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Running Payline Details and PSHUP Load Report in HRS


The Payline Details Report gives a Payroll Coordinator a listing of paylines that have been entered for a specific Pay Run ID to ensure accuracy of the entries. It also can be run post-payline load to validate if any paylines errored out and did not load to employee checks. The PSHUP Load Report gives users a preview of possible errors which may cause the entered payline to not load to the employee's paycheck.

Process Considerations:

  • The Payline Details Report can be run multiple times prior to the evening of the load of the payline adjustments.  It must be run after the Monday night load to identify paylines that did not successfully load to paychecks.
  • The PSHUP Load Report must be run prior to the Payline load to paychecks (on Monday night of a regular payroll processing week) to identify possible error paylines.
  • Currently these two reports are run by the Reconciliation Team and notifications are sent out to the individuals who upload the benefit paylines to correct if needed.
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Instructions for Running the Payline Details Report

This report is a reflection of all data entered in the Custom Payline Page. This report can be run prior to the Monday night load to quickly review all entries made for a given pay run ID.  This is an easy way to give a final review to data before it is loaded to the employee's paycheck.
This report MUST be run on the Tuesday after the payline load to review the statuses of all entered paylines for anything in error status.

NOTE: Contact UWSS Service Operations for paylines that did not load so they can be added manually to the payroll.
  1. Navigation: Payroll for North America> Payroll Processing USA > Create and Load Paysheets > UW Payline > UW Payline Reports > Payline Details Report
  2. Enter a Run Control, or create a new one, see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS for assistance.
  3. Enter information in some or all of the following fields to limit results:
    NOTE: results will be restricted by users' security access
    • Entered By - enter the empl ID of the individual that created the payline
    • Business Unit - Enter the business unit that you are running this report for.
    • Department - Enter the department ID that the report is being run for. To view all departments within your security leave this field blank.
    • Pay Run ID - Enter the Pay Run ID value that you want to run this for.
    • Payline Type - This report can be run against specific types of payline adjustments. (E = earnings, PD = General Deductions)
      NOTE: If wanted to run for both earnings and general deductions, the report must be run twice, once with each separate payline type.
    • Empl ID - If wanted, this report can be run to find paylines created for specific employees
    • Select Statuses for Report - All statuses should stay marked, results can be filtered to find errors in the Excel document

      Payline details
  4. Once this information has been entered, click the Run button.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Use the Process Scheduler and View Trace/Log to monitor and view the report, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS for more information.
  7. On the View Log/Trace page, find the File List section, and in there find the document titled PAYLINE_DETAILS.xls Click that link.
    NOTE: You may receive messages regarding opening this file into Microsoft Excel. Click Yes to confirm opening the file.

    view trace log
  8. This spreadsheet delivers details of Payline Adjustments requested for this specific pay run. As this is an Excel spreadsheet, the information can be sorted and filtered to refine the information you are looking for.
    • Empl ID - the employee's Empl ID value.
    • Empl Rcd - the employee's Empl Record that these paylines are being applied to.
    • Employee Name
    • Run ID - identifies the pay period for which the adjustment is being processed
    • Payline Type - value options: Earnings, General Deductions or Benefits. Based upon criteria from the run control.
    • PayGroup - Value will default from employee's job data record for the empl record specified
    • BusUnit - Value will default from employee's job data record for the empl record specified
    • DeptID - - Value will default from employee's job data record for the empl record specified
    • EarnCd/DedCd -the Earning Code or Deduction Code as entered on the payline adjustment page.
    • Earnings/Payment Beg Dt - the begin date as entered on the payline adjustment page.
    • Earnings/Payment End Dt - the end date as entered on the payline adjustment page.
    • One Time Cd - the payline code attributed to this adjustment. A stands for Addtion (or added deduction); R stands for Refund; O stands for Override.
    • Plan Type - Two character code accessible through looking glass on payline page.
    • Ded Class - Value options: B - Before Tax; A - After Tax; N - Non-taxed; T - taxable.
    • Amount - the dollar amount that is being applied to this pay run
    • Root Cause - as entered on the payline adjustment page
    • PSHUP Status - displays the current status of the payline adjustment. If the payline adjustment is in an error status after the Monday night payline load, contact UWSS Service Operations to manually add the adjustment to the employee's check.
    • Create Oprid - reflects user responsible for UW Payline Page Entry.
    • Creation Dt - reflects original date of UW Payline Page entry
    • Comments - reflects manually entered comments on the Requestor Detail's tab of the UW Payline Page
    • Last Update Dttm - reflect date last updated in the UW Payline Page
    • Last Update Oprid - reflects EEID of last change made to entry in the UW Payline Page.

Running the PSHUP Load Report

This proactive report should be run prior to the Monday night load. When this report runs, background edits validate whether or not a payline will load successfully or have an error. All paylines in error status on the report should be reviewed and fixed prior to the Monday night load.

  1. Navigation: Payroll for North America> Payroll Processing USA > Create and Load Paysheets > UW Payline > UW PSHUP Load Process
  2. Enter a Run Control, or create a new one, see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS for assistance.
  3. Enter information in the following fields:
    NOTE: results will be restricted by users' security access
  • Pay Run ID - Enter the Pay Run ID value that you want to run this for.
  • Report Mode - Report Only should remain as default2

    PSHUP load report
  • Once this information has been entered, click the Run button
  • Click OK.
  • Use the Process Scheduler and View Trace/Log to monitor and view the report, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS for more information.
  • On the View Log/Trace page, find the File List section, and in there find the document titled UW_PSHUP_LD_##.xls
  • Click that link.

    NOTE:  You may receive messages regarding opening this file into Microsoft Excel.  Click yes to confirm opening the file.

    PSHUP view trace log
  • The report output will pull all the entered information from the custom payline page by employee.
      • The most important field on this report is column W "PSHUP_Status". This field will tell you what status the payline will be put into when the Monday night load runs.  Running the PSHUP report does not actually update the status of the payline on the custom payline page - it just previews whether a payline will have an error loading.  As long as the payline is still in "Pending" status, updates can be made to it.

PSHUP report

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    Payline One-Time Adjustment deduction refund processing payroll training PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll 
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    Melanie K. in UW–Shared Services
    UW–Shared Services