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Running the Direct Retro Funding Distribution Audit Report in HRS


You can run a report by campus Division or Department to list employees who had salary expenses corrected by a Direct Retro Funding Distribution process for a previous payroll. Funding for an employee's salary expense includes earnings, deductions, and taxes.

Direct Retro Funding Distributions, also called "Direct Retros," are processed during batch processing each weekday evening, except for the weekday after a payroll has been confirmed and the last weekday of the month. You can run the Retro Distribution Audit report by the various process states of: Complete, Delete, Editing, Initiated. When the status of the Direct Retro is Complete, you can view the old data and new data of employees' funding combination codes for earnings, deductions, and taxes.

Process Considerations:

  • HRS Security Role Needed: FI Campus User Funding Reports; also see Funding and Direct Retro Security by Campus in HRS
  • The Direct Retro Funding Distribution Audit report results can be run as a .PDF (portable document format) or .CSV (comma separated value) for downloading to an Excel spreadsheet
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


    1. Navigate to: UW Financial Reports > UW Retro Distribution Audit Rpt.

    2. Enter or create a Run Control ID, see KB Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS    

      direct retro report report
    3. In the Retro Distribution Audit section enter:

      • Run Control ID: enter the unique Direct Retro ID number which begins with DR000, if known (e.g. DR00000069279).  Otherwise, leave blank.
      • Create User ID: enter the 8-digit Employee ID of the person who created the Direct Retro record, if known.  Otherwise, leave blank.
      • Error Status: select from the list of available choices: Creation, OK, Rejected.  Otherwise, leave blank.
      • Process State: select from the list of available choices: Complete, Delete, Editing, Initiated.  Otherwise, leave blank.
      • Dept ID: enter all or part of the 7-character appointing Department ID or leave blank to include all appointing departments. If you enter a partial Department ID, you must use the percent character as a wildcard (e.g. B48%).
      • Create Date Range section:
        • Begin date: choose a beginning date for the date range when the Direct Retro was created, if known
        • End Date: choose an end date for the date range when the Direct Retro was created, if known
      • Processed Date Range section:
        • Begin Date: choose a beginning date for the date range when the Direct Retro was processed in HRS, if known
        • End Date: choose an end date for the date range when the Direct Retro was processed in HRS, if known
      • To save the Run Control ID for re-use, click Save.
    4. To run the report with your parameters, click Run.

      direct retro report parameters
    5. Click OK in the Process Scheduler Request popup window that opens.
    6. Click on the Process Monitor hyperlink to monitor and view the report, see KB Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS for more information.
    7. When the process runs to Success and Posted statuses, click the Details hyperlink, then View Log/Trace
    8. In the View Log/Trace window, click on the PDF file name to view the report results.

      direct retro report view trace log
    9. The Direct Retro Funding Distribution Audit report results open in a new window.
  • The report output shows column headings in a "stacked" format, which can be difficult to read. 
    a. Column heading stack #1 shows Check Data information.
    b. Column heading stack #2 shows Direct Retro data (before and after).

    9.2 direct retro report output

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KeywordsUWFIR008 salary cost transfer earnings deductions taxes distribution data before and after training reporting FN, Finance   Doc ID34519
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2013-10-15 14:59:29Updated2024-05-14 10:55:14
SitesUW–Shared Services
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