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Viewing and Modifying Screening Questions in TAM


Instructions are provided for generating a list of existing screening questions and for requesting new screening questions.

Process Considerations:

  • When running the Screening Question query use of a percent sign (%) before and after the keyword is required.
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Instructions for Running the Screening Question Query 

The TAM Screening Question query provides the ability to search for existing screening questions and their related answers in HRS on an ad hoc basis. The query is primarily used by institutional recruiters or designee to locate appropriate screening questions and correct answer combinations to assist when creating a new job opening within TAM. The public query allows those with the Recruiter security role the ability to query screening questions within HRS
  1. Navigate to: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer.

  2. In the "begins with" field, enter some or all of the query name UW_TA_SCR_QSTNS

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click either HTML or Excel to select which format to run the query.  A new browser tab will open.

  5. Enter a keyword to search the screening question library.  You must use percent signs (%) before and after the keyword. 
    9.2 Warning sign  The query will not work unless you place a % in front of and after the keyword.
    • To return all questions in the TAM screening question library, type two % signs and click View Results. i.e. %%
    • To search for an exact phrase, place a % before and after the phrase.  i.e %social work%.
    • To search for multiple words, parse out each word by surrounding each one with a % sign.  i.e. %social%work%.
    • The query is case sensitive.   Running the query using capital letters will return different search results.  i.e. %Social Work% vs. %social work%
    • To search for all screening questions in a category, enter the shorthand abbreviation surrounded by a % sign. i.e. %CR%.
    • This query will search both the Long description field as well as the Question Code field for the keyword. Searching by Question Code can be used to return an entire category of questions.  Question Codes are identified in the following:
      • ED = Education
      • CR = Certificates
      • TR = Training
      • EX = Experience
      • LS = Leadership
      • BC = Broadcast
      • TW = Team Work
      • RS = Research
      • OT = Others

  6. Click on the View Results button.

  7. Question Type field identifies which type of question 
  • D - Date
  • M - Multiple Choice
  • N - Numeric
  • O - Open Ended
  • S - Single Choice

  • Once the appropriate question is found, make note of the Question ID, Question Code, or Descr field.  This can then be entered into the Screening Criteria through the standard method on the Job Opening Screening tab by using the Question ID, Question Code, or Description fields from this query.  Reference Creating Job Opening(s) in TAM .

Request to Add/Modify Screening Questions

If a question does not exist in HRS or an existing question needs to be modified, submit a request to UW-Shared Services (see Get help from UW-Shared Services Support Team) with the following information:

    • Institution
    • Question category
      • Education
      • Certificates
      • Training
      • Experience
      • Leadership
      • Broadcast
      • Team Work
      • Research
      • Other
    • Question Text
    • Question Type
      • Single Choice (most common)
        • Multiple answer options are provided
        • Applicant should only be able to select only one answer
        • One, some or all answers can be considered “correct” for screening purposes
      • Multiple Choice (rare)
        • Multiple answer options are provided
        • Applicant can select one, some, or all answers
        • One, some or all answers can be considered “correct” for screening purposes
      • Date
      • Numeric
      • Open Ended
    • Answer options
      • For Single Choice and Multiple Choice questions, what answers should be displayed for the applicant to choose from?
      • For Single Choice and Multiple Choice questions, which of the answer(s) should be marked as “Correct”
      • For Date questions, what is the correct date, incorrect date or range of dates?
      • For Numeric questions, what is the correct number, incorrect number or range of numbers?

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KeywordsScreening, TAM, Query, Screening Question, Screening Answer, Answer, criteria, library TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID51784
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2015-05-29 14:41:56Updated2024-05-14 10:57:27
SitesUW–Shared Services
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