Results: 1-8 of 8

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Accessing a Timesheet (Employee & Manager) in HRS165082024-05-2364319
2Viewing Payable Time in HRS156172024-05-2313697
3Making Timesheet Adjustments in HRS156122024-05-2325850
4Reviewing and Approving Time and Absence Exceptions in HRS155672024-05-2319782
5Time Reporting Codes (TRCs) in HRS165442024-05-1426161
6Review of Time Administration in HRS155652024-05-1417409
7Creating and Maintaining Time and Labor Security in HRS170432024-05-1428151
8Approving Payable Time in HRS156282024-05-1453880

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