Results: 1-20 of 35

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Running the Half Time Compliance Report in HRS165002024-05-145912
2Voluntary Reassignment Process (Univ Staff to Academic Staff/Limited) in HRS534742024-05-148387
3Entering a Transfer from University Staff to Academic Staff / Limited to HRS546032024-05-145323
4Compensation Administration Tool (CAT) 1.0 End to End Business Process603202024-05-147604
5Entering Backup Zero Dollar Jobs in HRS705552024-05-144973
6Creating Job Opening(s) in TAM193212024-05-1422728
7Employee Classifications (Empl Class) in HRS158132024-05-1437511
8Entering Absences via UWS Absences Page for University Staff Employees (Payroll Coordinators) in HRS174692024-05-1412403
9Running the University Staff Temporary (LTE) Hours Report in HRS174422024-05-1410384
10Entering and Reviewing University Staff Annual Leave Conversion Processing (Payroll Coordinator) in HRS201612024-05-1412899
11Catastrophic Leave Processing in HRS566672024-05-145885
12Entering a Position Change - Voluntary Reassignment (UPS - Movement from University Staff to Academic Staff/Limited) in HRS533482024-05-148260
13Entering Absences via UWS Absences page for Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointment (FA/AS/LI) Employees in HRS173182024-05-1415900
14Absence Processing Overview for University Staff and FAASLI Employees in HRS176692024-05-2311053
15Compensation Administrative Tool and Additional Adjustments Pages in CAT566492024-05-146940
16How to Apply for a Job On-line (Internal Applicant/Current UW employee) Using TAM215442024-05-2332060
17Restoration of Worker's Comp for University Staff in HRS395602024-05-145588
18Rehiring an Employee in HRS166592024-05-1417658
19Overriding Absence Take Rounding for Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited in HRS178532024-05-1411246
20How to Apply for a Job On-line (External Applicant) Using TAM198332024-05-1443842
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