job Opening.
  • Posting Title  - Defaults from either Position number or Job Code. This field is visible to the applicant and can be updated or changed to better describe the vacancy.  If you would like the posting title to be more descriptive of the position, you can make the change here. It is the same as the Working Title in the HR Module of HRS. This field will feed into the Job Data pages in HRS once this position’s hire is complete using the Manage Hires process.
3. Click the Continue button.

Job Opening Tab

At the top of the Job Opening page, a few buttons are displayed. A description of each is below:
create a job posting top screen
  • Save and Submit - Press to begin the job opening approval process.
  • Save as Draft - Press if you’re waiting for more information.
  • Notification - Click to access the Send Notification Page. Notifications that you send this way are simple plain text email messages, without a link to the job opening.  This functionality provides a way to email another user without leaving the job opening. This button is visible only in unsaved and Draft job openings.
  • Start Over -Click to return to the Primary Job Opening Information page to start the job opening creation process over. This button appears only if you have not yet saved the job opening.
  • Job Opening Attachments - By clicking the Job Opening Attachments tab, documents that are relevant to the job posting’s approval process can be added, i.e. Affirmative Action documents, recruitment plan, etc.
NOTE: Once the job opening is in Open status, changes can no longer be made to the Job Opening Attachments tab, however the documents can still be viewed.  Attachments for open job openings can be added to the Activity & Attachments section.
  • Job Opening Attachments Hist - The Job Opening Attachments History tab provides a historical record of attachments added in the Job Opening Attachments tab.
1. Enter and verify the following fields:
job details
  • Created by - Defaults to the Employee ID of the user that created the job opening.
  • Created (required) - Defaults to the current date.
  • Openings to Fill (required) - Default value is Limited. Unlimited could be used for a candidate pool. The system will close the job opening when all openings are filled.
  • Target Openings (required) - For Limited Job Openings; total number of individuals expected to be hired under this job opening. Defaults to 1. Update if more than one person will be hired under this job opening.
  • Available Openings (required) - For Limited Job Openings; number of individuals remaining to be hired under this job opening. Defaults to match Target Openings. When an applicant is hired for this Job Opening, Available Openings decreases by one. When all available openings are filled, the status of the Job Opening is set to Closed.
  • Establishment ID - Redundant to campus Business Unit and not required.
  • Business Unit (required) - Defaults from Position data. If not using a Position, defaults with the Business Unit selected on the Job Opening creation page.
  • Company (required) - Defaults UWS from Position data. If not using a Position, enter UWS.
  • Department (required) - Defaults from Position data. If not using a Position, defaults with the Department selected on the Job Opening creation page.
  • Underutilized (AA Goals) - For Affirmative Action (AA) purposes; used to identify if there are AA goals associated with the vacancy.  Check this box if there are underutilized goals designated by your Affirmative Action (AA) office.
  • Job Group - Similar to Job Family; specific to your institution as designated by your Affirmative Action (AA) office.
  • Employee Classification (required) - This will default based upon Position. If not using a Position, this field must be populated. Examples: University Staff Ongoing Employment = CP, Academic Staff = AS, Faculty = FA.
warning sign HRS will ONLY default from the Job Code if there is only one Empl Class associated with the Job Code selected. It is important in the instance of using a Job Code tied to multiple Employee Classes to select the appropriate Employee Classification (i.e. CP, CJ), Save as Draft, and then proceed.  Selecting the appropriate Employee Classification on this page has a direct effect on the Job Posting section of the Job Opening. This determines which Job Posting Description Types are available when building the Posting.
  • Status Code - Displays the current job opening status of Draft (005). This field is grayed out and not editable until after the job opening is in Open status.  Once in Open status, a recruiter can change this field.
  • Status Reason - Cannot enter information here during creation of job opening.
  • Status Date - Initially defaults from date entered above. This field will update to a new date whenever the Status Code field is changed.
  • Desired Start Date - Enter the date the job begins, or leave blank. This date will default into the Prepare Job Offer and Prepare for Hire pages when ready to hire the desired candidate and can be changed later if needed.
  • Encumbrance Date - Select one of the options from the drop down, or leave blank:
Authorization Date - Start budgeting for this position from the date that it is authorized, as indicated in Date Authorized.
Projected Fill Date
- Start budgeting for the position from the date the position is expected to be filled, as indicated in Projected Fill Date.
  • Projected Fill Date - If the Project Fill Date in the Encumbrance Date indicator field was selected, enter the date that you expect to fill the job opening.
  • Date Authorized - Displays the date the job opening was approved. This date will default with the date that the job opening reaches final approval.
  • Recruitment Contact - Pre-filled, generic contact information for UWSC.  This field can be left blank. It is not visible to applicants.
2. Continue down the page to enter and verify information in the following fields:
9.2 create job opening locations
  • Location (required) - Select the Location Code for the location of this job opening on campus. This populates from Position data if a Position is used.

  • Recruiting Location (required)
  • Select the Recruiting Location that should be displayed when an applicant searches for a job opening.UWEXT and UWCOL must add regions to their Recruiting Locations. Click the link to view the WI Counties - WICountiesMap_20130325.docx. As part of the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) requires all UW job vacancies to be available to job seekers on the appropriate State or local job service.  For Wisconsin, this is the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Administration's (WI DWD) Job Center of Wisconsin website. To avoid each institution manually adding each job posting to the site, UWSS Service Operations ensures all postings listed on Candidate Gateway are posted to the WI DWD Job Center website.
  • Institutions can work with UW System Human Resources to post job openings to the WiscJobs website.  Currently the cost is $125 per posting.  At least one person from the institution’s HR office needs to have a WiscJobs account.  Please email if you would like to set up an account.  UW System HR will approve the jobs electronically before they are posted on WiscJobs.
  • All institutions must add the city/state Recruiting Location to every new Job Opening. This will ensure that the location appears accurately on postings for the WI DWD Job Center of Wisconsin website.
      • warning  All institutions MUST include an additional (2nd) Recruiting Location indicating the city in which the vacancy is located. The UW Business Unit (institution) still must also be included as a Recruiting Location.  Otherwise it has undesired down stream effects for applicants. 
      • If the UW Business Unit is not entered, the Self-Identify section  doesn’t appear in the online application.  The applicant can still submit their application, but no gender, ethnicity, Veteran or Disability pages are displayed, thus none of this information is collected.
        • To add an additional Recruiting location:
          • • Click the Add Recruiting Location button
            • Enter or look up the new Recruiting Area
            • Leave the UW Business Unit (institution) marked as the Primary Recruiting Area
            • Add additional locations if desired
  • Positions - The Position Number defaults from the Primary Job Opening page. The Primary Position checkbox is used to indicate the base position. 
  • Add Position - Click on this link if you would like to create a job opening for multiple Position numbers.
   NOTE: If you add multiple positions, all positions need to have the same job code.
  • Employees Being Replaced - Field is used to indicate the employee(s) being replaced. Enter the employee's Empl ID or click the magnifying glass to look up by name. If creating a new position, leave blank.

Waiver Hire

A Waiver Hire is when the vacancy does not need a public recruitment. Each institution has their own policy on this action, however, it is normally when there is an unexpected or emergency type of vacancy where there is not enough time to go through the full recruitment process.

NOTE: If this is not a waiver hire please go to step 5

3. For a Waiver Hire, be sure to check the Waiver Hire box if the Position does not need public recruitment. 

4. Next select a Waiver Reason from the drop-down menu.

9.2 create job opneing waiver hire

5. Verify or enter the following information. If a Position was used, the values will be pre-populated and need to be verified. If no Position was used, enter the data.

9.2 create a job opening funding

  • Continuity (required) - Choose the continuity status value; choices will vary based on the Employee Class that was selected. See KB Continuity Status in HRS .
  • Union Code - Defaults to the correct value based on Job Code.
  • Bargaining Unit - Defaults to the correct value based on Job Code.
  • Total FTE (required) -  Enter the FTE (full time equivalent) for the job opening. For a University Staff Temporary Employee or an employee without a regular schedule or hours, 0.01 is the lowest Standard Hours that HRS allows; it will calculate to .00025 FTE.
  • Seasonal Status - Seasonal is when an employee’s work schedule will be recurring, e.g., works every first semester during registration, nurses in student health centers, coaches etc. Payments reflect the period of time (number of months) and FTE worked.
  • Seasonal status applies to any University Staff Temporary Employee, Academic Staff, Limited position with a recurring operational unpaid leave of absence. While on the leave of absence, the employee is still considered an Active employee, just not in pay status. This does NOT include C-Basis academic staff or faculty. In order to capture the recurring seasonal leave of absence as well as the overall annual FTE reduction, the appointment will have a selection chosen from the Seasonal Indicator drop-down menu.

6.  The FTE and Funding fields in the creation of a Job Opening are required. These are NOT connected to funding within HRS. They are truly placeholders within TAM for budget approval, but are required.

NOTE: The funding strings are not validated, other than ensuring the Fund & DeptID are numerical values.

Complete and review the following fields:

 9.2 create a job opening funding

  • FTE % (required) - Fill in the funding distribution of this Position. If the employee will be funded by only one funding source, enter 100. Add rows (+) if necessary for multiple funding sources and ensure all FTE % add up to 100.
  • Funding Dates - Enter Funding Dates, if applicable.
  • Fund (required) - Enter the three-digit Funding number.
  • Prog (required) - Enter the one-digit Funding program number or letter.
  • DeptID (required) - Enter the six-digit Funding Department ID.
      • NOTE: There is currently not a field for 7 alpha/digit code for the Project funding. This alpha/digit code can be entered under the Essential Justification field for record-keeping purposes.
  • Proposed Min Salary / Proposed Max Salary - Enter the minimum and maximum annual or hourly compensation amounts that the starting pay will be within; used for recruitment approval.

Additional Job Codes

NOTE: If you are adding additional Job Code(s), continue to step 7. If you are NOT adding additional Job code(s), please go to step 10 (Save as Draft).

7. To add additional Job Codes (i.e a Professor recruitment, where you may be willing to hire as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor depending upon the qualifications of the applicant pool) click the Add Job Code button on the bottom of the Additional Job Specifications section.

9.2 create a job posting additional job spec

8. This will create a new row, notice how the row count adds a row. Enter or look up the additional Job Code.

9.2 create a job posting add job code

9. Verify the following fields are correct:

  • Schedule Type (required) - Choose the correct schedule type for this Job Code.
  • Full Time working 40 hours per week
  • Part Time working anything less than 40 hours or below 1.0 FTE
  • On Demand is not used.
  • Pay Frequency (required) - Choose the correct pay frequency for this Job Code. 

10. Click the Save as Draft button. A Job Opening ID is assigned and the Job Opening can now be found via search.

9.2 save and submit

11. Continue to move forward with completion of the Assignment, Job Postings and Screening tabs. Or Save as a Draft to open later.

Assignments Tab

The Assignments section controls access to the job opening for viewing and modifying. Once this section is completed and the job opening is saved and submitted, an email will be generated to the Primary Hiring Manager notifying that the job opening is awaiting approval.

warning signThe Assignments tab requires a minimum of one Recruiter and one Hiring Manager selected in order to complete a Job Opening.
NOTE: If an interviewer is not part of UW System but is on the interview panel, the interviewer should be added as a Non-UW Interviewer (POI 23) Person of Interest (POI) in HRS first.
  • If you are the Hiring Manager and need to add a Non-UW Interviewer to the list, please contact your human resources office to set this up. Those added in the Interested Party section also have access to the job opening.  See below for more details about which roles are added to different sections on the Assignments page.
9.2 assignment tab

Enter information into the following fields: 

  • Recruiter (required) - should be added in this section. The Primary Recruiter will default as the last level of approval (others can be added before or after on the Approvals page). Recruiters can see sensitive data such as gender and ethnic information for applicants.
  • Hiring Manager (required) - should be added in this section if they need access to view or modify the job opening or view applicant materials for the job opening. The Hiring Manager whose box is checked to Primary is always the first level of approval.  Pre-defined teams may be selected for added efficiency. Click the Add Hiring Manager Team button. See How to Add or Edit Teams for use on the Assignments page in TAM  for more information.
  • Interviewers (Search & Screen Committee members - including Non-UW Interviewers (POI 23)) -  will see application and job opening materials.  After Interviewers are added to the Assignments page a provisioning process must run before the Interviewer will have access to the Job Opening. This process runs automatically 5 times daily; 12:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m., and evenings at approximately 8:10 p.m.
  • Interested Party -
  • If a TA Coordinator sets up the job opening, their name does not need to be added to the assignments page, however if they did not set up the job opening or if an additional TA Coordinator needs access to view/modify the job opening or applicant materials, their name should be added under the Interested Party section.

  • Affirmative Action individuals (i.e. Affirmative Action Officers, Equal Opportunity Specialists, etc) should also be added in this section if they need access to view or modify the job opening or applicant materials.

  • Reviewers set up in a job opening or job offer approval chain must also be added under the Interested Parties section. After Reviewers are added to the Assignments page a provisioning process must run before the Reviewer will have access to the Job Opening. This process runs automatically 5 times daily; 12:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m., and evenings at approximately 8:10 p.m.
  • Add Teams - Teams can be set up. This is especially useful for departments that might use the same interview team for a number of positions. To set up a team for your institution, navigate to: Recruiting > Administration > Teams.  Only Recruiters have access to set up teams.  See How to Add or Edit Teams for use on the Assignments page in TAM  for more information.

Adding a Name

1. When clicking on the "Add" specific assignment button, a blank text field will open up where the name of person you are adding can be entered, or use the magnifying glass to search by Person or Empl ID.
assignments tab enter name
2. Once the name has been entered, tab out of the field and the system will populate the corresponding Person or Empl ID for that name. 

Interested parties TAM screen
3. Once you have completed this section, continue to move forward with completion of the Job Postings and Screening, if applicable. Or Save as a Draft to open later. 

Job Postings Tab

1.  Job postings are job descriptions that you publish to attract applicants for a job opening. The descriptions are made up of multiple sections. To create a job description, choose predefined text blocks, compose your own text, or mix the two methods. Additionally, each section can be formatted to add visual interest. i.e. Bold, Italic, Color, Highlighting, URLs, pictures, etc.1. Click the Add Job Posting button.

add job posting

2. The default Posting Titlecomes from information that was entered on the Primary Job Opening Information page when the job opening was first created. It can be updated or changed to reflect the title that you would prefer to use in the Job Posting(s). The Posting Title is visible to applicants.
NOTE: If you change the Posting Title on the Job Opening, it will change your Posting Title throughout the Job Details.
3. Select a Description Type  - This drop-down list filters the posting description library and helps facilitate the job postings information. The Description Types appear as headers within the job posting. You can choose which type you want to appear in your individual posting.
  • Descriptions are sequenced for the final job postings in this order:
    • Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited - Attention; Job Details; Qualifications; Responsibilities; Department Information; Campus Information; Organization Information; Special Notes; To Ensure Consideration; Additional Information; To Apply
    • University Staff/Temporary Employee - How to Apply; HR Contact; Introduction; Job Duties; Qualifications; Special Notes
  • To create or update the posting description library, complete the TAM Posting Description Form found at HRS Administration > Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM) web page and send to your Affinity Group (AG) by email.
4. Select a Description using the magnifying glass. Available options are populated based on the selection made in the Description Type field. If standard text has been supplied by the institution, it will pull into this section.

5. Verify the Visibility field is correct - This field controls whether a particular section of the job description appears in internal postings (to UW employees), external postings (to the public) or both.

6. Update or create the description by copying and pasting information from a Word document or entering directly in the text box. Use the robust formatting toolbar to make your posting more visually appealing!
NOTE: if after review of the job posting on multiple devices, the images or tables are not appears as expected see KB Modifying Images and Tables in Job Posting in TAM

Adding a hyperlink
  • Highlight the word(s) to become a hyperlink
  • Select the link icon from the toolbar
  • On the Link Info tab, select the Link Type, Protocol and enter the URL
insert hyperlink toolbar 
  • On the Target Tab, select a target from the drop down list
  • Click OK

    insert hyperlink target
Adding an Image
  • Select the image icon from the tool bar.
  • On the Upload tab, click Browse.
  • Select the image to use.
  • Click Send it to the Server.
  • On the Image Info tab, remove the width and height (this allows it to scale).
  • Click OK.
upload image
7. To add additional description types to the same job posting, click the Add Posting Description button and repeat steps 3-6.
job posting posting info 2
8. Update the following fields in the Posting Destinations area. To troubleshoot why a posting may not appear see KB Troubleshooting Job Posting Not Showing in TAM
• Posting Destination - Where the posting should appear
    • NOTE:  Posting Destination External - All Jobs posts jobs to Candidate Gateway and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development's Job Center of Wisconsin: The WI DWD Job Center interfaces jobs with the following organizations:
America's Job Exchange
US jobs by the National Labor Exchange (aka DirectEmployers)
• DirectEmployers interfaces with many organizations. Please see their Trusted Partners list for additional details.
Since the UW does not interface directly with these organizations, we do not have control over where or when they appear on each organization's website.

Job Posting Destinations
  • Post Date - Post Date is the date when the Job Opening gets posted. It is populated based on Relative Open Date.
  • Remove Date- Date the job posting will be removed. It is automatically populated if you enter a number in the Posting Duration field or a specific date can be added instead of using the Posting Duration.  If a date or time frame of the job posting is entered, TAM expires the job posting based upon the entered date or duration. Users must remember to change/update as necessary. You can only choose Remove Date or Posting Duration (Days).
NOTE: The remove date is driven by the posting duration (days).  The posting will be removed from Candidate Gateway and Self Service Careers at 12:15 a.m. on the date indicated in the Remove Date field. To allow an applicant to apply through a specific date, the Remove Date should equal that specific date plus one day.
  • Posting Duration (Days) - Number of days the job posting will be active and then removed. TAM expires the job posting based upon the date. The field can be left blank if the the duration is unknown, however, users must remember to change/update as necessary. You can only choose Remove Date or Posting Duration (Days).
9. Click the Preview button to "Preview" the Job Posting that has been created.  By default, you see sections that are applicable to external postings first, you can click the Switch to Internal View link to see the sections that are applicable to internal postings.
10. Click OK to complete the job posting.

9.2 add a job posting destinations

11. If you would like to create an additional job posting, such as to record text for a print ad or a posting, you can add another job posting by clicking the Add Job Postings link on the Job Postings page. Then follow the steps above only selecting the specific Posting Destination that applies to the additional posting. For more about, see Forwarding Job Openings to .

NOTE: The Job Posting marked as the Primary Posting Title will be the Job Posting applicants see on Candidate Gateway. Only one of the postings should have External-All Jobs and UW Self Service Careers specified as Posting Destinations.  If there are multiple Job Postings using External-All Jobs or UW Self Service Careers, Candidate Gateway and Self Service Careers search results will indicate more than one opening for that Job Opening. To fix this, add or adjust the Remove Date for External-All Jobs and/or UW Self Service Careers to a past date for the Job Postings NOT marked as Primary Posting Title.

9.2 job posting final

Screening Tab

Screening is the process that can be used to evaluate a list of potential candidates and narrow the list to a few qualified candidates to be interviewed or hired. A job opening can have multiple screening levels, and each screening level can evaluate different criteria and use different processing rules.The goal of a screening process is to take the requirements of the job opening and:

  • Compare them with the qualifications of applicants.
  • Create a group list of qualified applicants.

Three screening levels exist in TAM: Online Screening, Minimum Qualifications and Preferred Qualifications. Screening criteria can be set up for each level when creating a job opening providing a great amount of flexibility based on the type of recruitment.  Any of the four screening levels can be used independently or together in any combination.

Online Screening - Online screening occurs after an applicant submits an application for a job opening. When the applicant submits the application, the system immediately processes the screening level and presents the applicant with a message related to the results of the online screening process. An applicant who passes the screening level will see a message indicating that the application has been accepted, while an applicant who fails the screening level will see a message indicating that the application has been rejected because the applicant does not have the necessary job qualifications. If the applicant passes Online Screening, the system moves their disposition to "Applied". If the applicant fails Online Screening, the system assigns a "Unqualifd" (Does not meet Min Quals) disposition.

Minimum Qualifications and Preferred Qualifications screening levels enable you to screen applicants based on different criteria and can be used in conjunction with Online Screening. For example, you might initially screen candidates for basic eligibility based on whether the applicant has completed the minimum education requirement, or whether the applicant is willing to work full-time. A separate screening level then enables you to screen based on qualifications such as years of experience or amount of training.

Setting Up Screening Criteria

This step is generally completed prior to approval for the initial job opening.

  1. Review/Enter information in the following fields

    Job Code - All job codes will be listed for the Job Opening. To view additional Job Codes, use the arrows to advance to another row.
    Degree - this field is not used. If you'd like to add a degree to your screening criteria, add it within the Screening Questions section.

  2. Enter Skills Questions - These questions are added to the posted job opening and applicants must answer the questions before being able to submit their application.

    - Select a Skills Question from the magnifying glass/look up from the Library. Questions in the library consist of Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Date, Numeric or Open Ended questions (free form applicant answers).
    - Click Add Skills Questions to add more questions from the Library.
    - To narrow your question search, you can use the search criteria fields (i.e. in the description field, type in Masters, which will narrow the search for Masters degree questions).
    - The screening questions are categorized into 8 question types. Questions can also be searched by changing the look up option for Question code to 'contains' and entering their two letter code:
    • EX = Experience
    • CR = Certificates
    • LS = Leadership
    • TR = Training
    • TW = Teamwork
    • BR = Broadcast
    • OT = Other
    • RS = Research
    - To assist with identifying questions, use the TAM Screening Question Query.  See KB Viewing and Modifying Screening Questions in TAM.
    - Use Load from Question Set to load a grouping of questions that have already been set up in the system. Choose which of the questions in the set to add to the job opening; it is not necessary to use the full set.
    - For additional information on setting up an open ended question, see KB Creating and Evaluating Open Ended Questions in TAM .

  3.  Place a check in the Required field to indicate that the applicant must answer the question.

  4.  Use Question Order to indicate the order in which questions appear to applicants. Regardless of the order you specify, open-ended questions always appear after all single-choice/multiple-choice questions.

  5. Click View Answers to see the question verbiage and associated answers.

  6. In the applicant screening section, review the Max Total Points, which is typically 100.

  7. Verify the box Must Pass Previous Levels is checked. This tells TAM that an applicant must pass the previous screening level before being evaluated by the next screening level.

  8. Select the Screening Level to complete using the following instructions.
    Screening Option Description

    Screening Option Description section
    - Pass Status: (default - do not change)
    - Pass Reason: (default - do not change)
    - Fail Status: (default - do not change)
    - Fail Reason: (default - do not change)
    - Explain Text ID (only Pre-screening and online): select from the magnifying glass search; click View Explanatory Message link to see the selected message. This is what the applicant will see in the online application if this screening is used.
    - Pass Text ID (only Pre-screening and online): do not change the default text
    - Fail Text ID (only Pre-screening and online): do not change the default text
    NOTE: These are the messages the applicant will see based on whether they pass or fail the screening question(s). Click on View Pass Message or View Fail Message links to see selected messages.

    Scoring Definition, Assign Points section
    - Review Percent Needed to Pass, which defaults to 100. Enter the minimum percentage amount of the total possible points that an applicant must have to pass the screening level.
    - In the Pre Screening level, whether an applicant passes or fails a question is solely dependent upon selecting the correct answer for the question. And points are not used.
    - This is calculated by the applicants total points scored divided by the total possible points. Points are assigned per question in the Screening Requirements section

    The Maximum Points to Assign, Points Assigned for Pass and Points Assigned for Fail generally are NOT used. Do not use these fields if entering a Percent Needed to Pass.

    Screening Requirements section
    - The grid shows a list of various Job Preferences Screening Types in additional to any Skills Questions added. It is used to identify whether the screening criteria should be used for a given screening level and if the criteria is required.
    NOTE: Job Preferences do not produce actual screening questions. Instead this area is located in the Preferences section of the online application and require very specific answers. Additionally, applicants are not required to complete the Preferences section so usage of the Job. Preferences sections should be done with caution. It is recommended to use actual screening questions instead of the Job Preferences section.         
    - Click Edit Details to allocate points.
    - Use in Screening makes the Skills Question visible to the applicant and requires the applicant to answer the question before they can submit their application.
    NOTE: only questions that have only one correct answer indicated can be used in Online Screening.
    - Required to Pass requires the applicant to answer the screening question correctly in order to pass the screening level. If the system determines that the applicant does not have this criteria (incorrectly answers the question), the applicant fails the screening level even if the overall point total meets the passing threshold.
    - Click the OK button at the bottom of the page to go back to the main screening page.
  9. Click Save as Draft or Save and Submit to submit your job opening for approval, or to update the online application.

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Keywordsjob, position, recruit, recruiting, approvals, interview, candidate, applicant, posting, Faculty, Academic Staff, Limited, University Staff, University Staff Temporary Employee, recruitment, training, TAM hire rehire, waiver, waiver hire, multiple positions, continuous requisition TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID19321
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-08-01 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:48:06
SitesUW–Shared Services
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