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Running the Employee Funding Summary Report in HRS


You can run the Employee Funding Summary Report to list the funding level (Appointment, Position, Department), funding combination code, and funding percentage for all employees in a business unit, division, department as of a specific funding effective date. The "as of" date represents the funding effective date from the HRS Funding Data Entry page which may be the current date, a future date or a date in the past for the specified Fiscal Year.

The Employee Funding Summary Report is an ad-hoc report which can be run any time, and you can download the report results to an Excel spreadsheet to sort and filter data as needed. The report results display in "real time."

Process Considerations:

You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Navigation: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Reports > Funding Summary USA.
  2. Accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America>Payroll Distribution>Commitment Accounting USA>UW Finance WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS .
  3. In the Funding Summary USA search screen, run the report by entering or creating a Run Control ID. For help see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS
  4. On the Funding Summary Report page, the Run Control ID field shows the name given to the Run Control ID for this report (e.g., EMPLFUNDING).

    a.  In the required field for SetID, the default is SHARE.  Leave as is.  Do not change.

    b.  In the required field for Department, enter all or part of the 7-character appointing Department which starts with your campus alpha code identifier, (e.g., B037300).  If a partial appointing Department is entered, use the percent character % as a wildcard (e.g., B03%).

    c.  In the required field for Fiscal Year, enter the 4-digit fiscal year (e.g., 2017).

    d.  The As of Date required field represents the funding effective date, as entered on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS. The report will summarize the employee funding information that is in effect on the "As of Date."
    • The "As of Date" defaults to the current date the first time the report is run.  It can be changed to a future or past date, but it must fall within the specified Fiscal Year.
    e.  In the Funding Summary By required section, the default selection is Appointment Level. Leave as is. Do not change.

    f.   In the Report Option section, the default selection is Earnings Distribution.  Leave as is. Other options are to summarize funding for Deductions or Taxes.

    g.  Leave the optional fields for Empl ID set to blank and Empl Rcd# set to zero.

    h.  The Active Data Only indicator field defaults to selected so that the report summarizes funding for all active employees. 
    NOTE: De-select if you wish to also include inactive employees.

    i.   The Output CSV File indicator is an optional field. When selected, it generates a comma separated value (CSV) file that downloads to Excel, in addition to the default PDF.
    NOTE: This option is recommended.

    funding summary report first
  5. Click Save if you wish to use similar report parameters the next time you run this report. [optional]
  6. To run the report, click Run.
  7. On the Process Scheduler Request page, click OK to continue.

    Funding summary report
  8. After clicking OK, the Funding Summary Report page displays. Use the Process Monitor and View Log/Trace to monitor the report, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS
  9. In the View Log/Trace window, click on the desired file name to view the report results.

    funding summary report trace log
To the top

Report Results Example

The Employee Funding Summary Report results open in a new window.  It is sorted by appointing department, employee's last name, Employee ID, Empl Rcd # (employee record number).  A page break occurs after each unique appointing department.

a.  Name: first name, last name of employee (sorted alphabetically by Last Name).

b.  Employee ID: 7-digit unique Employee ID (e.g., 00047223).

c.  Empl Rcd#: Employee record number (e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3) which identifies the employee's job in the appointing department.

d.  Funding Level: type of salary funding (if any) for the employee per the funding effective As of Date.  AP = Appointment Level funding; PN = Position Level funding; DP = Department Level funding; Blank = no salary funding was added for the employee.
For an explanation of the types of salary funding levels, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document, Salary Funding Levels Assigned During Payroll Processing in HRS .

e.  Funding Combination Code: The payroll funding distribution chartfields (also known as "funding string") for the employee's salary expense (e.g. , earnings, deductions, taxes), as entered on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS.
  • No Funding Source Available means that no salary funding exists for the employee's active job record number; no funding was added on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS.
    NOTE: Ignore the "No Funding Source Available" message for employees whose Pay Group code is NON (No Pay Basis).
  • For example, the funding combination code 133-037300-0-MIL-PRJ53ZV is made up of the following five segments:
f.  Earnings Code: 3-character code, if applicable, to designate that a specific payroll earnings code is funded differently than regular earnings, deductions, and taxes.
NOTE: If an employee has a specific Earnings Code which is funded differently than regular earnings, (due to Retro Pay, Overtime, Overload, for example), this 3-character earnings code is displayed under the Earnings Code column on the report results.

g.  Seq: 1-digit Sequence number from the Funding Data Entry page, Funding Distribution section in HRS. For each unique Sequence number, the funding distribution percentage must total 100%.

h.  Empl Class: Employee classification from the employee's HR Job Data record, Job Information tab.
NOTE: For a list of employee classification code definitions, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document Employee Classifications (Empl Class) in HRS .

i.  Fund Distrib %:  Funding Distribution percentage per funding combination code from the Funding Data Entry page, Funding Distribution section in HRS. 
NOTE: Employees with funding split between multiple funding combination codes will print with two or more rows on the report.

j.  Pay Basis: The principal condition in terms of time, production, or other criteria, along with salary rate, which determines the compensation paid to an employee.
NOTE: For a list of the seven types of Pay Bases used at UW, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document Pay Basis Descriptions in HRS .
Exception: The Pay Basis of NoPayBasis represents employees with non-paid, zero dollar appointments.  The Pay Basis is listed on the employee's HR Job Data record, Job Information tab.

k.  Pay Group: A 3-character code which ties the employee to a particular UW Payroll Calendar, with specific pay period begin and end dates.
NOTE: For a description of the six main types of Pay Group codes used at UW and the applicable payroll calendar, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document Pay Group Descriptions in HRS .
Exception: The Pay Group code of NON represents employees with non-paid, zero dollar appointments. These types of employees do not need payroll funding entered in HRS. The Pay Group code is listed on the employee's HR Job Data record, Payroll tab.
employee funding summary output

Action Needed

If the message, "No Funding Source Available" displays for an active employee's job record number (in Active payroll status), funding should be added in the appointing department via the Funding Data Entry page before their next payroll period.  Otherwise, the employee's salary expense will be distributed to the Payroll Suspense chartfield of Fund 128, Funding Dept PRSUSP, Program code 1, and a direct retro funding distribution (a/k/a salary cost transfer) will be needed to correct the funding retroactively.

If incorrect funding is listed for an active employee's job record number, you should change their funding in the appointing department via the Funding Data Entry page in HRS before the Payroll Confirmation deadline for their next payroll period.

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      Keywordscommitment accounting budget funding entry reporting appointment level position level department bud011 salary earnings fiscal year training reporting FN, Finance   Doc ID17922
      OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
      Created2011-04-07 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:55:12
      SitesUW–Shared Services
      Feedback  0   0