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Adding Approvers and Reviewers to Job Openings and Job Offers in TAM


Once a Job Opening or Job Offer has been saved and submitted, you can add or remove job opening approvers or reviewers on the Approvers tab.

Process Considerations:

  • Inserted Approvers and Reviewers must also be added on the Job Opening Assignments page in the Interested Party section (if they are not already on the Assignments page in a different capacity). After being added to the Assignments page a provisioning process must run before they will have access to the Job Opening. This process runs automatically 5 times daily; 12:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and evenings at approximately 8:10 p.m.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Finding Job Opening Approvals

  1. Navigate: Recruiting > Search Job Openings, for more information see KB Searching for Job Opening or By Application in TAM . Alternative: Recruiters can navigate to the job opening from the the Recruiting Home dashboard using Quick Links or by the My Job Openings pagelet.
  2. Approvers and/or Reviewers can be added or removed to the Job Opening, by clicking the Approvals link on the Job Opening.

    add approvers
  3. The approvals section of the page includes a graphical picture of the approval sequence for the job opening.

    approval sequence

Warning Sign Inserted Approvers and Reviewers must also be added on the Job Opening Assignments page in the Interested Party section (if they are not already on the Assignments page in a different capacity). After being added to the Assignments page a provisioning process must run before they will have access to the Job Opening. This process runs automatically 5 times daily; 12:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and evenings at approximately 8:10 p.m.

Instructions for Finding Job Offer Approvals

  1. Navigate to the Prepare Job Offer page, for more information see KB Creating a Job Offer and Post Online to Candidate Gateway Alternative: Recruiters can navigate to the job opening from the the Recruiting Home dashboard using Quick Links or by the My Job Openings pagelet.
    • Select Applicant then Other Actions > Recruitment Actions > Prepare Job Offer
  2. Approvers and/or Reviewers can be added or removed to the Job Offer, by clicking the Approvals tab on the Offer Details.

    job offer approvals

Adding Approvers and Reviewers

NOTE: Approvers and Reviewers can be added to the approval chain any time after the currently pending approver.
  1. Click the Green Plus sign (Insert Approver) at the point you would like the new approver/reviewer added to the chain.

    add approver plus sign
  2. Enter the employee's User ID, or look them up with the looking glass.
  3. Select the radio button to enter them as an Approver or a Reviewer
    • By default, the person whom you select is an approver, whose approval is mandatory.
    • Reviewers receive a link to the job opening so that they can review the details, but they do not approve, deny, or push back the job opening. They will receive a notification email to review at the same time as the Approver following them in the approval chain.
  4. Click the Insert Button.

    insert approver
  5. The additional Approver/Reviewer will now appear in the Job Approvals diagram.
  6. Click Save to save the changes to the Job Opening.

Removing Approvers and Reviewers

Note: Approvers and/or Reviewers can only be removed by the individual who added them to the chain.

Warning Sign Approvers and/or Reviewers can only be removed if the approval chain has not yet reached them.

  1. Click the Red Minus sign (Remove Approver) in the Approver/Reviewers box.

    remove approver
  2. Confirm that you wish to remove the individual from the approval chain.
  3. Click Save to save the changes to the approval chain.

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Keywordsrecruit recruiting job opening approve process review training TAM TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID21278
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-11-15 14:59:36Updated2024-05-14 10:46:59
SitesUW–Shared Services
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