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Running the Payroll Edit Report in HRS


You can run the Payroll Edit Report Query in HRS to review the employees who have calculated pay for the current Pay Run ID before the Final Calculation and Payroll Confirmation deadline. The query allows you to view employee earnings and the associated funding by pay period. If your employee has other active jobs in other departments on campus (or at another campus), the Payroll Edit Report query results displays these employee's jobs as well. You can use the information on the query results to add or update funding on the Funding Data Entry page before the Payroll Confirmation deadline.

The query should be run for your particular campus, division or department after each nightly preliminary payroll calculation (e.g. Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning) of a payroll processing week. Each nightly preliminary payroll batch process replaces the data from the previous day's Payroll Edit Report.

You can run the query in one of three formats: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format, Excel spreadsheet format or XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. The query name in HRS is UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT.

Process Considerations:

  • HRS Security Role Required to Run this Query:
    • PY Query View --or--
    • PY Payroll View
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Navigation:  Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
  2. In the begins with field enter all or part of the query name UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT. and click Search.
  3. The Search Results will display.
  4. Locate the query UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT (Payroll Edit Report), and click either the HTML link or the Excel link to run the query results in a new browser window/tab.
  5. You can run the query to one of three format options: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format, Excel spreadsheet or XML (Extensible Markup Language).
    Note: If you choose the HTML format, there is an option to download the query results to an Excel spreadsheet or CSV (comma separated value) text file

    payroll edit report viewer
  6. The UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT - Payroll Edit Report new window/tab opens, and lists two required search fields (Appointing Dept, Pay Run ID). 
  7. In the Required Appointing Dept field, enter all or part of the 7 character appointing Dept ID which starts with your campus alpha identifier (e.g. A195000). If a partial Appointing Dept is entered, you must use the percent character % as a wildcard (e.g. A19%), if unknown, click the look up icon to choose from a list of valid Appointing Depts.
  8. In the Required Pay Run ID field, enter the desired Pay Run ID, if known (e.g. 2015BW05A).  If unknown, click on the look up icon to choose from a list of valid Pay Run IDs.

    IMPORTANT:  In order to return query results, a preliminary payroll calculation must have been run for the specified Pay Run ID.  Pay Run IDs begin with the 4-digit calendar year, then BW for biweekly, then the 2-digit month, and finally an alpha code A, B, or C designates the first, second or this Pay Run ID of the month.

    Prior to Single Pay (July 18th, 2021), Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointment (FA/AS/LI) positions were paid on a monthly basis.  If you are running the Payroll Edit Report for a Pre-Single Pay payroll, the Pay Run ID format for monthly positions begins with the 4-digit calendar year, then UNC, then the 2-digit month. To locate a list of Pay Run IDs, refer to the UW Employee Payroll Calendar here.
    1. Click View Results.  

Warning sign Warning:  If you receive the message, "No matching values were found," one of three conditions has occurred:

  • You neglected to enter information in the two required search fields (Appointing Dept, Pay Run ID).
  • Your HRS Security access does not allow you to view query results.
  • A preliminary payroll calculation has not yet been run for the specified Pay Run ID.

Payroll Edit Report search parameters

Example of Query Results in HTML Format

  1. There are a number of columns, to see them all you will need to scroll horizontally.
  2. You can download query results to an Excel spreadsheet, CSV (comma separated value) text file or XML (Extensible Markup Language) file.
  3. Only the first 100 results will appear, to view all results click the View All hyperlink. or use the arrow buttons found on the far right after scrolling.

    9.2 Payroll Edit Report HTML View

Example of Query Results in Excel Spreadsheet Format for Biweekly Pay Run ID

  1. For the Run to Excel option selected in Step 3 above, a File Download prompt window displays, asking whether you wish to open or save the UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT (e.g. Payroll Edit Report) file.   Select Open.

  2. Microsoft Excel opens the file in a new window, and displays the Payroll Edit Report Query results in a spreadsheet format.
  1. If you wish to edit the spreadsheet (e.g. sort by employee name), select File > Save As to save the file as an Excel Workbook with a different file name (e.g. 2014BW05A Wednesday Payroll Edit Report.xlsx).
  2. Close the Excel spreadsheet when finished.

    9.2 payroll edit report excel

Explanation of Column Headings for the Payroll Edit Report Query

The descriptions for each column heading listed on the query results are listed below:
  • Pay Run ID. The Pay Run ID specified in the query search required field from Step 5a above.
  • Pay Period End.  Pay Period End Date associated with the Pay Run ID. Refer to UW Payroll Calendar.
  • Business Unit. Business Unit is the 5-character campus abbreviation (e.g. UWMSN) where the employee's appointment is located. (For a list of campus code identifiers and related institutions, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document Campus Codes Used in Location / Appointing Department / Academic or Summer Pay Groups in HRS ).
  • Pay Group. Pay Group is a 3-character code (as listed on the HR Job Data record, Payroll tab) which ties the employee's job to a particular payroll calendar, with specific pay period begin and end dates.
    Note: For a complete description of the five main types of Pay Group codes used at UW, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document Pay Group Descriptions in HRS .    
  • Appointing Dept. 7-character appointing department (begins with alpha campus identifier) where the employee's appointment is located (as listed on the HR Job Data record).
    Note: If the employee has multiple, active jobs in other departments on campus (or at another campus), the funding information will be displayed for these jobs as well.
  • Dept Description. Name of appointing division,department, and sub-department, if applicable (as listed on the HR Job Data record).
  • Empl ID. 7-digit unique employee ID (as listed on the HR Job Data record).
  • Name. Employee's name (as listed on the HR Job Data record) who is scheduled to be paid
  • Empl Class. Employee classification category. For example, SH = Student Hourly; CP = University Staff Ongoing; CJ = University Staff Project - FT Finite; CL = University Staff Temporary Employment (TE) (LTE). 
    Note: For a complete list of employee classification categories, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document, Employee Classifications (Empl Class) in HRS .
  • Job Code. A code which corresponds to a Job Title (as listed on the HR Job Data record). Job codes are numeric for employees tied to the Biweekly Pay Schedule; they are alpha-numeric for employees tied to the Monthly Pay Schedule.
  • Title.  Job Title that describes the employee's Job Code (as listed on the HR Job Data record).
  • Empl Rcd #.  Employee Record Number which represents the primary or secondary job(s) of the employee at the Business Unit and appointing department (as listed on the HR Job Data record).
  • Position.  A unique 8-digit Position number that represents an employee's appointment (as listed on the HR Job Data record). If blank, this means the employee (e.g. Student Help) was not hired into a Position.
  • Funding Eff Date. Funding effective date when the employee's payroll funding takes effect (as listed on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS). 
  • Fund. 3-digit Fund Code portion of employee's payroll funding (as listed on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS).
  • Funding Dept.  6-digit Funding Department portion of employee's payroll funding (as listed on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS).
  • Program.  1-digit Program code portion of employee's payroll funding (as listed on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS).
  • Acct.  4-digit account code automatically assigned to the employee's salary expense that will be interfaced to the Shared Financial System (SFS) after Payroll Confirmation is completed.
  • Proj/Grt. 7-character Project/Grant ID, if applicable, portion of employee's payroll funding (as listed on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS).
  • WRS. Wisconsin Retirement System benefits eligibility indicator; Y = Yes (deductions will be taken); N = No (not eligible for WRS benefits). Note: The value of the WRS field is also listed on the employee's HR Job Data record, Benefits Program Participation hyperlink, Elig Fld 1.
  • FICA EE.  Federal Insurance Contributions Act indicator for the employee. E = Exempt; N = Non-Exempt (Subject to FICA); M = Medicare Only (as listed on the HR Job Data record, Payroll tab).
  • Earn Code. A 3-character Earnings Code established in HRS Payroll to record payments and leave.  Note: There are different earnings codes for University Staff (e.g. paid biweekly), Student Hourly, and FA/AS/LI (e.g. paid monthly) employees.
  • Hours. For hourly employees, the Hours field is the number of hours to be paid, as derived from the HRS Time & Labor and HRS Absence Management modules.  For salaried employees (e.g. FA/AS/LI, paid Monthly), the Hours field is the Standard Hours derived from the employee's FTE (full time equivalent) percentage (as listed on the HR Job Data record). Note: If the Hours field is zero, the employee is receiving a fixed dollar amount.
  • Fixed Amount. The fixed U.S. dollar amount owed to the employee. If the Amount field is zero, the employee is being paid via the hourly rate (e.g. Hrly Rate field).
  • Hrly Rate (Hourly Rate). For hourly employees, the Hrly Rate field is the Hourly pay rate for the employee (as listed on the HR Job Data record). For salaried employees (e.g. FA/AS/LI, Monthly paid), the Hrly Rate field is automatically calculated by HRS. Note: If the Hrly Rate field is zero, the employee is being paid a fixed dollar amount.
  • Comp Freq (Compensation Frequency).  Defines how often an employee is paid; 9M = 9 month, A = Annual, M = Monthly, H = Hourly (as listed on the HR Job Data record).  Note: If the Comp Freq field is blank, the employee is being paid a fixed dollar amount.
  • Comp Rate (Compensation Rate). For hourly employees this represents the official hourly pay rate, for salaried employees (e.g. FA/AS/LI, paid Monthly) this represents the HRS calculated hourly rate. Note: If the Comp Rate field is zero, the employee is being paid a fixed dollar amount.
  • Fund Distrb % (Funding distribution percentage). The total percentage that will be expensed from the Fund, Funding Dept, ProgramProj/Grt (if applicable), as listed on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS. Note: The funding distribution percent must total to 100% for each Empl Rcd #.
  • Fund Split Amt. The U.S. dollar amount of the funding distribution percentage that will be expensed from the Fund, Funding Dept, Program, Proj/Grt (if applicable) for each Empl Rcd #.
  • Funding Level. Type of budget level funding that will be assigned to the employee's salary expense for the current pay period.  Appt = Appointment level funding; Pos = Position level funding; Dept = Department level funding; Susp = Suspense funding. Note:  Suspense funding means that the employee is missing funding for all or part of their pay period. For more information on salary funding levels assigned at the time of payroll processing, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document, Salary Funding Levels Assigned During Payroll Processing in HRS .
  • Fund Total Amt.  The total U.S. dollar amount by funding string (Fund, Funding Dept, Program, Proj/Grt) per employee record number (Empl Rcd #).
  • Job Total Amt. The total U.S. dollar amount by employee record number (Empl Rcd #). 
  • Tot Gross Amt. The total gross U.S. dollar amount of the employee's paycheck.
  • UW Hdg Rpt Dt (UW Heading Report Date). The report processing date of the Payroll Edit Report header record in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • UW Hdg Rpt Tm (UW Heading Report Time). The report processing time of the Payroll Edit Report header record in hh:mm:ss format.

Analyze Payroll Edit Report Query Results

You can use the Payroll Edit Report query results to analyze and update funding information, if needed.
  1. If the Funding Level column indicates Susp, this means that all or part of the employee's pay period is missing payroll funding.  To correct Susp (Suspense funding), you should add appointment level funding for the employee's salary expense before the Payroll Confirmation deadline.
  2. If the Funding Level column indicates Dept, this means that all or part of the employee's pay period will have their payroll funding distributed to Department level funding.  If this is acceptable, no further action is needed.  If unacceptable, you should add appointment level funding for the employee's salary expense before the Payroll Confirmation deadline.
  3. If an employee has multiple, active jobs in other departments on campus (or at another campus), the funding information will be displayed for these jobs as well.   (See screenshot example below).

    1. Example of Payroll Edit Report Results for Employees with Multiple, Active Jobs on Campus

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UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT payroll edit report by job query reporting training hire rehire PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll 
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Kevin R. in UW–Shared Services
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