Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Absence Management
Managing Absences for a Prior Pay Period (Payroll Coordinator) in HRS
This document should be used when changing an absence from a prior period. This may include only hours. Or you can change the dates and type of take by voiding and adding a new row, representing the new absence.Process Considerations:
- If the number of hours for an absence were entered incorrectly, it is possible to change them. This is done by editing the Hours field and clicking the OK button.
- NOTE: Do not change the absence type or date! If either of these are incorrect, the absence must be voided and a new one entered.
- If you are voiding an entry with a date range, you will need to consider what dates (in that range) need to be voided and/or added.
- Changing Leave Type Used after Reported
- If an employee initially reports one leave type for an absence, the employee may later request to use a different leave type for the absence prior to the end of the respective reporting year. Sick leave shall only be used per the provisions outlined in the SL policies. Each institution will determine what documentation is necessary for changing the leave type once it has been reported.
Void an Absence For a Prior Pay Period
1. Log in to HRS through the payroll coordinator interface.3. You will now be at the Absence Events page. Enter the desired search criteria for the employee for which you want to void an absence and click the Get Employees button.
4. Select the desired employee by clicking the Select check box next to their name. Once the employee is selected, click the Request Absence button.
5. You will now be at the Enter Absence Events page. You can see any absences that the employee has requested and the details of those requests. Click the Process Action drop down box for the absence you wish to void, and select "Void" from the list.
6. Click the OK button. The absence has now been voided. The voided absence will still be visible in Enter Absence Events page, however its Workflow Status will be listed as "Voided."
7. Now that you have successfully voided the absence. If you are swapping the absence, you will enter the new absence after this step.
Enter an Absence For a Prior Pay Period
1. Go to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Maintain Absences > UWS Absences.
2. You will now be at the Absence Events page. Enter the desired search criteria for the employee you want to enter multiple takes for and click the Get Employees button.
3. The employee should appear. Check the Select box next to the employee's name and click the Request Absence button to continue.
4. You will see the Enter Absence Events page. If the employee has submitted absences in the past you will need to click Add Row (

5. Enter the Events From Date for the employee's retro absence. You can either enter the date they took the absence in the format MM/DD/YYYY or you can click the Calendar icon (

6.Enter the Thru Date for the Employee's absence retro absence. You can either enter the date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or you can click the Calendar icon (

7. Under the Absence Take column, select the name of the absence the employee will use.
8. Under the Hours column, enter the number of hours the employee is requesting for that day. If it is a date range, enter the hours per day not the sum of the date range.
9. Click the OK button to save the absence.Additional Resources
Related KBs:
- Viewing Absence Management Results by Calendar in HRS
- Entering Absences via UWS Absences Page for University Staff Employees (Payroll Coordinators) in HRS