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Pay Group Descriptions in HRS


In HRS, an employee's Pay Group gathers a set of employees for payroll processing. It is a 3-character code that is associated with a particular UW Payroll Calendar, with specific pay period begin and end dates, and paycheck issue dates. An employee's Pay Group is established in each job record. Within HRS, you can find the Pay Group for an employee's current job on their HR Job Data record, Payroll tab.

Process Considerations:

  • Pay Group values default based on the combination of Business Unit, Empl Class, Pay Basis, Income Code, FLSA status, and Compensation Frequency.
  • EXCEPTION:  A Pay Group code of NON represents an employee's non-paid, zero dollar appointment which is not paid in HRS.
Click on the links below to skip directly to a section:

Pay Group Coding

Pay Group


Applicable Payroll Calendar



Biweekly Pay Schedule with 26 pay periods; paid biweekly based on total FTE
BAR - Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees
BAF - Scholar/Fellows


Biweekly Pay Schedule paid biweekly based upon total FTE; number of paychecks vary based on campus's academic year dates
BCR - Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees
BCF - Scholar/Fellows


Biweekly Pay Schedule with 26 pay periods; paid hourly every 2 weeks for total hours worked;
HAR - Academic Hourly
HCF/HCR - Academic Hourly FLSA nonexempt
HFF/HFR - Annual Hourly FLSA nonexempt
HLR - Temporary
HMR - Summer Session hourly FLSA nonexempt
HPR - Permanent/Project
HSR/HST - Student Hourly
HVF/HVR - Summer Service hourly FLSA nonexempt


A Pay Group code of NON represents a non-paid, zero dollar appointment which is not paid through HRS.
NOTE: Non-paid appointments do not need payroll funding entered in HRS. (See screenshot example below for an employee with a non-paid appointment).


Biweekly Pay Schedule (e.g. Teaching) number of paychecks vary based on campus's summer calendar.   


Biweekly Pay Schedule (e.g. Research or Administrative) number of paychecks vary based on campus's summer calendar.
BVR - Summer Service
BVF - Summer Service Fellow

Screenshot Example of Pay Group for Employee's Current Job (Paid Appointment)

You can find the Pay Group code for an employee's current job by navigating to: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data; search for employee; click on the Payroll tab.

payroll tab in HRS. Paygroup Highlighted.

Screenshot Example of Pay Group for Employee's Current Job (Non-Paid Appointment)

An example of the Pay Group code NON for an employee's Non-Paid current job is shown below. Employees with non-paid, zero dollar appointments are not paid in HRS; consequently, they do not need payroll funding entered in HRS.

Payroll Tab in HRS Paygroup set to NON

Listing of All Pay Groups

Click the links below to find listings of all active and inactive pay groups in HRS.  Note that the "active" list includes all active pay groups that exist, but there may not be employees assigned to them.

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

A-Basis C-Basis H-Basis S-Basis V-Basis NON payroll calendar hourly biweekly bi-weekly summer session summer service pay group code nonpaid non-paid zero dollar $0 training reporting paygroup PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll 
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Melanie K. in UW–Shared Services
UW–Shared Services