Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Finance
Adding or Changing Department Level Funding for an Organizational Department in HRS
This document shows how to add or change Department level funding for employee salary expenses. Department level funding needs to be added before the Payroll Confirmation deadline in order to take effect for the current payroll period. Department level funding is sometimes referred to as "placeholder," "default," or "back-up" funding.Process Considerations:
- Obtain the necessary source document which lists Organizational Department funding information (e.g. Effective Date, Fund, Funding Department, Program, Project, Distribution Percentage)
- For Payroll Confirmation deadline dates, refer to the UW Payroll Calendar.
- HRS Security Role Needed: FI Campus Funding One BU
- When Department level funding is added, employees in the department who do not have active Appointment or Position level funding will have their salary expenses (e.g. earnings, deductions, taxes) distributed to the Department level funding string at payroll processing time.
- Department level funding is added once per institution, Organizational Department and fiscal year combination.
- Organizational Department is the department the employee is assigned to in Job Data. It starts with one letter that corresponds to the institution's identifier, e.g., B for UW Milwaukee. This is also known as Appointing Department.
- Funding Department is the 6-digit number used in a funding string. These department numbers are maintained in the Shared Financial System (SFS).
- Department level funding must be set up for every Organizational Department at every institution. The Service Center will assign Fund 128, Funding Department PRDFLT, Program 1 when Department level funding is missing.
- Department level funding is used throughout UW System institutions in several ways:
- To prevent salary funding from going to the payroll suspense funding source when employees are missing Appointment or Position level funding, e.g., Fund 128, Funding Department PRSUSP, Program 1, Account 1000-Salary Default
- To prevent financial processes from failing for all employees system-wide based on funding errors for one employee.
Department level funding is not the primary method to fund an individual employee's salary, except for in UW Madison division A96. Refer to KB Adding or Changing Appointment Level Funding for Employee's Salary Expense in HRS for instructions on how to add funding for individual employees.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:
Related KBs:
Add Department Level Funding for an Organizational Department
Note: In most cases, Department level funding will already exist. If this is the case, refer to the section below, Add a New Effective Dated Funding Row to Existing Record in Same Fiscal Year.
- From the HRS Main Menu, navigate to: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Budget Funding Data Entry.
- Accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America>Payroll Distribution>Commitment Accounting USA>UW Finance WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS.
- In the Funding Data Entry screen, click the Add a New Value tab.
- From your source document, enter data into the required funding data entry fields. Required fields for adding Department Level funding include:
a. SetID: defaults to SHARE; do not change
b. Business Unit: defaults to your institution
c. Department: 7-character Organizational Department ID with campus alpha identifier; (e.g. Y601000)
d. Fiscal Year: 4 digits
e. Budget Level: select Department - To continue to the next Funding Data Entry screen, click the Add button.
Note: If you receive a message, "The value you tried to add already exists", this means Department level funding has already been entered for this Business Unit, Organizational Department and Fiscal Year combination. Review your entries to ensure they are accurate. If they are accurate, see the section below, Add a New Effective Dated Funding Row to Existing Record in Same Fiscal Year.
- For Organizational Departments that were active in the preceding fiscal year, Department level funding should automatically rollover into the new fiscal year with the correct Effective Date, which is the first pay period begin date in the new fiscal year at any UW system institution. This date can be verified in the following KB: Fiscal Year End Considerations in HRS.
- For Organizational Departments that were recently added to HRS by the Service Center, Department level funding should already be in place. The Service Center enters the funding source that was provided with the Organizational Department setup request. If no funding source was provided, the following would have been entered by the Service Center: Fund 128, Funding Department PRDFLT, Program 1.
- The Funding Data Entry page displays for the Department. Verify the correct Organizational Department, Fiscal Year, and budget level option (Department) are displayed.
- Locate the Funding Distribution section near the bottom of the screen. Verify the Status = Active, and the Used by Distribution Process box is unchecked.
- From your source document, enter the following Department level funding distribution information:
a. Effective Date- The funding Effective Date must be within the date range of the Budget Begin Date and Budget End Date, which are listed at the top of the Funding Data Entry screen.
- To fund the first payroll in a fiscal year with Department level funding, the Effective Date must be the first Pay Period Begin Date in the new fiscal year at any UW System institution. This date can be verified in the following KB: Fiscal Year End Considerations in HRS.
- If the funding change is being entered after the first payroll in the fiscal year has been confirmed, enter an Effective Date equal to the next Pay Period Begin Date, according to the Pay Calendar for the employees in the Department. If some employees in the Organizational Department are paid monthly and others are paid biweekly, enter the Pay Period Begin Date that is the earliest.
b. GL Business Unit: defaults to your institution, but can be modified, if needed; Example: UWMIL
c. Fund: 3-digit fund code; Example:101
d. Dept ID: 6-digit Funding Department number; Example: 487900
e. Program: 1-character Program code; Example: 2
f. Project: 7-character Project/Grant ID, if applicable; Example: PRJ53BD
Note: If a Project is entered, a Project End Date column will display the ending date of the project/grant. This field is not editable. (This is the project end date; not the budget end date).
g. Distrib %: total percentage that will be expensed from this fund, funding department, program, etc.
Note: In order to save properly, all percentages under the Distrib % column must total 100.
h. ERNCD: Earnings Code; leave blank for Department level funding.
i. To add a new funding row, click the plus icon at the end of the row.
j. To delete a funding row, click the minus icon at the end of the row.
- To save the salary funding distribution data for the specified Effective Date, click Save. The message, Processing, will display for a few seconds in the upper right portion of the screen. This indicates HRS is validating the funding source against rules in the Shared Financial System (SFS).
a. If processing errors are detected, a message window appears, and data entry fields may display in a red color. Correct any errors found. Click Save.
Note: For more information about error messages, refer to KB Resolving Error Messages on Funding Data Entry Page in HRS .
b. If no errors are found, the message Saved displays for a few seconds in the upper right portion of the screen.Important:The funding distribution data remains in effect until a new funding effective date/effective sequence is entered.
Add a New Effective Dated Funding Row to Existing Record in Same Fiscal Year
- From the HRS Main Menu, navigate to: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Budget Funding Data Entry.
- Also accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting USA > UW Finance WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS .
- Also accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting USA > UW Finance WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS .
- In the Funding Data Entry screen, click the Find an Existing Value tab.
- Enter your search criteria:
SetID: defaults to SHARE; do not change
Business Unit: defaults to your institution
Department: 7-character Organizational Department ID with campus alpha identifier; (e.g. D091000)
Fiscal Year: 4 digits, e.g., 2019
Budget Level: select Department - Click Search.
a. If you receive a message, "No matching values were found", verify you entered everything correctly and have not made a typographical error.
b. If you entered everything correctly, then Department level funding has not been entered. In this case, select the Add a New Value tab, then see the section above, Add Department Level Funding for an Organizational Department.
c. If you cannot resolve the error message, please contact the UWSS Service Operations. - The Funding Data Entry page displays for the Department. Verify the correct Organizational Department, Fiscal Year and budget level options (Department) are displayed.
- Locate the Funding Distribution section near the bottom of the screen. Verify the Status = Active.
- Click the plus icon, located within the Budget Data section.
- When a new effective dated funding row is added:
- The new Effective Date field displays first, and the previous funding information is defaulted. The Budget Data section scroll area indicates 1 of 2 to reflect the data view change.
Note: You can click the View All link to display all current and historical information. - Change the new Effective Date field to when the new Department level funding information takes effect (e.g., 03/01/20xx).
- The Eff Seq (effective sequence) field indicates 0 for the first entry, 1 for the second entry, etc., for multiple changes entered with the same Effective Date.
- The new Effective Date field displays first, and the previous funding information is defaulted. The Budget Data section scroll area indicates 1 of 2 to reflect the data view change.
- Modify funding distribution information, as needed. See Steps 7-8 of section above, Add Department Level Funding for an Organizational Department.
- Click Save.
Additional Resources
Related KBs:
- Adding or Changing Appointment Level Funding for Employee's Salary Expense in HRS
- Adding or Changing Position Level Funding for Employee Salary Expenses in HRS
- Finance Report List in HRS
- Fiscal Year End Considerations in HRS
- Funding and Direct Retro Security by Campus in HRS
- Resolving Error Messages on Funding Data Entry Page in HRS
- Running the Employee Funding Summary Report in HRS
- Running the Funding Change Report in HRS
- Salary Funding Levels Assigned During Payroll Processing in HRS
- Salary Funding Lifecycle for Payroll Processing in HRS
- Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS