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List of Time and Labor Queries in HRS


Queries have been developed in Peoplesoft to provide information otherwise not available in the Time and Labor application. This procedure explains how to execute queries and provides an overview of each Time and Labor query.

Process Considerations:

  • Queries can be executed using Query Viewer, this application can be found on the PeopleSoft menu under Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer.
Click on the links below to skip directly to a section:

Instructions on How to Run a Query

  1. Go to Query Viewer. To retrieve a query you can search by name or by description (click drop down box). Enter the name of the query or enter a partial string to perform a search. In the screen print below the string UW_TL was entered to retrieve the list of Time and Labor queries.

    Selection Criteria

    Tip: Use the "Favorites" link to keep a list of your most used queries. 

  2. Queries can be run to a variety of formats.  The most common are HTML or Excel.

    Each of the most common run options are covered below.

    1. Run to HTML:Click the HTML link. This option executes the query and displays the results at the bottom of the page. Some queries may prompt the user for information. This information is passed to the query during runtime. The screen print below shows a prompt page for the UW_TL_INACTIVE_APPROVERS query. To run this query enter the appropriate criteria and then press the ‘View Results’ button. Once the query runs the results will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

      HTML Output2

      HTML Selection Criteria

    2. Run to Excel: This is the more desirable format when you have large data returns and need to sort and/or filter the results.

      Click the Excel link. This option executes the query and writes results to an excel spreadsheet. Some queries may prompt the user for information. This information is passed to the query during runtime. The screen print below shows a prompt page for the UW_TL_INACTIVE_APPROVERS query. To run this query enter the appropriate criteria and then press the ‘View Results’ button. Once the query is ready to display the results a download link to the file will display in the bottom left corner of the page. Click the file to view the results.

      Excel Output2

      HTML Selection Criteria

      Excel Export

      This screen print shows the window opened to Excel with the results of the query.

      Excel Spreadsheet

    3. **Wild Cards

      A wild card allows you to specify a partial string for a field. Wild cards can be helpful in finding all values that match specific patterns in a string. To specify a wild card, type a partial string in the field. The wild card symbol (%) can be placed anywhere in a string. For example, if you are looking for Dept Ids that begin with ‘A48’ then you would enter A48% as a wild card. This would return all values beginning with A48. Such as A480000 or A4800200.

List of Time and Labor Queries

  • Time Rejected By Payroll:  UW_TL_772_TRPY
  • Payable Status:  UW_TL_773_PSR
  • Time Entry Status:  UW_TL_774_TESR
  • Payable Time By TRC:  UW_TL_775_RTTRC
  • Payable Time By Task:  UW_TL_776_RTT
  • Needs Approval:  UW_TL_777_NAR
  • Approvers Assigned:  UW_TL_APPROVERS_ASSIGNED
  • Active TL Approvers Emails:  UW_TL_APPROVER_DIRECTORY
  • TL Back Up Approvers Emails:  UW_TL_BK_APPROVER_DIRECTORY
  • Comp Time Balance:  UW_TL_COMP_TIME_RPT
  • Group Membership:  UW_TL_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
  • Inactive TL Approvers:  UW_TL_INACTIVE_APPROVERS
  • No Assigned Approvers:  UW_TL_NO_APPROVERS_ASSGN
  • Employees Assigned to a Payroll Coordinator:  UW_TL_EMPLS_ASSIGNED_TO_PYC
  • Emails of Payroll Coordinators:  UW_TL_PYCOORD_DIRECTORY
  • Scheduled Hours exceed Legal Holiday Accrual:  UW_TL_SCH_HRS_EXCEED_LGHOL
  • SH Work on a Legal Holiday:  UW_TL_SH_WRK_LGHOL
  • Time Entry Method for Employee:  UW_TL_TIME_ENTRY_METHOD
  • No Time Reported:  UW_TL_NO_RPTD_TIME
  • No TL Security:  UW_TL_NO_TL_SECURITY
  • Divisional Change Since TL Security:  UW_TL_DIVISION_CHANGE
  • Reported Time Audit:  UW_TL_RPTD_TIME_AUDIT
  • Reported Time Not Yet Processed by Time Admin: UW_TL_RPTD_TIME_NOT_PROC
  • Students Not Using Punches:  UW_TL_STUDENT_REP_REV
  • Active Employee TL Security Configuration: UW_TL_TLSEC_CUR
  • Review Payable Time Approval History: UW_TL_PAY_TIME_APPR_REV
  • Differential Supplement Setup: UW_TL_DIFF_SUP_SET
  • Differential Supplement Usage: UW_TL_DIFF_SUP_USAGE

Query: TL Exception Query

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors, Service Center
When: During Processing Week (Regularly) and Payroll Week

Description: The output from this query will list exceptions for all employees (problems with an employee’s timecard; for example, not complete) by campus/division. 

Prompts/Inputs: Begin Date (Required), End Date (Required), Dept Id (Needs '%' at minimum), Group Id (Needs '%' at minimum), Empl Id (Needs '%' at minimum), Employee Classification (Needs '%' at minimum)


TL Exception Query

Query: Duplicate Time Query

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
When: Pay Processing Week

Description: The query identifies employees with multiple jobs where reported time overlaps for a specific time period for those jobs. PeopleSoft does not include functionality to track time on one timecard for a person with multiple jobs. Therefore, this query will assist in identifying duplicate entries for time reporters who have multiple jobs.

Note: This is a very resource intensive query, running the query with a date range greater than two weeks could cause the query to not run to success or return unreliable data. Best Practice: Limit the date range in query to be one or two weeks at the most.

Prompts/Inputs: From Date, To Date, Dept Id, Employee Classification


Duplicate Time Query

Description: This updated version of the UW_TL_DUPLICATE_TIME_QUERY provides the same columns as the original version, with the addition of the employee's Approver and Backup Approver names from their TL Security page. It also lists their Approver and Backup Approver's email addresses for easy notification sending.
Note: This is a very resource intensive query. The start and end date should only reflect a period of 7 days maximum. Also, the Dept ID should include the business unit code and beginning of the department ID before the wildcard (%). The Empl Class prompt should also target a specific class of employees, as seen below.

Query: Time Rejected by Payroll

Query Name: UW_TL_772_TRPY
Who: Payroll Coordinators, Service Center
When: Payroll Processing Week (Tue-Thu)

Description: This query lists payable time detail that is rejected by Payroll. UW-Service Center, campuses and divisional Time and Labor Administrators will review the output details of this query to assist them in determining the employees whose payable time was rejected by payroll.

Prompts/Inputs: From Date, To Date (Required), Dept Id, Time Group (Group ID), Employee Classification (Optional-for all enter % for each field)


Time Rejected by Payroll

Query: Payable Status Query

Query Name: UW_TL_773_PSR
Who: Service Center
When: Payroll Processing Week

Description: This query lists all payable time by payable statuses. It will provide managers with a picture of processed and unprocessed time for time reporters with payable time.

Prompts/Inputs: Payable Status, From Date (Required), To Date (Required), Dept Id, Empl Id (Optional-for all enter % for each field)


Payable Status Query

Query: Time Entry Status Query

Query Name: UW_TL_774_TESR
Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Payroll Processing Week

Description: This query will provide a list of positive time reporters who failed to report time for a specific pay period (Note: date range must be for a payroll period). 

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id, Start Date (required), End Date (required), Group Id, Employee Classification

Time Entry Status

Query: Payable Time by TRC

Query Name: UW_TL_775_RTTRC
Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisor
When: Payroll Processing Week

Description: This query provides a list of employee TRC's based on search criteria provided by the user.

Prompts/Inputs: Start Date (Required), End Date, (Required), Dept Id, TRC Code, TRC Category, Group Id, Employee Classification (Optional-for all enter % for each field)


Payable Time by TRC Query

Query: Payable Time by Task

Query Name: UW_TL_776_RTT
Who: STOUT, Athletic, Housing
When: Payroll Processing Week, Ad-Hoc

Description: This query lists payable time by Task ID and TRC for a given date range. The output from this query is for time reporters and employees/units who are utilizing task entities. In Time and Labor, a task represents work assigned to a time reporter, and is represented by a combination of task entities. Task entities, also called task elements, are the specific types of task data you can capture when time is reported: customer, task, product, project, activity, company, combo code, department, business unit, job code, position number, location code, and up to five user-defined categories. Additional task entities are available if you’re using Project Costing with Time and Labor. This query will be used by time reporters and employees/units who are utilizing task entities for verification purposes.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept ID, From Date (Required), To Date (Required), Task Id, Time Group (Group ID), Employee Classification (Optional-for all enter % for each field)


Payable Time by Task Query

Query: Needs Approval Query

Query Name: UW_TL_777_NAR
Who: Payroll Coordinators, Service Center
When: Payroll Processing Week

Description: This query lists time reporters who have reported time that has not been approved for the given Business Unit/Dept ID, Time Reporter Group ID and Time Period. It looks for reported time with a payable time status of NA (“Needs Approval”). This information is needed because in order for a time reporter (employee) to be paid their time must be approved. The resulting query will assist the UWSS Service Operations and campus/division/department payroll coordinators in managing this task prior to a payroll calculation or confirm.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept ID, From Date (Required), To Date (Required), Group Id, Employee Classification (Optional-for all enter % for each field)


Needs Approval Query

Query: Approvers Assigned Query

Who:Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
When: Ad-Hoc

Description:This query identifies all employees assigned to a particular approver or backup approver.

Prompts/Inputs: Approver/Backup Empl Id, HR Status, Dept Id


Approvers Assigned Query

Query: Active TL Approvers Emails

Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query will output names and email addresses of active approvers by department.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id


Active TL Approvers Email Query

Query: TL Backup Approvers Emails

Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query will output names and email addresses of active backup approvers by department.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id

TL Backup Approvers Email

Query: Comp Time Balance Query

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors, Service Center
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query lists comp time balances by department. This will allow departments to monitor and limit compensatory time.

Prompts/Inputs: As of Date, DeptID, Empl Class, Emplid


Comp Time Balance Query

Query: Group Membership Query

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Service Center
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query lists employees and the secruity groups they are assigned to.

Prompts/Inputs: Empl Id, Dept Id, Employee Classification & Time Group (Group Id)


Group Membership Query

Query: Inactive TL Approvers

Who: HR Administrators, Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query lists employees assigned to inactive approvers on the Maintain TL Security page in Time and Labor.

Prompts/Inputs: Business Units, Dept Id, Employee Classification, Time Group (Group Id), Empl Id

Inactive TL Approvers

Query: No Assigned Approvers

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query identifies employees that do not have any approvers assigned to them.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept ID, Empl ID, Employee Classification, As of Date


No Assigned Approvers Query

Query: Employees Assigned to a Payroll Coordinator

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query identifies all employees (Active and/or Inactive) assigned to a particular payroll coordinator.

Prompts/Inputs: Payroll Coordinator Empl Id, Employee HR Status


Employees Assigned to Paycoord

Query: Emails of Payroll Coordinators

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: This query will output names and email addresses of active payroll coordinators by department

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id


Emails Payroll Coordinators Query

Query: Schedule Hours exceed Legal Holiday Accrual

Who: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors, Service Center
When: Pay processing week in which a legal holiday occurs

Description: This query identifies employees scheduled for more than 8 hours on a legal holiday. Up to 8 hours of Legal Holiday will be loaded for eligible employees and therefore anyone with a schedule that works more than 8 hours may need to make up the time, use other leave time, or have it unpaid.

Prompts/Inputs: From Date, To Date, Dept Id, Empl Id, Time Group (Group Id), Employee Classification


Scheduled Hours Exceed Legal Hol Accrual Query

Query: SH Work on a Legal Holiday

Who: Supervisors, Payroll Coordinators who pay extra to student help for working on a legal holiday
When: Payroll processing week when a Legal Holiday occurs.

Description: This query identifies employees in employee class ‘SH’ with time reported on a legal holiday.

Prompts/Inputs: From Date, To Date, Dept Id, Empl Id, Employee Classification, Time Group (Group Id)

Students Work Legal Holiday Query

Query: Time Entry Method For Employee

Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad Hoc

Description: The query provides a list of employees and shows their Time Entry method as selected on the TL Security page.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id, Employee Classification, Begin Date, End Date, Business Unit

Time Entry Method Employee Query

Query: No Time Reported

Who: Supervisors, Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad Hoc but recommended at least during payroll processing week

Description: This query identifies employees that do not have any reported time for the specified biweekly pay period.  It can be used independently or in conjunction with the Total 80 report.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id, Start Date, End Date, Time Group (Group ID), Empl Class

No Time Reported Query

Query: No TL Security

Who:Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad-Hoc

Description: The query identifies employees with no TL security pages, both Hourly and Salary.

Prompts/Inputs: Dept Id, Empl Type
No TL Security Query

Query: Divisional Change since TL Security

Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query identifies employees who have had a change to their division in job data but have not had a new effective dated row with updated payroll coordinators or approvers added to their TL Security page.

Prompts/Inputs: None. This query is designed to run off of row level security settings.


Divisional Change since TL Security Query

Query: Reported Time Audit

Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query identifies the audit stamp of who made time entries or changes to an employee's timesheet. Results are returned based on users row level security. If the operator that made the time entry is outside of the query runners row level security audit results will not be visible. Contact your Affinity Group for audit stamp information in these instances.

Prompts/Inputs: Empl ID, Empl Rcd, Start Date, End Date

Audit Action Key: A: Add, K: Change, N: New, D: Delete


Reported Time Audit Query

Query: Reported Time Not Yet Processed by Time Admin

Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query shows Reported Time for employees that hasn't yet been processed to Payable Time by Time Admin. The output from this query does not necessarily mean there is a problem or that Time Admin won't process the reported time. The output is only a snapshot of the Reported Time status at the moment the query was run. There is a column entitled 'Action', if the word 'Review' appears in this column, this means that this Reported Time should be monitored more closely and if the time doesn't get processed to Payable Time after the next Time Admin stream has run, contact Service Operations for assistance.

Prompts/Inputs: Campus, Dept ID, Empl Class, Empl ID, Start Date, End Date


Reported Time Not Processed

Query: Students Not Using Punches


Who: Payroll Coordinators
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query identifies students that have entered reported time using the quantity field instead of entering IN & OUT punches. It displays the reported quantities of time per day in a given period. 

Prompts/Inputs: Dept ID (optional), Empl ID, Start Date, End Date

Students Not Using Punches

Query: Active Employee TL Security Configuration


Who: Payroll Coordinators, Support Staff
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query shows the existing TL Security setup for active employees.

The output from this query can be used to assist with verifying a group of employees are correctly setup on their TL Security pages and identifying employees requiring adjustments to their TL Security page.  In addition, the output should be included with requests for Shared Services to process mass updates to Approvers on the TL Security page for a group of employees.  If Shared Services knows the existing TL Security setup for the employees that a mass update is being requested, it makes the mass update process easier and helps minimize the chance of errors.

Prompts/Inputs: Campus, Department ID (%) & Employee Classification (%)

UW_TL_TLSEC_CUR Output Screenshot

Query: Review Payable Time Approval History


Who: Payroll Coordinators, Support Staff
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query shows Payable Time approval history for Employees and/or Approvers.

Prompts/Inputs: Campus, Department ID (%) , Approver, Employee ID, Start and End Date

Review Payable Time Approval History Output

Query: Differential Supplement Setup


Who: Payroll Coordinators, Admins, Service Operations
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query lists the Differential Supplement configuration for employees by Campus, by Department ID and Differential Supplement ID.  Use this query to identify employees within a specific area that are setup to receive a Differential Supplement.

Prompts/Inputs: Campus, Department ID(%) and Dif Sup ID(%)


       Differential Supplement Setup Query Results

To the top

Query: Differential Supplement Usage


Who: Payroll Coordinators, Admins, Service Operations
When: Ad Hoc

Description: This query lists usage of the Differential Supplement for Employees by Campus and Department for a given date range.  Use this query to identify which employees are receiving Differential Supplements for a given period of time.

Prompts/Inputs: Campus, Department ID(%), Employee ID(%) and Date Range


       Differential Supplement Usage Query Results

To the top

Accrual and Approval Approved Approvers Assigned Auto Change Changes Comp Coordinators Dated Duplicate Effective Element Emplid Exceeds Exception Group Holiday Hours Hrs HRS Inactivated Inactive Labor Legal Lunch Membership Mismatches Needs No NoPay Payable Payroll Prior Profile Punch Punch/Elapsed queries Query query querying REG Rejected Report Reported Reporter reporting reports Role Rule Schedule Security SH Status T&L Task Taskgroup TCD Time Time TL TRC Validation Work TL, AM, Time, Labor, Absence Management 
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Melanie K. in UW–Shared Services
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