Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Benefits Administration

Running the Populate Eligibility Config Pop Process Ad Hoc in HRS


The Populate Eligibility Configuration Process (Elig Config Pop) translates information entered in Job Data and on the UW Benefits Tab to values on the Benefits Program Participation Page. These values are then read by Benefits Administration (or Ben Admin) which assigns the employee to the appropriate Benefit Program based on these values.

Process Considerations:

  • This process will run automatically every Sunday through Thursday night and evaluate employees who had a JOB row entered since the last time the process ran.
  • Benefit Administrators can run this process ad hoc for a specific employee based on proximity to a payroll.
  • Benefits Administration (via On Demand Event Maintenance) must be run after this process to ensure the employee is assigned to the appropriate Benefit Program.

Warning!  Coverage may not be canceled nor premiums increased retroactively unless done after consultation with UWSHR and with advance notice to the employee. Employees with special circumstances such as military leave, Family Medical Leave (FMLA or WFMLA), and/or leave under Worker's Compensation require consultation with UWSHR.

You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


In the example below, the employee has voluntarily decreased their FTE permanently effective 6/26/2016.  This will result in the employee moving from paying the Employee Share for State Group Health Insurance to the Less Than Half Time Rate.  A payroll is due to finalize today and you want to ensure the employee is charged (prospectively first coverage month following reasonable notice to the employee*) the appropriate deductions for health insurance.  In this case, you will want to run the Populate Eligibility Config Pop Process followed by Benefits Administration using On Demand Event Maintenance to push the changes through before payroll finalizes.
Job Data
1.  Navigate to:  Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Populate Eligibility Config

2.  Click on Find an Existing Value and then Search to find a Run Control value.  If you do not have a Run Control set up, you can click on the Add a New Value tab and create a Run Control ID.

Run Control
3.  The Run Control page will open.  The "Process From Participant List" will be automatically checked for you to ensure the process runs for a specific individual only.  Enter the employee's ID number (Empl_ID) and tab out of the field.  The employee's name will appear next to their Empl_ID. 
  • You can run this process for multiple employees by clicking on the + sign to add additional rows.
  • When all employee ID numbers have been entered, click the Run button in the top right corner of the page.
Run Control Processing Page

4.  The Process Scheduler page will appear.  Click OK to continue.

Process Schedule Request Page

5.  You will be returned to the Run Control page.  A Process Instance will be assigned to your run of the process.  Click the Process Monitor hyperlink in the upper right corner of your screen to continue.

Process Monitor Hyperlink

6. The Process Monitor page will display with a Run Status of Processing and Distribution Status of N/A. You can click the Refresh button to move the process to the next stage or come back at a later time to view the status. If the process has a Run Status of "Blocked" or "Queued" it means your process is waiting for another process to finalize before it can run. Do not submit again as the process will run after the process blocking it has completed. When the process has finalized, the Run Status will be Completed and the Distribution Status will be equal to Posted.

Success and Posted

7.  Navigate to Workforce Administration >  Job Information > Job Data, enter the employee's ID number and Search.  Then click the Benefits Program Participation link shown below.

Benefit Program Participation link

8.  Note that values have changed in the Benefits Program Participation fields.  In this case, the value of "P" has been populated in Field 2 to indicate that the value has been changed from Full Employer Share to the Less Than Half Time rate. Values were read by the Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) Process and the employee was assigned to the appropriate Benefit Program effective 6/26/2016.  (To run Benefits Administration using On Demand Event Maintenance, please refer to: Enrolling, Changing, or Canceling Coverage Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS .)

Ben Prog Partic Page

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