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Running the "Reports To" Report in HRS
Four Workflow Exception Dashboard (WED) error reports were created to identify specific scenarios where the Reports To field requires review and correction. This procedure document provides instructions for clearing "Reports To" errors identified on the WED reports.Process Considerations:
- The Workflow Exception Dashboard (WED) is available for credentialed users ONLY and are based on current security roles. Reports will be viewable only if the user has the security access to fix the reported issues.
- The primary correction method for all four reports includes entering the Position Number for the appropriate active supervisor in the Reports To field on the employee's Position.
- When saving the change, Job Data will be updated with the new "Reports To" value for all employees assigned to the Position.
- A manual refresh in Job Data may be required.
- For any transactions on Position Data or Job Data pages requiring correction mode, contact your Affinity Group.
- The Service Center can process mass job updates for the Reports To field when there are 100+ entries to be made. To request this, contact your Affinity Group and include the criteria that defines the population you wish to update. The Service Center will then send a template file back to you with employees populated, which you would update and send back.
1. Log into HRS. WED error reports appear on the Home page. Reports appear based on your current security and whether there are errors to fix.
2. To filter the results further, options appear below.
Module: filter list of reports based on function, e.g., Absence, Benefits, Finance, etc.
Priority: all reports are listed in High--Medium--Low priority order by default
Business Unit: filter by institution
Dept ID: filter by specific organizational department ID; must enter full alpha + six digit code, e.g., G010000
DeptID (like): filter by a partial Dept ID to capture a larger group, e.g., G0100 or G01
3. Click the hyperlink in the WED for the report you wish to run. These four position-related reports are also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB PD-WorkCenter.
- Employees assigned to Positions that do not have Reports To values assigned.
- Employees whose Reports To value on Job Data does not match the Reports To value assigned to their Position.
- Employees assigned to Positions with a Reports To Value equal to the employee's own Position number. This erroneously conveys that the employee is reporting to themselves.
- Employees assigned to Positions where the Reports To value points to a vacant Position.
4. The list of employees will display on the Error Summary page.
Note: There are filters available to narrow the list of employee errors: Business Unit, full DeptID, partial DeptID, Show Claimed, Show Completed
5. Mark the Check to Claim box next to the employee(s) you intend to correct.
6. You will need to access the Job Data page to look up the employee's Position Number. Either make a note of the Empl ID and Empl Rcd, or click New Window to open a new HRS tab. Using a different tab allows you to keep the WED report results up while reviewing data on another HRS page.
7. Navigate to the Job Data page: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
a. Enter the Empl ID and click Search.
b. If more than one Empl Rcd displays, select the Empl Rcd specified in the WED report.
c. Copy the Position Number.
8. Return to the WED report located on your other browser tab or by clicking on the Home link at the top right of your screen. Click the desired report link.
9. Click POSITION DATA1 under the Link to Correct column. This will bring up the Add/Update Position Info page.
10. On the Add/Update Position page, enter the Position Number. Click Search.
11. On the Add/Update Position Info page, click the (+) button to insert a new row.
12. Enter the appropriate Effective Date.
- For transactions requiring correction mode, contact your Affinity Group.
13. Select Reason as 088-Change Reports To.
14. In the Reports To field, enter the Position Number assigned to the employee's supervisor.
15. Click the Specific Information tab and ensure the Update Incumbents field is checked.
16. Save.17. Navigate to the Job Data page: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
a. Enter the Empl ID and click Search.
b. If more than one Empl Rcd displays, select the Empl Rcd specified in the WED report.
18. Verify the change made on Add/Update Position Info inserted a corresponding Job Data row to update Reports To, and Reports To value on Job Information tab is correct. If it did not, follow the steps below to add a Job Data row.
19. On Work Location tab, click the (+) button to insert a new job row.
20. Enter the appropriate Effective Date.
- For transactions requiring correction mode, contact your Affinity Group.
- Effective Date on Job row must be later than or equal to Effective Date of change made on Position.
21. Click Calculate Status and Dates button if it appears.
22. Action: Position Change
23. Reason: Change Reports To
24. Below the Position Number, click Override Position Data button twice to ensure the new Reports To value is pulled in from Position.
- Warning: If you push the button only once, you will break the link between the Position and Job. Be sure to click button twice.
25. Click the Job Information tab to verify the new Reports To value is displayed.
26. Save.
27. Navigate back to the WED report.
28. If you were able to make the necessary updates, check the box under Completed and click Save. The error should fall off the WED report during overnight processing.
29. If you were unable to make the necessary updates, contact your UWSS Service Operations Affinity Group. Click the WiscIT column to indicate a WiscIT was created.
Additional Resources
Related KBs:
- HR Report List for HRS
- Managing Position Data in HRS
- The Workflow Exception Dashboard in HRS
- Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS