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Processing the Income Continuation Insurance Co-Elect Enrollment WED Report in HRS


Faculty, Academic staff, and Limited employees who are covered by the WRS can elect to enroll in Early Income Continuation Insurance. When they have 12 months of WRS state service, they need to be enrolled in the Regular Income Continuation Insurance plan. There are times when Benefit Administrators may forget to cancel the Early coverage when enrolling for the Regular coverage - in these cases employees are enrolled for both plans and may be charged inappropriate premiums. This WED report identifies Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited employees who have an active enrollment in both the Early and the Regular Income Continuation Insurance and need to have their Early coverage waived.

Process Considerations:

  • The WED is available for credentialed users ONLY and will be based on current security roles. Queries will be viewable only if a credentialed user has the security access to fix them.
  • Benefits Retro should be triggered by any reprocessed Events in On Demand Event Maintenance. Benefit Administrators must monitor and adjust retro if appropriate the day following when the changes are made to enrollment records.
  • A premium adjustment may be needed if the employee was overcharged premiums. If Benefits Retro is not triggered appropriately to return overcharged premiums, a Payline Adjustment will be needed. If you are unable to enter Payline Adjustments, please open a ticket to the UWSS Service Operations to have the Payline entered on your behalf.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Log into HRS.  The Workflow Exception Dashboard queries will appear to the right of the main menu.  Error queries appear based on your current security and whether there is an error to fix.
  2. Click on the hyperlink for the UW_BN_ICI_COELECT query.

  3. Click the 'Check to Claim' check box next to the employee you wish to work with and your name will appear in the Claimed by Section with the Date and Time noted.  Then click the DISABILITY_BENEFIT hyperlink for the employee you wish to work on.

    Link to Correct IMage
  4. You will be redirected to the employee's Disability Base Benefit page.  The 3Y Early ICI plan will be displayed first.  Click on the View All hyperlink to see all disability Plan Types.  Note the Coverage Begin Date for the Regular coverage, the App Received By date, and the Benefit Plan the employee is enrolled in.  To avoid inadvertently wiping out any existing enrollments, it is highly recommended that you note all Benefit Plans, coverage levels, Coverage Begin Dates, and App Received By dates for each Benefit Plan the employee has been enrolled in from the date of this Event forward to the present, not just the disability benefits, in the event you need to reinstate any benefits.

    CoElect Old
  5. Add an ADM Event to the BAS Activity Table if an Event does not exist for the Coverage Begin Date of the Regular ICI plan.  (Reference:  Adding Events to the BAS Activity Table in HRS )
  6. Open a new window by clicking on the New Window hyperlink in the upper right corner of your screen

    HRS New Window
  7. Navigate to display the employee's On Demand Event Maintenance screen:  Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance.  Enter the employee's Empl_ID and click the Search button or the Enter key on your keyboard.
  8. Click the Schedule/Prepare button to move the Event from Pending to Active status.  (Note:  Please make sure all events prior to your ADM event date have been processed to Finalized Enrolled or Finalized Prepared None.)

    9.2 Schedule Prepare
  9. Click the OK button to acknowledge that the process has completed successfully.

    9.2 Process Completed OK Button 
  10. Election Entry button to enter the Regular Income Continuation Insurance coverage.

    9.2 Election Entry
  11. Enter the Enrollment Code of Add Coverage, Reason of "New Hire" and the "App Received By" date equal to the date you noted from the employee's existing Disability Enrollment screen.

    9.2 Enrollment Code Reason
  12. Scroll down to the Income Continuation Insurance section.  Change the current election for Early ICI coverage to "WAV" for waive.  Verify that the Regular Income Continuation Insurance coverage level matches what the employee had under the Early ICI Coverage.

    9.2 Waive Early
  13. Scroll to the bottom of your screen and click the OK button.

    9.2 Ok to Submit
  14. You will be redirected back to the employee's main On Demand screen.  Click the Validate/Finalize button.

    9.2 Validate Finalize
  15. When the Process Completed Successfully pop up box appears, click the OK button to continue.9.2 Process Completed OK
  16. Navigate back to the employee's Base Benefit Pages:  Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Disability Benefits > enter the employee's Empl_ID and Search. Verify that the Early coverage now shows as waived and the Regular coverage elected as of the Effective Date of the ADM Event.

    9.2 ICI New
  17. Navigate back to the main HRS screen by clicking the "Home" hyperlink at the top right corner of the screen.HRS New Window
  18. Click the "Completed" checkbox to indicate that you have fixed the error.  Your name will appear in the Completed By section with the date and time noted.

    9.2 Completed By

Warning Sign  Warning!  Any Events from the Event Date forward will now be considered out of sequence (processed out of order).  You will need to Reprocess those other Events using the On Demand Event Maintenance screen to bring all records up to date to the present.  For more information on how to reprocess existing Events:  reference Reprocessing Events Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS 

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KeywordsIncome Continuation Insurance Disability Workflow Exception Dashboard Early Regular Unclassified FA AS LI OT1 enrollments benefits 3Y 3Z   Doc ID46903
OwnerJack R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2015-02-06 12:23:58Updated2024-05-14 12:51:47
SitesUW–Shared Services
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