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Viewing the UW Benefits Payline Adjustment Page in HRS


Users who have view-only access to the UW Payline Adjustment Page are able to view both the 'Earnings/General Deductions' tab and the 'Benefit Deductions' tab. This document is intended to help the user understand information contained on the 'Benefit Deductions' tab.

Process Considerations:

  • Payline Adjustments are typically loaded to the paysheets on Tuesday evening of a payroll calc week.  Paylines added after Tuesday should be entered using the next available payroll period.
  • Prior to entering any Payline Adjustments, Benefit Administrators should review any Deduction Prepays, Benefits Billing payments, Arrears, Benefits Retro, and run the Paycheck Review Query for an employee to verify that payment is needed, in addition to fixing the root cause for the payline if needed.
  • The Payline Details Report and the PSHUP Load Process Report should be run in addition to viewing this page to monitor Payline Adjustments.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


1. Navigate to:  Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Create and Load Paysheets > UW Payline > UW Payline Adjustment Page
2. Enter search criteria to find your Payline Adjustment. There are multiple options for searching for information:
By Pay Period:  To view all current payline adjustments for a particular pay period, enter the desired Pay Run ID (e.g., 2020BW07A) and click Search button.  The Pay Run ID can be past, present or future.  A list of all employees with payline adjustments for that pay period will be displayed.  For additional information on the 'Status' field that is displayed, see 'Load Status' below.

By Specific Employee:  To view all payline adjustments for a specific employee, enter the EmplID or a combination of the person's First Name and Last Name.  If the employee has payline adjustments for multiple pay periods, a list of all pay periods (future, current and past) will be displayed.  Click on the desired pay period.

Combination:  Search fields can be combined to narrow down the number of possible entries displayed.  For example, the Pay Run ID and EmplID could be entered to display an employee's payline adjustments for only the current pay period.

Other:  Any of the search criteria, including Department and Business Unit, can be entered separately and will result in all of the payline adjustments that match the specified criteria. 

3.  Once the employee's data is displayed, click on the Benefit Deductions tab.  

Benefit Deductions Tab

The top section above the solid blue line shows identifying information about the employee, such as Name, Business Unit and Empl Rcd.  This section is displayed regardless of the information displayed below the blue line.  The two fields included in this section that are primarily used for processing purposes behind the scenes are the  'Load Status' and 'PSHUP Creation Dt':

  • Load Status:  Provides an overview of the status for all payline adjustments combined for that employee and pay period.  The initial value is 'Pending', which then changes as processes are run.  The final desirable status is 'Loaded All to Payline'.
  • PSHUP Creation Dt:  Used as a unique identifier to prevent processing errors in the future.  The date is the same as the paycheck date. 

Below the solid blue line is the information related to each of the payline adjustments, which are also known as one-time deductions.  Pertinent data is located primarily on three of the four secondary tabs.  Below is an outline of each tab on the UW Payline Adjustment page.

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Transactions Details Tab

The majority of the information a Benefit Administrator will reference occurs on the Transaction Details Tab.  This is the tab where Payline Adjustments are entered and/or modified, and where you can track their progress. 

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Below is a list of fields on this page and how to read the data contained in them:

  • Adjust Begin Dt:  This is the beginning of the time period when the issue occurred that required a payline adjustment.  Typically this is the first day of the pay period.  This date is used later in the process to check for duplicate deductions.
  • Adjust End Dt:  This is the end of the time period when the issue occurred that required a payline adjustment.  Typically this is the last day of the pay period.  This date is used later in the process to check for duplicate deductions.
  • One-Time Code:  There are three possible values:
    • a. 'Addition' adds a full or partial deduction to the employee's paycheck.  This one-time deduction will be added to any regular deduction that has the same parameters (i.e., Benefit Plan, DedCD and DedClass).
    • b. 'Refund' deletes a full or partial deduction from the employee's paycheck.  This one-time deduction will be subtracted from any regular deduction that has the same parameters (i.e., Benefit Plan, DedCD and DedClass).
    • c. 'Override' is rarely used.  It will add a deduction to the paycheck and block all other similar deductions from being taken.
  • Plan Type: This is the broader category name for a benefit.  In general, each Plan Type has a description (e.g., State Group Health) and corresponding code (e.g., 10).  Only the codes are displayed on the Payline Adjustment Page.  Click the following link for information about each Plan Type (columns A and B):  Plan Type Benefit Plan Codes.xlsx.
  • Benefit Plan: This is the name of the specific benefit offered by a vendor.  In general, each benefit plan has a description (e.g., Unity UW Health) and a code (UNITYU).  Only the codes are displayed on the Payline Adjustment Page.  Click the following link for information about each Benefit Plan (columns C and D):  Plan Type Benefit Plan Codes.xlsx
  • DedCD:  This is the deduction code associated with the benefit plan.  It reflects other aspects about the employee, too.  For example, an employee who chooses to pay for State Group Health with an after-tax deduction will have a different deduction code than an employee who pays for the deduction before-tax.
  • DedClass:  All deductions are either Before Tax (B), After Tax (A), Taxable (T), or Nontaxable (N).  Before-Tax and After-Tax deductions are paid by the employee, so these deductions will increase or decrease net earnings on the paycheck depending on whether it's an Addition or Refund.  Nontaxable deductions are paid by the employer and therefore do not decrease or increase the amount of an employee's paycheck.  Taxable deductions may decrease or increase an employee's earnings by the amount of tax taken, not by the amount of the payline adjustment.
  • Amount:  The amount may reflect a single deduction, or it may be the total of a combination of similar deductions (e.g., multiple payline adjustments; or one payline adjustment plus one retro deduction).  The preferred approach is to include related information in the Comments field to provide clarification.
  • Root Cause:  The purpose of this field is to capture information about the reason why the payline adjustment is needed.  This data can be used to determine training needs and/or HRS system changes.  There are 15 different reasons with an additional 'See Comments' value to record other reasons.
  • PSHUP Status:  The 'PSHUP Status' field provides information about the processes that take the payline adjustment data and move it to the paycheck.  (Although the definition of PSHUP is not important, it stands for Paysheet (PSH) Update (U) Process (P)). When a payline adjustment is initially entered, the PSHUP Status is set to 'Pending'.  Beginning on Tuesday night of the applicable pay period, a process is run that first moves the payline adjustment to a temporary holding table (PSHUP table).  If the data passes an extensive validation test, then the PSHUP Status changes to 'Ready for Payline'.  Another process later moves it to the payline where it can be viewed using Review Paycheck.  At that time, the PSHUP Status changes to 'Loaded to Payline'.  This is the desired end result.  During the initial load process, there is extensive validation to ensure data integrity.  If the payline adjustment does not pass the validation process, the PSHUP Status will change to reflect the problem.  At that point, the payline adjustment will not be moved to the paycheck until the problem is resolved.  If no action is taken prior to the final pay calc and confirm, then the payline adjustment must be re-entered for another pay period or moved to Benefit Billing.  Below are PSHUP Status values that alert the user and UWSS Service Operations to possible problems:
  • Ded - Insufficient Net Pay:  During bi-weekly pay periods, there are multiple times when Time and Labor is loaded to a paycheck.  Therefore, there may be sufficient earnings later in the week.
  • Dup Ded - Manual Review:  If there is a Retro deduction or Arrears deduction with an associated Pay End Date that falls between the Adjust Begin Dt and the Adjust End Dt, then the PSHUP Status will indicate that a possible duplicate deduction exists.  If it is determined after review that both deductions are valid, then they must be added together.  It is recommended that a Comment be added to provide information for clarification purposes.
  • High Amt - Manual Review:  Additional review and approval is needed for any amount that exceeds the maximum established for campus users.  The amount is currently $500 for Before-Tax and After-Tax deductions.
  • Inactive - Manual Entry:  A payline adjustment cannot be moved to the paycheck through the PSHUP process if the employee terminates employment after the payline adjustment is initially entered on this page.  However, it can be manually entered through another page.
  • Invalid Benefit Plan (or Invalid DedCD, or Invalid DedClass, or Invalid Plan Type):  A payline adjustment cannot be moved to the paycheck if a change in the Benefit Program makes the employee ineligible for the benefit type after the payline adjustment is initially entered on this page.  Tier 3 should be consulted in these cases. 
  • No Payline - Manual Entry:  This status occurs whenever an active employee does not currently have a paycheck pending.  It's possible that time and labor will be loaded later in the week, so the payline adjustment could still be possible.  If not, it may be possible to enter the payline adjustment on a different page in some cases. 
  • Prepay Exists - Manual Review:  If the employee has a Deduction Prepay balance for the same benefit type, then the payline adjustment is often not needed.  Therefore, review is needed to determine if it is appropriate.
Once the payline adjustment passes the validation stage, there may be subsequent changes to the PSHUP Status, as indicated below:
  • PSHUP Load Error:  Although the entry passed the validation stage, it did not make it to the proper holding place (PSHUP table) due to an error.  UWSS Service Operations must address the issue.
  • Manually Entered:  An entry that did not pass the validation stage was reviewed by UWSS Service Operations and then manually entered through another page.  The payline adjustment will appear on Review Paycheck after the next preliminary pay calc is completed.
  • Payline Load Failed:  Although the entry was in the proper holding place (PSHUP table), it did not make it to the payline (paycheck) due to an error.  UWSS Service Operations must address the issue.
  • Manual - Turned off OK to Pay:  Even if the payline adjustment has made it all of the way to the paycheck, it is not totally safe until the pay confirmation process is complete.  During the final pay calc process, the Payroll Team may uncheck an 'OK to Pay' box (on a different page) to address a pay calc error.  This prevents the payline adjustment from being entered onto the paycheck.

Note that the 'PSHUP Status' may differ for different payline adjustments that appear on the same page.  This will occur whenever payline adjustments are subsequently added or modified after other entries have been moved to the paycheck during the payroll processing week.

Payline Details Tab

Fields on this tab reference the payline to which the payline adjustment is being added and is used primarily by Payroll.  Fields will include: PayEndDt, PageNum, Line Num, Addl Num, Sep Chck, and whether this payline was marked as OK to Pay after moving through the validation process. 
Payline Details Tab Replace

Requestor Details Tab

This tab provides information about the initial entry or modification of the Payline Adjustment data, in addition to pertinent information about the nature of the Payline Adjustment itself.  Fields on this tab include the following:

  • Requestor ID:  This is the EmplID of the person who initially entered the payline adjustment.  If the data was uploaded instead of entered manually on this page, it will say 'UW_PY_MASSLD'.
  • Created Datetime:  This is the date and time when the payline adjustment data was initially saved.
  • Last Updated OPRID:  This is the EmplID of the person who subsequently saved the payline adjustment after it was initially created, presumably after making changes.
  • Last Updated Timestamp:  This is the date and time when the payline adjustment was subsequently saved after it was initially created.
  • Comments:  The purpose of this field is to provide additional information for understanding the provided data, such as when the payline adjustment and a Retro deduction are added together.  It is a required field if the user selects 'See Comments' as the Root Cause.  There is no required format for the information that is entered, so it is up to the user to be as complete and clear as possible.  If the entry was uploaded instead of entered manually, this field will initially say 'LOADED BY UW_PY_MASSLD'.

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Load Details Tab

The fields on this tab show the dates/times the Payline Adjustments moved to the PSHUP Table for Validation, and then loaded to the paysheets. 

UW Payline Load Details Replace

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Keywordspayline adjustments paylines one-time deductions support troubleshooting training BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID29184
OwnerChristina S.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2013-03-20 15:32:35Updated2024-05-14 10:57:27
SitesUW–Shared Services
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