Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Benefits Administration
Running the Half Time Compliance Report in HRS
University Staff Temporary, Academic Staff Hourly, and Academic Staff Lump Sum Employees covered by the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) who work less than full time need to be monitored by Campus Benefit Administrators to ensure they are paying the correct rates for health insurance. WRS covered employees who are working less than 50% and University Staff Temporary employees with one appointment are required to pay 50% of the total premium for State Group Health Insurance. Employees covered by the WRS who work more than 50% are entitled to receive the full employer share of the premiums. Employees who have a permanent FTE change above or below the 20 hour threshold on a permanent basis will need to have their Health Rate Field on the UW Benefits Tab on Job Data updated in order to drive the correct rates for State Group Health insurance. Campuses should periodically run the Half Time Compliance Audit Report to monitor their staff and make changes as needed. It is recommended that Campus Benefit Administrators consult with HR staff on their campuses to confirm intent prior to making any changes on Job Data.Process Considerations:
- The audit report can be run either by entering a PayRun ID, or by entering a range of dates. It is recommended that campuses choose a single method and use that method consistently over time to audit their staff's hours. The preferred method is to use a monthly PayRun ID. When choosing this option, the system will automatically pull information from the prior 3 months (including that pay period). Campus Benefit Administrators running the report for a range of dates should run the report for the prior 3 months.
- Changes to an employee's Health Rate Field must be made prospectively after adequate notice has been given to the employee regarding the change in rates.
- This report only runs for University Staff Temporary, Academic Staff Hourly, and Academic Staff Lump Sum employees working less than 40 hours per week. The report does NOT currently monitor University Staff employees, University Staff Temporary (Project), Faculty, Academic Staff A or C basis employees, or Limited appointees to monitor if they fall below the hours threshold and are currently receiving the full employer share or if they are working above the threshold and working the required hours. Communication between the Benefits and Human Resources staff is required to ensure employees who fall outside the report parameters are also monitored.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:
1. Navigate to: Benefits > Reports > Audits > Half Time Compliance Audit
2. Search for an existing Run Control value or click on Add a New Value if you want to create a new Run Control value.
3. The Run Control Page will be displayed. Note that you are able to choose running the report using a date range or a specific PayRun ID. You can also limit results by campus.
- Your output may vary slightly depending on the parameters chosen. For this reason, it's highly recommended that campuses choose their Run Controls consistently each time the report is run. The recommended method is to run the report after the monthly payroll is confirmed and use the Pay Run ID option. The report will automatically pull all University Staff Temporary, Academic Staff Hourly, and Academic Staff Lump Sum Employees covered by the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS), their WRS reportable hours worked in payrolls and any adjusted hours falling within the 3 month period of time from the WRS Accumulator Table. For more information on the WRS Accumulator Table, please reference the following KB document: Viewing the WRS Accumulator Table in HRS.
4. In this case, we will run the report using the PayRun ID and limit the results by a specific campus. Click the Run button.
NOTE: If campus is left blank, all campuses within your security limitations will run.
5. You will be redirected to the Process Scheduler page. Click the OK button.
6. You will be returned to the Run Control page and a Process Instance will be assigned. Click the Process Monitor hyperlink.
7. The Process Monitor page will be displayed showing the run status of your report.
8. Click the refresh button until the Run Status is equal to Success and the Distribution Status is equal to Posted. Click the Details hyperlink.
9. This will take you to the Process Detail page. Click the View Log/Trace hyperlink to access the output report.
10. Click on the PDF hyperlink to open the report as shown below.
11. In addition to the Report ID, Operator ID, Business Unit, Run Date/Time, etc., the report will also have the following Fields:
- Emplid - this is the unique Employee ID number for the employee
- Name - First Name and Last Name of the employee
- Empl_Rcd - the hours are logged in this report by Employee Record
- Full/Part - this indicates whether or not the employee has a value of Full Employer Share (F) or Less Than Half Time Rate (P) on the UW Benefits Tab on Job Data
- Multiple Jobs Exist - If the employee has multiple jobs and they've worked hours in those jobs in the prior 3 months - the report will list the hours for each Employee Record and the indicator will say N for no. If the employee has multiple jobs and has NOT worked hours in all jobs, this indicator will be Y for yes and further analysis of their Job Data is warranted. If the employee has only one job, the indicator will be N for No.
- Enrolled in SGH - this indicates whether or not the employee is enrolled in State Group Health under that Employee Record.
- Pay Run ID - the pay period in which the employee worked hours
- Pay Run Start Date - the first day of the pay period
- Pay Run End Date - the last day of the pay period
- Total Hours- this is the total number of hours that the employee worked in that pay period for that Employee Record
- WRS Accumulator Table compiles all WRS reportable hours from every payroll and is the basis for this report. You may see adjustments to hours entered by UW Shared Services - Service Operations (UWSS) staff to move hours into the appropriate pay period for certain situations (i.e. employee is paid retroactive hours). For more information on the WRS Accumulator Table, please click the hyperlink provided in the Related JobAids section below.
- Lump sum appointments are automatically converted to an hourly equivalent by the WRS Accumulator Table.
- Any adjustments to what is loaded at the time payroll confirms will have a code as follows:
- MIDPRDENR indicating that the employee had a Mid Period Enrollment in the WRS during a payroll period (WRS Earnings, Hours and Deductions are pro-rated unless the Hire Date [Last Start Date on JOB Data] is equal to the WRS Enrollment Effective Date on the Retirement Plan Table in which case it will not be pro-rated.)
- ADJUSTMENT reversed any retro pay that didn't fall within the Current Pay Begin and Pay End Dates (note: this is grayed out as of 12/18/2014 and is no longer used.)
- ADJUSTM-O for the Pay Begin and Pay End Dates in which the Retro was earned, General Deduction for any Deduction Pre-Pay adjustments made
- MANADD for any manual additions
- MANSUB for any manual subtractions
12. The report should contain all University Staff Temporary (CL), Academic Staff Hourly, and Academic Staff Lump Sum employees for the Business Unit as shown below.
- Running the report to CSV will allow you to filter for certain populations of employees to either eliminate, or investigate further:
- Eliminate all employees with an Empl_Class of CL who have only one job and a value of "P" in the Full/Part column. These employees do not have 2 concurrent jobs and will not qualify for the full employer share regardless of hours worked.
- Eliminate all employees with an Empl_Class of AS, FA, LI, OT1, CP, or CJ who have averaged the appropriate number of hours (40 hours per biweekly payroll or 88 hours per monthly payroll over the past 3 months), has only one job, and a value of "F" in the Full/Part column. These employees are not required to have 2 concurrent jobs and should continue to receive the full employer share of the premium.
- Any employees with an Empl_Class of CL with a value set to "F" in the Full/Part column who have an Multiple Jobs Indicator = "N" should be moved to the Less Than Half Time rate. (note: Sufficient advance notice to the employee is required before changing their health rate. Consult with UWSHR before making the change.)
- Any employee with a value of "Y" in the Multiple Jobs Exist column will need to have all job records reviewed to determine if a change is warranted. You will not be able to tell by the information on this report alone. The employee may have another job they are being paid on with an Empl_Class of AS, OT1, FA, LI, CP, or CJ.
- Note the employee highlighted below has averaged 20 hours or more per week, however only one Employee Record is listed on the report and the Multiple Jobs indicator is set to N. This indicates that the employee works the right number of hours, but doesn't have another concurrent job where hours are being worked and the value of "P" or "Less Than Half Time in the Health Rate Field on the UW Benefits Tab under Job Data is correct. This employee should continue to be monitored over time but no changes made to Job Data.
- Below is an example of the report run based on a date range versus a PayRun ID.
- Note in this example, employee #1 (first three rows shown) is an Academic Staff employee who has routinely worked more than an average of 20 hours per week over the past three months. The value of "F" or Full Employer Share on the UW Benefits Tab on Job Data is correct. This employee should be monitored to make sure average hours do not drop below the threshold indicating a change in the Health Rate Field should be made.
13. If/when the report indicates that an employee should be changed from the Full Employer Share to the Less Than Half Time Rate or vice versa, a Job Row must be added effective the first day of the first pay period of the coverage month following the pay period in which they have either met the hours threshold or dropped below that threshold provided the employee is given sufficient advanced notice.
14. When the Job Row is entered to change the Health Rate Field, the employee will be moving to a new Benefit Program and consequently will appear on the MSC Event Evaluation Report. For more information on this report, please reference the following KB document: Reviewing the MSC Event Evaluation Report in HRS .
For information on how to change a value on the UW Benefits Tab, please see the KB listed under Related Jobaids below.