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Viewing Absence Management Results by Calendar in HRS


This document provides an explanation of the Results by Calendar pages. The Results by Calendar page displays only the absence data for the calendar you selected. What happened to the pay period – either in the period or after as a Retro.
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Calendar Results Legend

NOTE: To select the hyperlinks and tabs on the Results by Calendar page, click the Calendar Results tab to bring you back to the main page.
calendar group
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Accessing the Results by Calendar Page

NAVIGATION: Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Review Absence/Payroll Info > Results by Calendar

  • You can search by Empl ID and/or the Employee's Name.You can refine search by empl record, pay group, and calendar ID

    Calendar By Results Search
  • Click Search
  • Select the Calendar ID hyperlink to view the absence results for that pay period. For example, if an employee has a question related to the 7C pay period processing, select the Calendar ID ending in 07C.

    Results by calendar 2 image

Calendar Results

  • Calendar Results will display absence data related to the pay period you selected.
    • In the example below, transactions occurred impacting 7C during the 8A payroll processing.

      calendar results

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The Accumulators tab can be used to view employee:

  • Absence accumulator / entitlement balances.
  • Fiscal year or calendar year view of balances.
  • Year-to-date absence data.

For example, in the screen shot above, the accumulators will display a page for each period processed for the selected Calendar Group ID.

  • Click the View All hyperlink to view all accumulators.
    • There are many accumulators that you can ignore. Look for the elements you are familiar with or find common on Review Absence page.
  • Once displayed, you will see many different elements. The description should define what the element does. Some common elements to note are the PH (Personal Holiday), SL (Sick leave), VC (Vacation carryover), VN (vacation).
    • In the example below, follow the abbrevations equal "BAL"= balance, "TAKE"= usage, "ENT"= entitlement, "PENT"=  Person level entitlement "LOSS"= loss.
    • The element UWS_U_SL_ERN (Sick Leave bal avail to use) means it is the sick leave available as of the previous pay period. It does not include current month earnings.

      Accumulators Image

Supporting Elements

Displays results for each Supporting Element that was used to calculate Entitlement and Takes for the one month/pay period.

  • When you see the Element Type - Auto Assigned Components is generally the Takes that occurred. It could be system assigned, such as Vacation.
  • When you see the Element Type - Absence Entitlement is what was earned.
    • In the example below, the employee earned 3.67 hours of Sick Leave.

      Supporting elements image

Absence Data

View absence takes processed for that pay period.

  • The Absence Data will display both the paid and unpaid absences.
    • For example, if an employee took Personal Holiday but there was not enough hours available, it would be displayed on the Absence Data page.

      Absence Data Tab Image
  • In the example below, the employee took 4 hours of Vacation time and has 275 Vacation hours left to use.

    Absence Data Detail Image

Positive Input

The Positive Input tab displays balance adjustments

  • It displays balance adjustments made by the UWSS Service Operations for this calendar period.

    Positive Imput Tab Image
  • In the example below, a manual balance adjustment occurred to the Legal Holiday balance.

    Positive Imput Results Image

Generated Positive Input

The Generated Positive Input tab is useful when you have an employee who will be terminating and you want to assist the employee by computing their last Pay Out amounts.

Generated Positive Pay Tab Image

other data

  • Click the Other Data hyperlink to view payouts.
  • This is where you can go to view an employee's hours/amounts for payouts when they are terminating employment with the UW.
    • In the example below, the employee's Vacation payout was for 14.78 hours with a total of $504.73.

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KeywordsPay Period earnings Earnings per Year ALRA Counter IE end date Paid hours for period AM, Absence Management, TL, Time, Labor   Doc ID19169
OwnerChristine P.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-07-18 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:57:25
SitesUW–Shared Services
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