Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Time and Labor

Time and Labor Reports in HRS


This document provides an overview of Time and Labor reports available within HRS.

Process Considerations:

Warning Sign   Always consider the volume of data being requested when setting up run controls and include additional selection criteria when possible in order to keep the amount of data being processed to a manageable level.  Large volume requests can impact the systems ability to process other jobs that may be running simultaneously.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


To run Time and Labor reports, you will need to navigate to:Time and Labor > Reports.

This section provides an outline of each Time and Labor report. The outline includes the following:
  • Navigation: Indicates where the report can be found on the menu.
  • Audience: Indicates who will be using the report.
  • Frequency: Indicates how often the report should be run.
  • Description: Description of the report
  • Procedure: Displays and reviews the report’s run control.
  • Sample Report: A sample is provided for each report.

Payable Status Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Payable Status Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisor, UWSS Service Operations
Frequency: This report will be run each pay processing week (especially Tue/Wed of the processing week)
Description: This report lists all Payable Time for a range of dates to provide the manager with a picture of processed and unprocessed time.
Procedure: To run the Payable Status report perform the following:

  1. Specify a description for the run control.
  2. Specify a date range by entering the From and To Date. This will restrict the report to include information between and including these dates.
  3. Select the payable statuses you want to review. Below is a short description of each payable time status. This list is in order of most to least used.

    NA – Needs Approval. Set by Time and Labor. This status means payable time requires approval from a payroll coordinator or manager before it can be processed by Payroll.

    AP – Approved. Set by Time and Labor. This status means payable time has been approved and is now ready to be processed by Payroll.

    CL – Closed. Can be set by Time and Labor, Payroll or Labor Distribution (Financials). This indicates that all processing for the payable time has been completed and the time entry is closed.

    TP – Taken by Payroll. Set by Payroll. This indicates that the payable time has been accepted by payroll and is being processed.

    RP – Rejected by Payroll. Set by Payroll. This indicates that errors have been found and payable time has been rejected.

    PB - Pushed Back. Set by Time and Labor. The payable time is not approved. The employee's original reported time is incorrect and needs to be updated on the employee's timesheet.

    DN - Denied. Set by Time and Labor. The payable time is not approved. Currently, we do not recommend setting payable time to "Deny" status. If this status was used and the employee is owed payment, a ticket needs to be opened with UWSS Service Operations Time and Labor Team.

    ES – Estimated. Set by Time and Labor. ES means ready for payroll. Estimated is the initial status for payable time. The status may change as the payable time is further processed by payroll and financials.

    OE – Online Estimated: Do not use. This is the estimated payable time created by launching the online rules processing from the Timesheet page. We are not utilizing online rules in Time and Labor.

    SP – Sent to Payroll. Set by Payroll. This indicates that the payable time has been sent to payroll for processing. At this point payroll can decide to take the payable time and process it or reject it if any errors are found.

    PD – Distributed. Set by Labor Distribution (Financials) and indicates that actual costs have been applied to payable time.

    DL – Diluted. Set by Labor Distribution (Financials). This status indicates that actual costs have been evenly distributed across payable time entries.

    NP – No Pay. Set by Project Costing (Financials) only. Indicates that the payable time is not going to Payroll and is closed.

    RV – Check Reversed. Set by Payroll. Is used to indicate that a payable time entry was included in a paycheck reversal.

    IG – Ignore. Do not use. This is for systems using Global Payroll Only. We are using North American Payroll.

  4. Specify the Employee or Department selection criteria in the 'Employees to Process' section of the run control.

    • By Employee: If department selection criteria already exists, then click on the ' - ' button to clear the existing criteria.  Then enter the EmplID and Empl Rcd# for each employee you want to process.  Use the ( + ) or ( -) buttons to add or delete employees from the list.

      9.2 TL Employees To Process Replace
    • By Department: If employee selection criteria already exists, click on the ( - ) button to clear the existing criteria.  Then enter the Department ID in the Department field.  You can also use the wildcard ( % ) character to process a range of departments  (ex. A02%, A022%, etc. ).  Use the ( + ) or ( - ) buttons to add or delete departments from the list.

      TL Payable Status Report Department Search

5.  To run the report after setting up the selection criteria, click the 'Run' button at the top of the page.

TL Payable Status Run Control

Report Sample:

Sample Report

Labor Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Labor Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
Frequency: As needed to gather data for Accounting Budget purposes.
Description: This report displays Time and Labor costs at the employee, business unit, and department level. The user can generate either a detail or summary report.
Procedure: To run the Labor Report, perform the following:

  1. Specify a date range by entering the From and To Date. This will restrict the report to include information between and including these dates.
  2. Select the report type, Detailed or Non-Detailed (Summary).
  3. Specify the dept-id and/or group-id. These fields are not required. If left blank the system will return information for all departments and/or groups. You also have an option to use wild cards for the dept-id and group-id. (See above section on Wild Cards). The employee class is also optional and can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes click the SELECT VALUES button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. To run the report, click the RUN button at the top of the screen.
TL Labor Report Run Control
TL Labor Report Run Control
TL Labor Report Run Control

Note: Above screen shot is a partial list.

Report Sample:

Sample Report

Overtime and Comp Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Overtime & Comp Time Report
Audience: UWSS Service Operations (Primary), Payroll Coordinator
Frequency: Weekly, every pay period (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu) or each week.
Description: This report displays employees working multiple jobs with actual hours worked exceeding 40 hours in a week. Payroll Coordinators use the report to compensate employees who have exceeded FLSA limits between jobs. Hours are totaled based on the TRC code and exclude time with shift differential TRC's.
Procedure: To run the Overtime & Comp Report perform the following.

  1. Input a date range for the report by entering the BEGIN DATE and END DATE fields. This will restrict the report to include information between and including these dates.
  2. Enter the dept-id if you want the report to generate information for a specific department. If you want all departments included click the "All Dept-ids" checkbox.
  3. Enter a period id. This field is used to indicate the time periods you want to include on the report, weekly, monthly, etc.
  4. The employee class can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes click the SELECT VALUES button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
  5. To run the report, click the RUN button at the top of the screen.
Overtime and Comp Time Report Run Control

Overtime and Comp Time Report Run Control

Sample Report:

Overtime Comp Time Report Output Sample

Schedule Definition Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Schedule Definition Report
Audience: HR Administrators, Payroll Coordinators, SC
Frequency: Ad-Hoc
Description: This report lists all available schedules in the HRMS system and helps the user find a schedule based on Schedule ID, Schedule Type (Punched, Elapsed, Flex), the Start Time ( the start time of the work day), and Days of the Week. All fields on the run control page are optional. If no information is specified, all schedules are returned.
Procedure: To run the Schedule Definition Report perform the following.

  1. Schedule-ID uniquely identifies a schedule. Enter the schedule-id or a partial string for the schedule-id to get a list of schedules. Schedules at UW are prefixed by an E or P so the schedule can be easily recognized as either elapsed or punch. Use E or P to narrow the list to elapsed or punch schedules. Click the search icon next to schedule-id field for a complete list of schedules. Feel free to use wild cards for this field to narrow your search. For more information on wild cards see the Wild Card section above. Schedules that begin with "E" are used for our elapsed timesheet employees (FLSA exempt). Schedules that begin with "P" are used for our punch timesheet employees (FLSA nonexempt).
  2. The schedule type is used to indicate whether the schedule is punch or elapsed. Enter the Schedule Type. For a list of types click the search icon next to the schedule type.
  3. Enter the Start Time. Click the search button for a list of valid times.
  4. Enter Day of the Week. Select the days that should be included in the schedule. This will retreive all schedules with the days of the week you selected.
  5. To run the report, click the RUN button at the top of the screen.
TL Schedule Definition Run Control

Sample Report:

TL Schedule Definition Report Output Sample

Time Clock and Web Entry Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Time Clock & Web Entry Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors
Frequency: Ad-Hoc during the payroll processing period.
Description: In Peoplesoft there are three modes of time entry: Timesheet, Time Clock and Web Clock.

The Time Clock and Web Clock applications are restricted meaning that once time entries are submitted they cannot be changed. On the other hand the Timesheet application is not restricted. Entries made on the time sheet can be updated and/or deleted. The problem with this setup is that employees with multiple jobs could have both restricted (Time Clock and Web Clock) and unrestricted (Timesheet) access; making it possible for them to update time generated through the restricted mode of entry on the timesheet. This report lists time entries that have been created or changed by employees. This report helps payroll coordinators/supervisors to monitor manipulation of time entries.

Procedure: To run this report, perform the following.

  1. Enter a date range for the report by entering the FROM date and TO date fields. This will restrict the report to include information between and including these dates.
  2. Enter the dept-id and group-id. These are optional fields but they can help in narrowing the report results. Click the search icon next to each field for a list of valid values.
  3. The employee class can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes click the 'SELECT VALUES' button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click then OK button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. To run the Time Clock & Web Entry Report click the RUN button at the top of the screen.
Time Clock & Web Entry Report Run Control

Sample Report:

Time Clock & Web Entry Report Output Sample

Interpreting the results of the report:

  • The Operator Id shows who changed the punch.  This report will show if a manager or payroll coordinator made the change so you can not always assume that the employee made the change.
  • The Punch Type shows which punch was changed "In" or "Out".
  • The Date and Time Created Column is when the employee originally first clocked in using the webclock or timeclock.
  • The Punch Date & Time shows what the time was changed to using the timesheet.
  • The Last Update Date/Time shows when the actual change was made by the employee.

Timesheet Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > TimeSheet Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinators, Supervisors.
Frequency: Ad-Hoc, at the beginning of the pay period or week before to distribute to employees.
Description: This report creates a paper timesheet for employees to enter time. This is for employees who do not have access to enter time into Peoplesoft. The paper copy is prepopulated with schedules if applicable, is filled out by the employee, then used by the payroll departments to enter the time. The timesheet includes punched types, the time reporter’s scheduled punched or elapsed time and absence management entries. The report also contains lines for approval signatures for both the employee and the approving supervisor.
Procedure: To run the TimeSheet report perform the following.

  1. Enter a Pay Run ID. For a list of Payroll Run-ids click the search button right next to the field Pay Run ID field. This field is required and is used to find one or two week schedules.
  2. Enter the START DATE. The start date should be set to the first day of the pay period.
  3. Using the radio buttons, indicate whether you want the timesheet to include a one week or two week schedules. This directly ties to the pay-run-id pay period dates.
  4. Click the SELECT VALUES button to display a list of employee class values. The employee class can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes click the 'SELECT VALUES' button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen. Uncheck the Employee Class-All Values box if you have selected specific empl class's. Click Save.
  5. Enter emplid and empl_rcd# to create a timesheet for a specific employee(s). To generate timesheets for a group of employees enter a group-id or dept-id. Use the + and - buttons on the right hand side of the screen to insert and delete rows from the list.
  6. To run the TimeSheet Report click the RUN button at the top of the page.
Timesheet Report Run Control
Timesheet Report Run Control

Sample Report:

Timesheet Report Output Sample

Compare Payable Time to Paysheet Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Comp Payable Time to Paysheet.
Audience: UWSS Service Operations, Payroll Coordinators
Frequency: Pay Processing Week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Description: This report lists discrepancies between payable time and the paysheet and will help Payroll Coordinators to reconcile differences.
Procedure: To run this report perform the following.

  1. Navigate to Time and Reports>Reports>Comp Payable Time to Paysheet
  2. Search for an existing Run Control ID by typing in a partial string. Select Search to retrieve a list of Run Controls. OR
  3. Create a new Run Control ID by selecting the Add New Value tab and typing in a new Run Control ID. Select Add.
  4. On the Payable Time to Paysheet page, enter the following:
  • Pay Run ID
  • Dept ID (leave blank for all departments)
  • Group ID
  • Empl Class (Using the Employee Class Selection Page)
  • Select Run

    Compare Payable Time to Paysheet Run Control

  • On the Process Scheduler Request Page, select OK
  • On the Payable Time to Paysheet page, select Process Monitor
  • Click on the Refresh button until Run Status=Success and Distribution Status=Posted
  • Select the Details link next to the report you wish to view
  • Select View Log/Trace
  • Select the PDF link to view report
  • Below is an example report:

Compare Payable Time to Paysheet Output Sample

Payable Time Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Payable Time Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinator, Supervisors.
Frequency: Payroll Processing Weeks - 1st, 2nd, both depending on processes for your area.
Description: This report lists payable time. The data on this report can also be found on many of the pages within Peoplesoft. For example, Approve Time, Payable Time Summary or Detail.
Procedure: To run this report, perform the following.

  1. Enter a date range for the report by entering the FROM and TO date fields. This will restrict the report to include information between and including these dates.
  2. Specify the report type, detailed or non-detailed (summary)
  3. The DeptID and EmplID fields are optional. Enter the DeptID and/or EmplID to refine report results. Use the search buttons next to each field to get a list of values.

The employee class can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes click the 'SELECT VALUES' button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.

Payable Time Report Run Control

Payable Time Report Run Control

Sample Report:

Payable Time Report Output Sample

Total 80 Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > Total 80 Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinators and Supervisors
Frequency: Payroll Processing Week
Description: Lists employees who have total reported hours less than their standard hours (but more than zero hours) for a pay period.
Procedure: To run this report, perform the following.

  1. Enter the Pay Period End Date
  2. Enter either the Department or Employee ID and Record Number or Group ID

The employee class can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes, click the 'SELECT VALUES' button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.

Total 80 Report Run Control

Sample Report:

Total 80 Report Output Sample

Timecard Report

Note: This is a delivered report and should not be confused with the Timesheet Report that was developed for UW Specifically. While you can run this if you wish, it's not recommended.

IP Address Exception Report

Navigation: Time and Labor > Reports > IP Address Exception Report
Audience: Payroll Coordinator
Frequency: As needed.
Description: The original intention of the report was to track web clock time entry users who clock in using a computer that is away from their work location. If a campus/division has provided a list of valid computers, this report lists employees who have entered time using computers which are not valid campus/division computers. However, the report may also be used to determine the IP address that was used for any punch time entry and who made the entry (OPRID).
Procedure: To run this report, perform the following.

  1. Enter a date range for the report by entering the FROM and TO date fields. This will restrict the report to include information between and including these dates.
  2. Specify the report type, detailed or non-detailed (summary)
  3. The DeptID and EmplID fields are optional. Enter the DeptID and/or EmplID to refine report results. Use the search buttons next to each field to get a list of values or use '%' for all values.
  4. The employee class can be used to return information for a specific class of employees. To include all classes click the 'All Values' check-box. If you want to specify certain classes, click the 'SELECT VALUES' button. The next screen displays a list of employee classes. Select the ones you wish to include in the report then click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
IP Address Report Run Control

Sample Report:

IP Address Report Output Sample

The report output includes employee and time data which was entered using any IP address which is not included in the IP Address table. If time is entered using an IP address which is included in the IP Address table, the report is blank.

Warning Sign  If the IP Address table has not been configured to include a listing of acceptable IP Addresses for your campus, the report will return all IP addresses; including those entries made from both acceptable and unacceptable locations.

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Keywordsqueries payable time query report Time and Labor Time and Labor Overtime Comp timesheet payable time total 80 timecard IP Address exception exceptions time clock web entry web entries TL, AM, Time, Labor, Absence Management   Doc ID17071
OwnerNeal W.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-02-26 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:57:24
SitesUW–Shared Services
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