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Absence Management Checklist of Reports in HRS


This checklist will identify the key Absence Management reports and queries that should be run and reviewed during the biweekly period to process and pay employees correctly. In addition, the document provides other helpful tips and reminders.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  • Key Reports and Queries to reference each payroll processing week:
    • AM Audit Report
      • Navigate to: UW Absence Management Reports > AM Audit Report
      • Receive through Cypress weekly or run ad-hoc
      • Returns people who have changed empl. class
      • Allows job coordinators to audit changes that impact absences
      • Reference AM - Audit Report
    • Leave Activity Summary
      • Navigate to: UW Absence Management Reports > Leave Activity Summary
      • Receive through Cypress following each Payroll Confirm or run ad-hoc
      • Report of every employee’s leave balances
    • Negative Allocated Balance Report
      • Navigate to: UW Absence Management Reports > Negative Allocated Balance Report
      • Run ad-hoc
      • Identifies EEs with negative leave balances
    • Employee Missing Leave Report
      • Navigate to: UW Absence Management Reports > Employee Missing Leave Report
      • FA/AS/LI (Monthly) employees run ad-hoc
      • Reduces sick leave during Annual Processing
    • Results by Calendar (Page) and Results by Calendar Group (2 views of same data)
      • Navigate to: Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt. > Absence and Payroll Processing > Review Absence/Payroll Info > Results by Calendar
      • Navigate to: Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt. > Absence and Payroll Processing > Review Absence/Payroll Info > Results by Calendar Group
      • Utilize these pages as a tool for:
        • Troubleshooting Absence issues
        • Determining absences that were actually processed versus what was entered
        • Reviewing Current absence data
        • Reviewing Absence Data from a Point in Time
        • Reviewing Historical Absence data
        • Paid Hours Inquiry
        • Validating University Staff legal holiday

Reference Viewing Absence Management Results by Calendar in HRS

When employee moves between departments

    • Requires communication between departing and receiving departments
      • Departing department should manage transfer of leave
      • Receiving department should verify whether it was done correctly
      • Include both departments in communication of transferring leave
    • Reference UW System policies detailed protocol

Leave earned by paid hours

    • Verify LWOP on Review Paycheck
      • Please verify the LWOP is on the “Review Paycheck” screen (Main Menu > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Produce Payroll > Review Paycheck); if it is not, then the query result is due to the reprocessing of a prior period for the employee and can be ignored.
    • If there is LWOP on Review Paycheck
      • Review Paid Hours Inquiry (Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence & Payroll Processing > UW Paid Hours Inquiry)
      • Employees may appear to have unpaid time if the employee’s hours for the current period are not all entered/approved yet. The system is now using the actual hours processed for the current pay period to determine that period’s accruals; once all the time is approved and processed, the accruals will be “whole” for that period.  This will only impact employees nearing a zero balance for Vacation, so the impact should be minimal.
      • If Paid Hours are correct, then employee has exceeded the balance and another Take Type should be used to avoid LWOP.
      • Void the Absence Take and add a new row to use different Absence Take.


  • When entering AM take, enter true begin and end date of each Absence take, ensuring to exclude the weekend for University Staff employees. FA/AS/LI absences can span the weekend and will calculate correctly.
  • Employees should report Absence time first, then submit time – otherwise, the Payroll Coordinator or Supervisor will be responsible for:
    • Modifying the time later, if needed

Additional Notes

  • Absence entry is time-sensitive:
    • For Retroactive job changes, Do NOT place an employee on a retroactive LOA until you have contacted UWSS Service Operations for assistance.
    • Retroactive Absence entries require the identification of the Absence balance at the original point in time from Results by Calendar page.
      • Entering adjustments off of current balance can create mistakes
      • Unfulfilled balances at the time of the Absence entry can result in LWOP
  • Do not overwrite a take entry by updating the take type
    • Instead, void and enter a new row
    • Avoids erasing previously entered information
    • Allowable to change hours amount, but never the take type or date

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

    KeywordsReport queries faq am absence time report output AM, Absence Management, TL, Time, Labor   Doc ID28589
    OwnerChristine P.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2013-02-12 11:23:15Updated2024-05-14 10:46:59
    SitesUW–Shared Services
    Feedback  0   0