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Continuity Status in HRS


This document contains a list of the Continuity code values and their definitions. In addition, this document indicates whether the Expected Job End Date field is required, optional or not allowed based on the Continuity of the job.

Continuity Code

  • Section 36.09(1)(e) Wis. Stats., directs the Board of Regents to fix the "term of office" for officers, faculty, academic staff and other employees of the UW System.  Continuity, in conjunction with the Employee Class, captures information about the expected duration for jobs. When creating a Position, a Continuity Code value must be selected.
  • This code is critical for determining whether an employee is eligible for specific benefits.  If an employee is in a WRS-eligible Employee Class and meets the FTE requirements, they must also meet the criteria related to duration of their appointment in order to be eligible for the Wisconsin Retirement System benefits.  The Continuity Code must always be set based on the duration of the employee's appointment, as specified in the employee's contract. Continuity should not be set to drive a specific benefits outcome.
  • An Expected Job End Date (EJED) is also required for some positions.  Refer to the column entitled "Expected Job End Date" in the table below and follow these rules when setting this date:
    • If "Not Allowed," leave the EJED blank on Job Data
    • If "Required," a date must be entered
    • If "Optional," you may leave the EJED blank or choose to add a date
    • If an Expected Job End Date (EJED) is entered, the effective date of the termination will always be the Expected Job End Date plus one day.
Value Appointment Description and Duration Expected Job
End Date
WRS Eligible Graduate/Short-Term
Benefits Eligible
01 Ongoing Not Allowed Yes - provided WRS Eligibility met Only if WRS eligibility not met

Fixed Terminal;

  • If academic (C-basis) appointment: < 1 semester
  • If annual (A or H-basis) appointment: < 6 months
Required No No

Fixed Terminal;

  • If academic (C-basis) appointment: ≥ 1 semester but ≤ academic year (w/ no expectation of renewal)
  • If annual (A or H-basis) appointment: ≥ 6 months but < 12 months (w/ no expectation of renewal)
Required No Yes

Fixed Terminal;

  • If academic (C-basis) appointment: ≥ academic year w/ expectation of renewal the following semester**;
  • If annual (A or H-basis) appointment: ≥ 12 months**
Required Yes – provided WRS eligibility met Only if WRS eligibility not met
03 Fixed renewable Not allowed Yes – provided WRS eligibility met Only if WRS eligibility not met
04 Limited Not allowed Yes – provided WRS eligibility met Only if WRS eligibility not met


  • If academic (C-basis) appointment: < 1 semester
  • If annual (A or H-basis) appointment: < 6 months
Required No No


  • If academic (C-basis) appointment: ≥ 1 semester but ≤ academic year (w/ no expectation of renewal)
  • If annual (A or H-basis) appointment: ≥ 6 months but < 12 months (w/ no expectation of renewal)
Required No Yes


  • If academic (C-basis) appointment: ≥ academic year w/ expectation of renewal the following semester**;
  • If annual (A or H-basis) appointment: ≥ 12 months**
Optional Yes – provided WRS eligibility met Only if WRS eligibility not met
None No Continuity (typically used for Student Help appointments)   No No

*02C may be used for Graduate Assistants who are not WRS eligible.  Only the 02C continuity code will drive a fixed terminal appointment to be WRS eligible in HRS.  Employee Class of Student Help (SH) has a Continuity of NONE.

You can find an employee's Continuity Code on Job Data via the main Menu in HRS by navigating to: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data; search on Empl ID; click on the UW Custom tab.

UW Custom Tab

You can find an employee's Continuity Code on Position Data via the main Menu in HRS by navigating to: Organizational Development > Position Management > Maintain Positions/Budgets > Add/Update Position Info; search on Position Number.

Continuity Code on Position

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Keywordsfixed term terminal renewable limitedongoing acting interim expected job end date EJED limited fixed terminal student help SH continuity code academic annual c-basis a-basis h-basis expectation fixed renewable ongoing acting/interim continuity codes HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources   Doc ID16903
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-02-14 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:48:04
SitesUW–Shared Services
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