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Time and Labor WED Reports in HRS


This KnowledgeBase document provides a summary of the Time and Labor reports delivered via the WED.
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There are four Time and Labor reports delivered on the Workflow Exception Dashboard (WED):


Each report should be routinely reviewed and addressed in order to ensure the proper approvers of time and absence are included in the workflow for approving and have the security necessary to do so. 

Time and Labor WED Item Summary

Invalid Payroll Coordinators or Approvers on TL Security Page Report

Description: Active paid employee's TL Security page has either no active payroll coordinators in the same business unit or has approvers listed but no active approvers in the same business unit, or if looking at an absence eligible employee they have no approvers assigned.

Risk: The appropriate payroll coordinators/approvers may not be able to view or approve the employees time or absence requests

Resolution: Review Payroll Coordinators and Approvers listed on the employee's TL Security page and make necessary updates. Refer to KB 17043: TL - Create and Maintain Time and Labor Security for more information on making updates to an employee's TL Security page. 
Navigation: This report is also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB PD-WorkCenter.


No TL Security Report

Description: Active paid employee who uses a timesheet to be paid does not have a TL Security Page.

Risk: With no TL Security page, workflow will not be created and no one at the campus level will be able to approve the employee's time.

Resolution: Create TL Security for the employee with the appropriate Payroll Coordinators and Approvers listed. Refer to KB 17043: TL - Create and Maintain Time and Labor Security for more information on creating TL Security pages.

Navigation: This report is also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB PD-WorkCenter.


No TL Security Report-B

Description: Active FAASLI Exempt, leave eligible employee does not have a TL Security Page.

Risk: With no TL Security page, the employee most likely will not be able to see their absence balances or be able to request absences in the system. Also, workflow will not be created for absence requests and no one at the campus level will be able to approve the employee's time.

Resolution: Create TL Security for the employee with the appropriate Payroll Coordinators and Approvers listed. Refer to KB 17043: TL - Create and Maintain Time and Labor Security for more information on creating TL Security pages.


Time and Labor Approver / PYC Has No Row Security Report

Description: Active employee with either the TL_Supervisor or Payroll Coordinator security role does not have any Row Level Security and will not be able to view/approve time.

Risk: Row level security is required in order for static groups to be built. If an approver/payroll coordinator has no row level security they will not be able to view/approve employee time despite being listed appropriately on the TL Security page.

Resolution: Request a data level change through Security Provisioning and approval groups will be built through overnight processes. Refer to KB Request and Remove HRS Security Roles in HRS .


NOTE: If an employee is listed as having the TL_Supervisor security role and no row level security and you feel they should not have the ability to view/approve time, run the UW_TL_APPROVERS_ASSIGNED query to determine where they may be listed as an approver or backup approver. Update those TL Security pages removing them from the approver/backup approver section in order to dynamically deprovision the TL_Supervisor role. Note: Changes to Approvers on the employee's TL Security page will not take affect until overnight jobs run.  If no results are returned when running this query please contact your Affinity Group for further assistance.


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KeywordsTL, Time and Labor, Time & Labor, WED, report, reports, rowlevel security, row level security, inactive, approver, unable to approve, unable to enter time, invalid, TL security TL, AM, Time, Labor, Absence Management   Doc ID80116
OwnerNeal W.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2018-02-14 13:03:04Updated2024-05-14 10:57:28
SitesUW–Shared Services
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