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Accessing a Timesheet (Employee & Manager) in HRS


This procedure describes the steps to login to the portal and to access a timesheet as an Employee, Manager or Payroll Coordinator. Additionally, this document provides timesheet fields and definitions.

Process Considerations:

  • Logging in will vary between UW Madison and all other UW employees.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Logging in

UW-Madison: Employees can access the MyUW Madison portal at using their UW-Madison NETID username and password.  On the MyUW Madison portal, the Timesheet can be accessed through the Time and Absence app.

All UW: Employees can access at using their UW Institutional ID username and password. The Timesheet can be access through the Timesheet link on the Time and Absence tile. 

Types of Time Reporters / Timesheets

There are four types of time reporters who will utilize the timesheet.
  1. Punch positive employees include student help and University Staff Temporary Employment employees.  These employees will normally have 'P_ZERO_HOURS' schedules and their timesheets will be the blank punch timesheet.
  2. Integrated Elapsed positive employees include FA/AS/LI non-exempt hourly employees, such as Readers, Graders, and Ad Hoc Program Specialists.  These employees will normally have 'E_ZERO_HOURS' schedules and their timesheets will be the blank integrated elapsed timesheet.
  3. Punch exception employees include University Staff non-exempt employees, such as Vet Tech and Food Service Assistant.  Their timesheets will be the punch timesheet and may have a prepopulated schedule assignment.
  4. Integrated Elapsed exception employees include University Staff exempt employees, such as IS Network Services Specialist.  Their timesheets will be the integrated elapsed timesheet which may have a prepopulated schedule assignment.  
The time reporter type can be identified by reviewing the Workgroup assignment on the employee's Maintain Time Reporter Data page (Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Maintain Time Reporter Data). The Workgroup description is indicative of whether the employee is Positive (Pos) or Exception (Exc).  (ex. STH00NPP00 is STH00NonexemptPunchPositive00 employee and FNE00EEE02 would be FNE00Exempt(Integrated)ElapsedException00 employee)

Accessing Timesheet (Employee)

1a (Single Job). You will now see the timesheet. The Timesheet Fields section provides a breakdown and explanation of the different areas and fields on the timesheet.

Note: This is the end of the procedure, see 1b for Multiple Jobs.

1b (Multiple Jobs). If you have more than one job, you will be taken to a page requiring you to choose which job you want to enter time for.  You should look at the Job Description, Working Title and Department Description columns to determine which job to pick.  When you have found the job you want, click on the Job Title to enter into the appropriate timesheet.  To see additional information to assist in selecting the appropriate job to report time, click on the Select Job tab.

Multiple Jobs Replaced

Select Job

2. You will now see the timesheet. The Timesheet Fields section provides a breakdown and explanation of the different areas and fields on the timesheet.

Accessing Timesheet (Payroll Coordinator/Manager)

1. You will now be at the Main Menu. Navigate to the Timesheet Link and click on on it.

Navigation: home > manager self service > time management > report time > Timesheet

2. You will now be able to search for the employee for whom you will be entering time. If you know the employee's Employee ID, enter it in the EmplID field. If you don't know the employee's EmplID, you can search for the employee by other criteria such as Group ID or First and Last Name (the name must be in ALL CAPS).

  •  The Group ID search is based on the following:
    • "A" Static Groups - Payroll Coordinator
    • "B" Static Groups - UW Supervisor
    • "C" Static Groups - UW Supervisor Backup
    • "D" Static Groups - Non UW Supervisor
    • "E" Static Groups - Non UW Supervisor Backup

  • Groups A-E are formed based on the data that is entered on the TL - Create and Maintain Time and Labor Securitypage. These groups contain all of the employees for which you are assigned as either the Payroll Coordinator, Supervisor/Supervisor Backup, or Non UW Supervisor/Non UW Supervisor Backup.
    • You may have multiple groups assigned depending on each employee's Tl Security page setup. For example if you are the payroll coordinator for your division but also supervise and are a backup supervisor to employees, you would have 3 groups from the above lising created.
    • These groups are not driven from the department (or row level) security that you may have. For example, if you are a supervisor in A07 but also supervise students in A48, you may have employees from both departments in your "B" static group as long as you are listed as the supervisor for those employees on their TL Security pages.

      look up time reporter group
  • "F" Dynamic Groups - Payroll Coordinators (based on department security)
    • Group F is only created if you also have one of the "A"-"E" groups. It is a dynamic group and will contain everyone who is in that department. This group is only for those who have HR security access; if your HR security is for A481000, you will only see people in A481000 in this group.

Note: A best practice for searching for a group of employees is to only use the Group ID value and for searching for a single employee is to only use the Empl ID.       

       Selection Criteria Timesheet    

3. After entering the desired search criteria, click the Get Employees button. For more information on search options, see Employee Search Options in HRS .

4. Depending on your search criteria, one or more employees will be returned. Select the employee you wish to enter time for by clicking their Last Name.

       Search Results Timesheet

5. You will now see the employee's timesheet. The Timesheet Fields section provides a breakdown and explanation of the different areas and fields on the timesheet.

Punch Timesheet Fields

Employee Information
  • Employee Name:  The name of the employee.
  • Employee ID:  The employee's unique eight digit identifier. Sometimes referred to as an EmplID.
  • Job Title: The employee's job title.  *Note: The employee may have multiple jobs. Verify that you are entering time for the correct job.
  • Employee Record Number: If an employee has more than one job in HRS, each job will have a different Employee Record Number.  *Note: Record numbers start at zero.
  • Earliest Change Date: This is how far back Time Administration will go to review the employee's reported time and then process it to payable time.

    Punch Timesheet Employee Info

Additional employee information can be obtained by moving your mouse pointer over the name of the employee.  A pop-up window will appear automatically with additional employee information.

         Timesheet Fields

Time Period Options

  • View By:  This option allows you to view the timesheet either by "Day", "Calendar Period", or "Week".  *Note: "Calendar Period" corresponds to a pay period.
  • Date:  Enter a date during the time period for which you wish to enter time. Time can be entered in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or can be selected from a calendar by clicking the calendar 16808-calendar_icon.png icon.
  • Refresh (button):  After selecting the desired date, clicking the Refresh button will display the timesheet for the associated time period.  Timesheet Information Refresh Button
  • Previous Period & Next Period:  These links allow you to switch to the previous or next time period.
  • Previous Empl/Job & Next Empl/Job: These links allow you to switch to the previous or next employee or job from your search results.
  • Scheduled Hours:  The number of hours that an employee is scheduled for during the selected time period.  *Note: Not all employees have a schedule assigned in HRS.
  • Reported Hours:  The number of hours that have been submitted for the employee for the selected time period.

    Timesheet Pay Period Information

Timesheet Options

  • Select for Delete Checkbox: Functions with the "Delete Selected Rows" button. Used to select multiple rows to be deleted at once
  • -/+ Buttons:  Used to delete (-) or add (+) a row.
  • Comment Bubble: Used to enter a comment relating to time worked or absence taken
  • Day/Date:  Each day in the time period has its own row. After reported time is processed to payable time, the Date becomes a link to view payable time detail.
  • Status: Indicates the stage of processing the time is in. Hover over the Status heading to view the icon legend or hover over individual icons to view the status.
  • Shift In/Break Out/Break In/Shift Out:  Enter the times that the employee arrives at and leaves work in the Shift In and Shift Out fields. Use the Break Out/Break In fields if the employee takes an unpaid (i.e. lunch) break during their shift. If the employee does not take an unpaid break during their shift leave the Break Out/Break In fields blank and only report shift start and end times using the Shift In/Shift Out fields. The time you enter in each field will be evaluated for accuracy. If the time is not in a format HRS recognizes, the offending box will be highlighted red and an error message will appear.  *Examples of acceptable time formats: 8:00 am, 14:00.
  • Punch Total:  The total hours worked in a given row.  *Note: This field will not be updated until the timesheet is submitted.
  • Time/Absence Code:  A time reporting code (TRC) denotes the type of time worked. If the Time Reporting Code field is blank, it is treated as "Regular Hours". *Examples of TRCs include "On Call", "Overtime", "Worked Holiday". Absence takes will appear for leave eligible employees at the bottom of this list.
  • Quantity:  It is possible to enter the number of hours worked rather than the times the employee arrived and left. This should only be used when the arrival and departure times do not matter.
  • Sched Hours:  If the employee has a schedule assigned to them in HRS, the number of hours they are scheduled each day will appear in this field.
  • Comp Time: Used to denote hours over 40 in a given week that should be put towards comp time. (By default hours over 40 in a given week are automatically assigned an 'Overtime' TRC)

    timecare from 5-27 to 6-2

    Click the Additional Elements tab to view additional time reporting features if applicable. Prior to submitting the timesheet, check the "Show All Columns By Default" box if you wish for additional elements to automatically display upon accessing the timesheet. *The timesheet must be submitted with reported time after checking this box in order for the default setting to remain in place. To remove the default viewing of additional elements, uncheck the box prior to submitting reported time.

    additional elements

  • Taskgroup: The taskgroup is used by select divisions to access specific campus/department task codes. This value is controlled through the employee's TL Security page. If left blank, UW_DEFAULT is displayed.
  • Task Profile ID:  Task Profile ID is used to select the task an employee is performing during the given hours worked. Not all employees will need to select a Task Profile ID.
  • TCD ID: This value is indicative of the Time Collection Device ID where reported time originated if the employee punches an external timeclock.
  • Lunch Deduct:  Used to denote or override an auto-lunch deduction.  Note: Not all employees will denote there lunches using Lunch Deduct.
  • Copy from Previous: Used to copy all reported time/absence takes from the previous period/week/day (depending on view by setting) into the current period/week/day.
  • Submit: Submit reported time or changes.
  • Delete Selected Rows: Used to delete multiple rows at once. Use this button after selecting which rows you wish to delete.
Summary Section
  • Summary Tab: This tab gives a breakdown at a glance of reported hours, scheduled hours, and schedule deviation (if applicable) for each week. Note: If an employee does not have a schedule assignment, the schedule deviation will match the total reported hours.

  • summary

  • Payable Time: This tab shows payable time generated by the Time Administration job as well as the status of the payable time.

    payable time

  • Absence Balances:  This tab will show any absence entitlement balances as of the beginning of the pay period.

    absence balances

  • Compensatory Time: This tab shows the employee's comp time balance at the beginning of the pay period.

    comp time

  • Exceptions: This tab shows any time and labor exceptions in the selected time period.

For more detailed information relating to the Punch Hourly Integrated Timesheet please refer to (link to new PHITs KB, 82812).

Integrated Elapsed Timesheet Fields

Employee Information

  • Employee Name:  The name of the employee.
  • Employee ID:  The employee's unique eight digit identifier. Sometimes referred to as an EmplID.
  • Job Title: The employee's job title.  *Note: The employee may have multiple jobs. Verify that you are entering time for the correct job.
  • Employee Record Number: If an employee has more than one job in HRS, each job will have a different Employee Record Number.  *Note: Record numbers start at zero.
  • Earliest Change Date: This is how far back Time Administration will go to review the employee's reported time and then process it to payable time.

         Employee Info Integrated Timesheet

Additional employee information can be obtained by moving your mouse pointer over the name of the employee.  A pop-up window will appear automatically with additional employee information.
         Employee Additional Info Integrated Timesheet

Time Period Options

  • View By:  This option allows you to view the timesheet either by "Day", "Calendar Period", or "Week".  *Note: "Calendar Period" corresponds to a pay period.
  • Date:  Enter a date during the time period for which you wish to enter time. Time can be entered in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or can be selected from a calendar by clicking the calendar 
  • Refresh (button):  After selecting the desired date, clicking the Refresh button will display the timesheet for the associated time period.  Refresh button
  • Previous Period & Next Period:  These links allow you to switch to the previous or next time period.
  • Previous Empl/Job & Next Empl/Job: These links allow you to switch to the previous or next employee from your search results.
  • Scheduled Hours:  The number of hours that an employee is scheduled for during the selected time period.  *Note: Not all employees have a schedule assigned in HRS.
  • Reported Hours:  The number of hours that have been submitted for the employee for the selected time period.

         Time Period Options Integrated Timesheet

Timesheet Options:

  • Select for Delete Checkbox: Functions with the "Delete Selected Rows" button. Used to select multiple rows to be deleted at once
  • -/+ Buttons:  Used to delete (-) or add (+) a row.
  • Comment Bubble: Used to enter a comment relating to time worked or absence taken
  • Day/Date:  Each day in the time period has its own row. After reported time is processed to payable time, the Date becomes a link to view payable time detail.
  • Status: Indicates the stage of processing the time is in. Hover over the Status heading to view the icon legend or hover over individual icons to view the status.
  • Quantity:  The number of hours associated with a TRC or Absence code.
  • Time/Absence Code:  A time reporting code (TRC) denotes the type of time worked. If the Time Reporting Code field is blank, it is treated as "Regular Hours". *Examples of TRCs include "On Call", "Overtime", "Worked Holiday". Absence takes will appear for leave eligible employees at the bottom of this list.
  • Sched Hours:  If the employee has a schedule assigned to them in HRS, the number of hours they are scheduled each day will appear in this field.

         Inegrated Timesheet Options

  • Delete Selected Rows: Used to delete multiple rows at once. Use this button after selecting which rows you wish to delete.
  • Submit:  Submits the time for approval. You should submit the timesheet whenever you make any changes to it.
  • Copy from Previous: Used to copy all reported time/absence takes from the previous period/week/day (depending on view by setting) into the current period/week/day.

    Click the Additional Elements tab to view additional time reporting features if applicable. Prior to submitting the timesheet, check the "Show All Columns By Default" box if you wish for additional elements to automatically display upon accessing the timesheet. *The timesheet must be submitted with reported time after checking this box in order for the default setting to remain in place. To remove the default viewing of additional elements, uncheck the box prior to submitting reported time

    Additional Elements Integrated Timesheet

  • Taskgroup: The taskgroup is used by select divisions to access specific campus/department task codes. This value is controlled through the employee's TL Security page. If left blank, UW_DEFAULT is displayed.
  • Task Profile ID:  Task Profile ID is used to select the task an employee is performing during the given hours worked. Not all employees will need to select a Task Profile ID

    Taskgroup Integrated Timesheet
Summary Section:
  • Summary: Displays reported vs. scheduled hours and any deviation (if applicable)

    summary section

  • Payable Time: This tab shows payable time generated by the Time Administration job as well as the status of the payable time.

    payable time tab
  • Absence Balances: Displays employee's posted and projected absence balances for the period.

    absence balances posted and projected

  • Compensatory Time: Displays comp time balance as of the beginning of the pay period.

    comp time as of the beginning of pay period
  • Exceptions: This tab shows any time and labor exceptions in the selected time period.

    exceptions in same time period
For more detailed information relating to the Elapsed Timesheet please refer to Elapsed Hourly Integrated Timesheets in HRS .

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

KeywordsEmployee Manager Supervisor Portal MyUW Supervisor Manager Employee Time Access Accessing Timesheet Punch Elapsed Timesheet time and absence reporting TL, AM, Time, Labor, Absence Management   Doc ID16508
OwnerNeal W.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-01-08 21:00:00Updated2024-05-23 16:16:42
SitesUW–Shared Services
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