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Entering an Earnings Payline Adjustment on the UW Payline Adjustment Page in HRS


A payline adjustment is a direct change to an employee's pay. Usually a payline adjustment occurs to fix some form of overpayment or underpayment to an employee from a previous pay period. The custom UW Payline Adjustment page allows credentialed end users to enter adjustments to employee earnings (retro pay) or general deductions to correct previous pay period issues. This KB focuses on entering payline adjustments for employee earnings.

Process Considerations:

  • Payments being made using additional pay/lump sum earnings codes can no longer be entered on the UW Payline Adjustment Page.  These payments must be entered on the Workflow Addl Pay Create page and be approved through the workflow process.
  • Earnings adjustments for hourly employees that affect hours worked/regular pay should NOT be entered on the UW Payline Adjustment Page.  Adjustments to hours worked must be made on the employee's timesheet and will load to the employee's paycheck through the regular Time & Labor processes.
  • A Payline Adjustment that has been created and saved is not loaded to an employee's paycheck until it goes through a validation process to ensure accuracy of the deduction or refund.
  • Entries made to the custom payline page are loaded to employee paychecks on Monday night of a standard payroll processing week.
  • Paylines can be entered for inactive/terminated employees
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


    1. Navigate to Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Create and Load Paysheets > UW Payline > UW Payline Adjustment Page.

      Payline Adjustment Page
    2. You are brought to the UW Payline Adjustment Page screen.  From this point, a search for an existing/previously entered payline adjustment can be done by using the Find an Existing Value tab and entering desired criteria.
    3. To add a brand new payline adjustment, click the Add a New Value tab and enter the requested fields (all fields are required):
      • Pay Run ID - Use the lookup icon or key the Pay Run ID of the payroll on which the payline adjustment will occur.  The system will not allow you to "attach" a payline to a pay run ID that has already been confirmed.
      • Empl ID - Enter the Empl ID of the employee who is receiving the payline adjustment.
      • Empl Record - Enter the empl record number associated with the adjustment.
      Add a New Value
    4. Click the Add button.
    5. You will be taken to the Earnings / General Deductions tab. This tab has two sections: One-time Earning Data where earnings adjustments are made, and One-Time General Deduction data where general deduction adjustments are entered.  This KB focuses on earnings adjustments made in the One-Time Earning Data section.
    6. To complete an earnings payline adjustment, entry in the following fields is required:
      • ErnCD - Enter the earnings code on which the payment should be made.  End users will be able to use only a limited number of earnings codes which are reflective of the type of adjustments that are appropriate to make on this page. 
        • University Staff - HRP
        • Student Help - SRP
        • FAASLI - URP
          • NOTE: Earnings adjustments for hourly employees that affect hours worked/regular pay should NOT be entered on the UW Payline Adjustment Page.  Adjustments to hours worked must be made on the employee's timesheet and will load to the employee's paycheck through the regular Time & Labor processes.
          • NOTE: Payments being made using additional pay/lump sum earnings codes can no longer be entered on the UW Payline Adjustment Page.  These payments must be entered on the Workflow Addl Pay Create page and be approved through the workflow process.
      • Earnings Begin Dt - Enter the begin date of the pay period for which the adjustment is being made.  If the adjustment spans multiple pay periods, it should be broken down into multiple adjustments by pay period. This can be done by clicking the plus sign at the end of the row.
      • Earnings End Dt - Enter the end date of the pay period for which the adjustment is being made.  If the adjustment spans multiple pay periods, it should be broken down into multiple adjustments by pay period. This can be done by clicking the plus sign at the end of the row.
      • Earning Amt - Enter the appropriate dollar value that should be included in the employee's paycheck.  This field accepts both positive and negative values.
      • Root Cause - This field is designed to provide information as to why this payline adjustment is necessary.  Choose an option from the drop down list that best describes the reason for the adjustment.  If the "See Comments" reason is chosen, a free-form comment is required to be entered in the Comments field on the Requestor Details tab. 
      • PSHUP Status - This value will default to "Pending" and will stay as such until the payline adjustment is loaded to the employee's paycheck on Monday night of a regular payroll calc week.  End users can make updates, if necessary, to the payline adjustment when it's still in "Pending" status.
    7. Once all Payline Adjustment rows have been added, click the Save button.
      Earnings Data

warning sign  A Payline Adjustment that has been created and saved is not loaded to an employee's paycheck until it goes through a validation process to ensure accuracy of the entry.

Payline Page Edits/Errors

The custom payline page has built-in edits that assess the legitimacy of entries made on the page.  Any payline that fails one of the edits will be placed into an error status (in the PSHUP Status field) and will not load to the employee's paycheck unless addressed prior to the Monday night load.  The most common error statuses are:
  • High Amt - Manual Review - Any payline entered with an amount greater than $5000 or less than -$5000 will automatically be put into this error status upon saving the page.  If the amount entered is truly correct, submit a ticket to UWSS Service Operations requesting the payline be placed back into "Pending" status so that it will load to the employee's check.
  • Dup Earns - Manual Review - When the Pshup Load Report is run (see KB Running Payline Details and PSHUP Load Report in HRS ), behind the scenes edits are invoked to determine if the entry on the custom payline page is a duplicate of another payment present elsewhere in the system.  If a retro pay earnings code is entered on the custom payline page, the Pshup Load Report will look to the "Retro Pay Calculation Results" page to see if there is a retro pay in "calculated" status with OK to Pay checked that is using the same (or overlapping) earnings begin and end dates.  If the Pshup Load Report determines that the entry on the custom payline page is a duplicate of other entry in the system, it will show that payline in "Dup Earns - Manual Review" error status on the report.  The actual status of the error payline will still be "Pending" on the custom payline page until the Monday night load, so the payline can still be fixed and the error cleared by removing one of the duplicate entries.
  • PSHUP Load Error - Sometimes, even if the PSHUP Load report does not indicate that a payline will error out, issues occur during the Monday night load jobs.  If when you run the Payline Details Report on Tuesday (see KB Running Payline Details and PSHUP Load Report in HRS), you see a payline with this error status, it did not load to the employee's check.  Contact UWSS Service Operations to have the payline manually added to the employee's check.
  • Payline Load Failed - Sometimes, even if the PSHUP Load report does not indicate that a payline will error out, issues occur during the Monday night load jobs.  If when you run the Payline Details Report on Tuesday (see KB Running Payline Details and PSHUP Load Report in HRS), you see a payline with this error status, it did not load to the employee's check.  Contact UWSS Service Operations to have the payline manually added to the employee's check.

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payroll paycheck payline refund deduction one-time adjustment adjustment training custom PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll 
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Melanie K. in UW–Shared Services
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