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Adding or Maintaining a Person of Interest (POI) Criminal Background and Position of Trust Checklist


A Person of Interest are individuals who have an affiliation with a UW institution but are not considered employees, are not paid, and do not need reimbursement of expenses by the institution. These may include consultants, emeritus faculty, Non-UW Time Approvers for Time and Labor (T&L), Non-UW Interviewers, or other individuals requiring an affiliation with a UW institution other than employer-employee. For certain types of POIs, a Criminal Background Check is required. This document explains how to add a Criminal Background Check checklist to these Persons of Interest to keep track of who has had a Criminal Background Check completed and when/if the next one is required.

Process Considerations:

You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section: 

Create the Person Checklist

  1. Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Organizational Relationships > Person Checklist
  2. Open the record for the correct employee ID.
  3. Enter the Completion Date in the Checklist Date field.
  4. Enter UWPOI in the Checklist field
  5. Enter the Checklist Item Codeappropriate for the type of renewal (X = Campus Letter):
    • UWXBCN = Background Check & Position of Trust - Non-Renewal
    • UWXBC2 = Background Check & Position of Trust - 2-year Renewal
    • UWXBC4 = Background Check & Position of Trust - 4-year Renewal

      NOTE: You can either click on the Magnifying Glass or enter the code in.
  6. Change the Status to Complete
  7. Enter the date of completion in the Status Date field.
    WARNING: The date must be updated after the Status is entered or the date will default back to the current date.
  8. Click Save.

Update the Person Checklist

NOTE: A new row must be added each time the Person Checklist has an update, including a status, rehire or transfer.

  1. Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Organizational Relationships > Person Checklist
  2. Open the record for the correct employee ID.
  3. Click the plus sign to add an Person Checklist.
  4. Review the Checklist Date and update if needed.
    NOTE: The current row and prior row can not have the same date.
  5. Enter UWPOI in the Checklist field
    NOTE: All data from the previous checklist row ill put forward.
  6. Make updates to item Status and Dates.
  7. To add a new checklist item:
    * Click the plus sign at the end of the current row.
    * Click the magnifying glass in the Checklist Item Code
    * Select the correct Checklist Item Code
  8. Click Save.

KeywordsPerson of Interest, Person of Interest Position of Trust, Person of Interest Criminal Background, POI CBC, POI POT, Person Checklist   Doc ID95139
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2019-10-21 13:42:31Updated2024-05-14 10:47:02
SitesUW–Shared Services
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