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Processing the WED Overmax Undermin Report in HRS


PeopleSoft only provides a soft warning when HR Administrators enter a salary that is either higher than the approved maximum salary, or below the minimum salary range of a Job Code. There are times when it is appropriate for the salary to be outside the range, so a hard stop in HRS is not feasible. Therefore, a report is needed to identify employees with salaries outside their Job Code salary range so the UnderMin or OverMax boxes can be checked if the salary is approved to be outside the range, or if the salary is in error. This allows the HR Administrator to make the appropriate change prior to the payroll running.

Employees listed on this report may need to have their Job Data updated to correctly reflect their proper compensation rate or to correctly update either the Over Max or Under Min checkbox by inserting a sequenced row on Job Data using the same Effective Date as the rate over the maximum or under the minimum situation occurred. This may require correction mode, if subsequent rows exist. In these instances, a WiscIT will need to be created.

Process Considerations:

  • The Workflow Exception Dashboard (WED) is available for credentialed users and is based on current security roles. Queries will be viewable only if a credentialed user has the ability to fix the errors.
  • The HR Job Data Update role can change the Under Min checkbox for LTEs. The HR Job Data Over Max Update role is required to change the Over Max checkbox and the Under Min checkbox for all other Empl Classes.
  • Employees with a Pay Basis of "L" or "N" are not included in this query.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section: 


  1. Log into HRS and navigate to the WED page.
  2. Error Queries appear based on your current security and if there are errors to fix.

    WED OverMax UnderMin query
  3. Click the UW_HR_OVERMAX_UNDERMIN Error Query.
    This query is also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. (For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB PD-WorkCenter.)

  4. You may filter the query using Search Filters: Business Unit, DeptID (full), DeptID Like (partial), Show Claimed, Show Completed
  5. Click the 'Check to Claim' check box on any row and your name will appear in the Claimed By section on that row with the date and time noted.

    Check to Claim
  6. Click the Link to Correct hyperlink next to the employee you are working with.

    Link to Correct
  7. You will automatically be taken to the employee's Job Data pages on a new browser tab. Go to the UW Custom tab, where the Under Min and/or Over Max box is unchecked.

  8. Click on the Compensation tab and review the salary for accuracy.

    If a data entry error has occurred and the salary is not correct, add a row on Job Data to correct the salary by following steps in KB document Entering Pay Rate Changes in HRS.
  9. If the salary is correct:

    Click the UW Custom tab and mark the appropriate Rate Exceptions box and Save OR

    If you do not have the access to mark the appropriate Rate Exception box, visit the University of Wisconsin Service Operations Support Webform and submit a Support Request. This will create a WiscIT that will be assigned to the appropriate UWSS Shared Services Support employee to review, approve, and check the appropriate box on your behalf.
  10. Close the Job Data tab to return to the WED query.
  11. If you have fixed the salary or marked the Rate Exceptions box, mark the error “Completed” on the WED page or if you have opened a WiscIT, mark the WiscIT box on the WED.

    Note: checking the WiscIT box on the WED does NOT automatically open a ticket for you. You need to visit the University of Wisconsin Service Operations Support Webform and submit a Support Request, which will create a WiscIT. If the error required a WiscIT to fix, leave the completed check box unchecked.

    WiscIT and Completed Checkboxes
  12. Navigate back to the WED page by clicking on the “Home” icon at the top right of the page. Then select the WED tile if it is not automatically displayed.

  13. Once the error has been fixed in the system (either salary has been changed or appropriate check box checked), the employee will fall off the WED report the next business day. 

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

KeywordsOver Maximum Under Minimum LTE FTE Salary Minimum Salary Maximum Salary Salary Grade Salary Plan Salary Range WED Workflow Exception base rate Dashboard Pagelet hourly rate hourly Over the Maximum Under the Minimum Range Monthly Rate Annual Rate 9M Rate JOB Data HR   Doc ID40203
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2014-05-21 14:08:14Updated2024-05-14 10:51:47
SitesUW–Shared Services
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