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Creating a Job Offer and Post Online to Candidate Gateway


The job offer component tracks compensation offers to the selected candidate for hire and provides a means for approval by those who collaborate in the hiring decisions. Using the job offer component in TAM creates a compensation record that will feed into the compensation tab in HR job data when manage hires is used to hire the selected applicant.
To create a job offer, enter the offer details such as the pay amount, frequency, date that the offer is created, and who needs to approve the offer, etc. An offer or contract letter can also be uploaded and emailed to the candidate directly from the job offer component. The job offer and related attachments can also be posted online to the applicant where they can review, accept, or decline the offer from their account in Candidate Gateway.
TAM automatically assigns the offer status. Once an offer is submitted for approval, the status is set to Pending Approval. Once the final approval has been received, the status is set to Extend.

Process Considerations:

  • In order for an applicant's disposition to change to Offer, the applicant must be in the one of the following dispositions before Prepare Job Offer is selected:
    • Applied
    • Considered for Interview
    • Route
    • Interview
    • Hold
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Navigate to the Applicants, either through Search Job Opening or Search Applications. See KB Searching for Job Opening or By Application in TAM or Recruiting Home Page in TAM , for additional information.
  2. In the row with the applicant you wish to create the offer for, click Other Actions > Recruiting Actions > Prepare Job Offer.
    • You can also click the Applicant's Application button and use Other Actions on the Manage Application page.
Prepare Job Offer

Offer Details

  1. Review the pulled in Offer details including information associated with the online job offer.
    • Registered Online - only visible if applicant is External, it indicates if they are a registered user of Candidate Gateway. A 'No' prevents you from posting the offer on Candidate Gateway.
    • Preferred Contact - shows applicant's preferred contact method.
    • Notify Applicant - Will be checked by default for applicants with preferred contact of email. If the preferred contact method is anything else, the check box is initially not selected, and you must manually select this check box before posting an online job offer. If you select this check box, but the applicant record does not include an email address, the system displays an error message if you attempt to post the offer.
      NOTE:  The setting for the Notify check box does not save. It will need to be checked each time you access the page.
  2. Enter the Start Date, optional.

    prepare job offer

Job Offer Components

  1. Select a Component (Base Salary - Annual, Base Salary - Hourly, Base Salary - Lump, Monthly Allowance, Moving Expenses, Other)
    NOTE: Component types other than Base Salary, do not automatically flow into the Compensation tab on Job Data. However, other component types can be entered to record any other compensations that are part of the offer for records retention and/or approval purposes.
  2. Enter an Offer Amount.
  3. Verify the Currency and Frequency.
  4. To add another Component, click the Add Offer Component button. (For example, Moving Expenses)
  5. To remove a Component from the offer, click the Garbage Can icon.
  6. In the Comments section, enter any comments related to the job offer.
    • To add additional comments, click the Add Another Comment button.
      The Comments section might be used to document notes for the job offer approvers or hiring specifics for future reference and record keeping.
prepare job offer

The job offer component can be used for sending contract or appointment letters to the selected candidate.

Add Offer Attachments

  1. The offer must be Saved as Draft or Submitted for Approval before attachments can be added.
    NOTE: Click the Edit Offer hyperlink to add attachments after is has been saved.
  2. Click Add Applicant Attachments button.
    NOTE: If your campus has set up Organizational Attachments, use the Add Organizational Attachment buttons to add documents from your library within TAM.
  3. Browse and upload attachments.
  4. If the applicant needs to take action with an attachment (i.e., complete a form and send back), check the Action Required box.

    upload offer attachments

Upload Offer Letter

  1. The offer must be approved to use the Upload Letter button.
  2. Click on the Upload Letter button.
    NOTE: To see a list of letter templates that can be personalized and sent see KB TAM - Letter Templates for TAM
  3. Click the Browse button to search and select the letter from a file outside of TAM.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. If the applicant needs to take action with an attachment (ie. complete a form and send back), check the Action Required box in the attachments section.

    upload offer

Email Applicant

  1. The offer must be approved to use the Email Applicant button.
  2. Click the Send Email button.
    NOTE: For information on using the Send Correspondence page, see KB Sending Correspondence Email or Letter to Applicant in TAM
  3. If attachments have already been added to the job offer they will appear at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click Send.

Post Job Offer and Attachments online to Candidate Gateway

The offer must be approved before it can be posted online.

  1. The online job offer is automatically set to expire 10 days from the date posted.  This can be changed by updating the Offer Expiration Date before posting.
  2. Check the Notify Applicant check box.
  3. Click the Post hyperlink.

    post offer online
  4. An email will be send to the applicant and the job offer will appear when they log in to Candidate Gateway on the My Job Notifications section.

    job offer
  5. Applicants click on the job offer.
  6. They can view offer information, upload completed documents and accept/reject the job offer entirely within Candidate Gateway.
  7. Once they have accepted the offer it remains on their My Job Notifications page for future reference.

offer accepted

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Keywordsjob, offer, candidate, recruiting, recruit, extend offer, hire, TAM, training hire rehire, contract letter TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID20117
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-09-02 12:14:05Updated2024-05-14 12:48:06
SitesUW–Shared Services
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