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Designate Funding for Payroll Earnings Code Differently Than Regular Pay in HRS


This document shows how to designate funding for an employee's payroll earnings code when the funding is different than their regular earnings, deductions, and taxes for the current or future payroll period. For example, an employee's earnings code for Termination Pay, Overload, Overtime, or from a previous position may need to have a different funding source than their regular earnings.

Process Considerations:

  • Refer to KB Payroll Earnings Code Descriptions in HRS  for a list of applicable Earnings Codes
  • Special funding for payroll earnings codes must be entered by NOON of the day on the Final Calc day in order to take effect for the employee's current payroll period.
  • The ERNCD (earnings code) column on the Funding Data Entry page is normally blank, but used solely to designate funding for a payroll earnings code differently than regular pay for employees whose Pay Basis is not Lump. For employees whose Pay Basis is Lump (lump sum payment), the ERNCD column should always be blank, and this document is not applicable. If the funding for the employee's payroll earnings code is the same as their regular earnings no further action is necessary, and this document is not applicable. The ERNCD column on the Funding Data Entry page should remain blank.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


Display Current Funding for Employee's Job

1. From the HRS Main Menu, use navigation path:  Set Up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Budget Funding Data Entry.

  • Also accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting USA > UW Finance WorkCenter
  • For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS .

2.  In the Funding Data Entry screen, the Find an Existing Value tab displays searchable fields.

a.  The Set ID field defaults to SHARE.  Leave as is.

b.  The Business Unit field defaults to your campus abbreviation.  Note: If you have HRS Security to do so, you may change to a different Business Unit.

c.  Enter any information you have (e.g. appointing Department, Fiscal Year, Empl ID, Empl Rcd Nbr, etc.).

d.  Select the Include History button to view future, current, and historical funding records for the employee's job.

e.  Click Search. (If the search criteria results in multiple records, select the applicable record.)

Funding Data Entry

3. The Funding Data Entry page displays Appointment level funding for the employee's job.

  • The ERNCD should always be blank for employees with a pay basis of Lump

Add Earnings Code Funding for Additional Pay

1. Click the Add a new row icon (plus symbol), located on the right side of the Budget Data section heading, to the right of the Empl Record field.

  • Users with View-Only access will not see a plus icon.
  • Funding Status and funding distribution rows are copied from the previous record.

    appt funding add new row
2. In the new funding Effective Date field, update the date to equal the begin date of the applicable pay period; see payroll calendar. This is the date the earnings code funding should take effect.

3. Verify Status is Active

4. In the new Funding Distribution grid section, place your cursor on the bottom-most funding row, and click the plus icon to add a new, blank funding distribution row.

5. In the new row, enter the Fund, Dept ID, Program, Project (if applicable), and Distrib % (distribution percentage). In the ERNCD (Earnings Code) column, enter the 3-character earnings code for the employee's Additional Pay. Example: UOL

6. Before you save, review your entries in the Funding Distribution section.

       a. The funding row(s) used to fund the employee's regular earnings, where the ERNCD column is blank, must total 100% under the Distrib % column.

       b. The funding row(s) used to fund the employee's Additional Pay must also total 100%. 

Funding Distribution

7.  Click Save

8.  After saving, HRS automatically reorders the funding distribution sequence numbers. (See example below.)

a.  SEQ# 1 is assigned to the funding combination for the Additional Pay earnings code(s) in the ERNCD column.

b. SEQ# 2 column represent the funding combination codes for the employee's regular earnings, deductions, and taxes. The ERNCD column is blank for regular earnings, deductions and taxes.

Note:  For each unique sequence number under the *SEQ# column, the funding distribution must total 100%.

change funding for pay after save

Reset Earnings Code Funding for Next Payroll

If the payroll earnings code funding is for one pay period only, change (reset) the funding for the employee's next pay period.

1. Add a new funding effective dated record for the employee's next payroll.

2. In the new funding Effective Date, update the date to the begin date of the employee's next payroll period.

3. In the Funding Distribution section, delete the funding distribution row containing the entry in the ERNCD (Earnings Code) column.

4. Update funding, as needed.

5. Save.

After this Procedure

To verify funding distribution and dollar amounts after payroll confirmation, view the Review Actuals Distribution page in HRS.

  • Also accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting USA > UW Finance WorkCenter.  For more information about the WorkCenter, see Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS.

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KeywordsEarnings code ERNCD Budget Funding Data Entry Commitment Accounting HRS - Financials additional pay lump sum funding string overload allowance overtime TRC training FN, Finance   Doc ID18173
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-04-17 20:00:00Updated2024-05-14 11:48:05
SitesUW–Shared Services
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