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Performance Management Reporting in HRS


This document provides information about tools that can be used to manage the performance management process in HRS.

Process Considerations:

  • The reports found below are dependent on Group ID, which consists of a specific employee population (typically by Business Unit or departments)
    • In order to view results for a specific Group ID, the user needs to be assigned to the Group Security
    • To submit a request to be assigned to the Group Security, submit a request to the UW-Shared Services Support Team; see Get help from UW-Shared Services Support Team
  • Performance Documents are intended for annual reviews, Development Documents are intended for probation reviews
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Viewing Performance Management Documents

  1. Navigation:
    • Workforce Development > Performance Management > Performance Documents > View Documents
    • Workforce Development > Performance Management > Development Documents > View Documents
  2. Select the appropriate Document Type for your institution. Enter additional search criteria to narrow results.
    NOTE: if Search Criteria are not used only 300 total records can be viewed.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Up to 300 documents that match the search criteria will be shown.
  5. Document Status will identify where the document is in the evaluation process.
    • Define Criteria: the phase that performance criteria (goals, etc.) are established (if applicable)
    • Track Progress - Checkpoint: the Define Criteria phase (if applicable) has been completed
    • Track Progress - Finalize Criteria: the Checkpoint phase (if applicable) has been completed
    • Evaluation in Progress: the Define Criteria and/or Finalize Criteria phase has been completed, and moved to the Participant Evaluation (if applicable), Self Evaluation and Manager Evaluation phase
    • Pending Acknowledgement: the Manager Evaluation is finished and shared with the employee
    • Completed: the Manager Evaluation is finished and acknowledged
    • Canceled: the document has been canceled
  6. To access a document, click on the employee Name hyperlink.
    NOTE: If a name on the list is not a hyperlink, this employee has been identified as restricted access and documents can only be viewed by certain individuals.
    view performance document page

Running the Missing Documents Report

The Missing Documents Report identifies employees who do not have a document per Group ID, Document Type and evaluation period To/From Date combination.
  1. Navigation: Workforce Development > Performance Management > Reports > Missing Documents Report
  2. Enter a Run Control and click Search. For more information on creating a Run Control, see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS
  3. Enter the Report Request Parameters:
    • Group As Of Date - enter today's date
    • Group ID - identifies the employee population to review; select a Group ID for your institution
    • Document Type - select the Document Type for your institution
    • From Date and To Date - the evaluation period start and end dates
    • Period Basis - can remain as Period Begin Date
  4. Click the Run button.
    missing doc search parameters
  • Click OK on the Process Scheduler Request.
  • Monitor the Run Status and Distribution Status fields for Process Name: HEPJOB01 using Process Monitor, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS .
  • Click Go back to Missing Documents hyperlink at the bottom of the page.
  • Click Report Manager hyperlink at the top of the Missing Documents page.
  • Click the Administration tab on the Report Manager.
  • Click the Details hyperlink for the PDF format for Employees without reviews.
    missing documents report view
    missing doc output

Running the Late Documents Report

The Late Documents Report identifies documents whose status is not yet Complete and past the Manager Evaluation due date.
    1. Navigation: Workforce Development > Performance Management > Reports > Late Documents Report
    2. Enter a Run Control and click Search. For more information on creating a Run Control, see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS
    3. Enter the Report Request Parameters:
      • Group As Of Date - use today's date
      • Group ID - identifies the employee population to review; select a Group ID for your institution
      • Document Type - select the Document Type for your institution
    4. Click the Run button.
      late review parameters
    5. Click OK on the Process Scheduler Request.
    6. Monitor the Run Status and Distribution Status fields for Process Name: HEPJOB01 using Process Monitor, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS .
    7. Click Go back to Late Documents hyperlink at the bottom of the page.
    8. Click Report Manager hyperlink at the top of the Missing Documents page.
    9. Click the Administration tab on the Report Manager.
    10. Click the Details hyperlink for the PDF format for the Employees with late reviews document.
      late review report manager

      late review report output
  • Document Status: the current step the document is in (Define Criteria, Checkpoint, etc.)
  • Due Date: the Manager Evaluation Due Date; it is not the Due Date of the step listed in the Document Status column

Viewing Rating Summary / Viewing Status Summary

WARNING: Prior to running the Summary reports, the Rating Distribution must first be set up. This is an initial set up and does not need to occur each time.

Setup Rating Distribution

    1. Navigation: Workforce Development > Performance Management > Reports > Setup Rating Distribution
    2. Enter or search for the Group ID that you wish to create the rating distribution for, click OK.
    3. Enter information in the rating model fields.
      • Effective Date - the first day of the current evaluation period
      • Status - defaults to A for active
      • Description - enter unique description for rating model
      • Short Description - enter brief description
      • Document Type - select the Document Type for your institution
      • Rating Model - select the Rating Model used on the selected Document Type
      • Calc Method - select Average
    4. Enter values in the Desired Rating Distribution fields; the fields that appear will vary based upon the above selected Rating Model and Calc Method.

    if Calc Method is Average or Review Band, the Desired Distribution must equal 100%.
  1. Click Save.
    Setup Rating Distribution

Create Summary Data

NOTE: This process must be run each time prior to viewing the summary reports.
  1. Navigation: Workforce Development > Performance Management > Reports > Create Summary Data
  2. Create or enter a run control, for more information see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS .
  3. Enter Report Parameters.
    a. Group As Of Date - use today's date
    b. Document Type - select Document Type for your institution; if left blank, all documents will be included
    c. From Date and To Date - the evaluation period start and end dates
    d. Period Basis - what date document should look for information based upon; recommend using Period End Date
    e. Group ID - identifies the employee population to review; select a Group ID for your institution
  4. Click Run.
  5. Click OK on the Process Scheduler Request.
  6. Monitor the Run Status and Distribution Status fields for Process Name: EP_RPT_SNAP using Process Monitor, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS .
    Create Summary Data

View Status Summary

WARNING: to see the most current results, the Create Summary Data process must be run first.
  1. Navigation: Workforce Development > Performance Management > Reports > View Status Summary
  2. Enter or search for the Group ID that you wish to view summary results for, click OK.
  3. A pie chart will appear to show what percent of documents are in which status.
    NOTE: To see a list of employees that fit each status, select the wedge on the pie chart to open Document Status Detail, where results can be exported to Excel.
    view status summary

View Ratings Summary

WARNING: to see the most current results, the Create Summary Data process must be run first.
  1. Navigation: Workforce Development > Performance Management > Reports > View Ratings Summary
  2. Enter or search for the Group ID that you wish to view ratings summary for, click OK.
  3. A chart will appear based on the current selections made on Setup Ratings Distribution.
NOTE: To see a list of employees that fit each rating, select the "Final" bar on the chart to open Rating Distribution Detail, where results can be exported to Excel.
View Rating Summary

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Keywordseperformance eperf workforce development group define criteria checkpoint finalize evaluation acknowledgement self participant missing annual probation document   Doc ID91500
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2019-05-02 18:27:52Updated2024-05-14 12:51:08
SitesUW–Shared Services
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