Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Benefits Administration

Processing the Self Service Pending WED Report in HRS


This report will identify any newly hired or open enrollment employees who have accessed and/or made elections using Self Service but have not confirmed the elections. Benefit Administrators need to contact these employees to ensure benefit elections are submitted to HRS timely.

Process considerations:

  • If the employee does not complete the enrollments by clicking the Submit button, they will not be enrolled for insurance and potentially may miss their new hire 30 day or open enrollment window to make elections
  • Benefit Administrators should only enter elections through an ADM event if the employee has submitted paper applications.  See Enrolling, Changing, or Canceling Coverage Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


To perform this procedure, please follow these steps:

1.  Click on the UW_BN_EBEN_PENDING query on the WED to open the report. (This query is also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB PD-WorkCenter.)

WED eBen Pending

2.  The list of employees who went into Self Service, but have not submitted their elections will appear.  If you have run the Running the Employee Process Status Report in HRS in the past, this would represent any Event currently in a status of "Notified."

WED eBen Pending Errors

3.  Click the Claimed By checkbox next to the employee you want to work with. Your name will appear with the date and time noted.

WED eBen Pending Claimed

4.  Contact the employee to remind them that they have a limited amount of time to enroll and they need to go back into Self Service and submit their elections

5.  Check the Completed By box. Your name will appear in the Completed By section.  Once the Employee has successfully submitted their enrollments or missed their enrollment opportunity, the Employee will fall off the list the following business day.

WED eBen Pending Completed

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

Self Service, enrollment, open enrollment, OE, new hire, notified, submit, save and continue, events 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Christina S. in UW–Shared Services
UW–Shared Services