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Viewing UW Multiple Jobs Summary for an Employee in HRS


Most campus users have roles allowing them update/display access to Employee Records for their campus only. However, the UW Multiple Job Summary allows authorized access to view all Employee Records with detailed job information, as well as pertinent Benefit information, for any employee system-wide.

Process Considerations:

  • UW Multiple Jobs is particularly important when reviewing an employee who has or will have multiple jobs. This view allows users the ability to determine impacts of data changes made in the Employee Record for their jobs, as well as the ability to identify other departments or campuses that may need notification of a cross-campus impact. This may involve contacting another campus when needing to coordinate a transfer, retirement, or providing notification when a person that is shared between two campuses goes above/falls below the 50% FTE threshold and the Health Rate must be adjusted.
  • Requires security role:
    • HR View OR
    • HR Administrator
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


    1. Navigation:  Workforce Administration > Job Information > Review Job Information > UW Multiple Jobs Summary
    2. Enter Employee ID or Employee Name
    3. Click the Search button
    4. If necessary, select the employee from the list. 
    5. The UW Multiple Job Summary Page appears for the employee selected.  

  • This page is used to view a summary of the Employee Record(s) and contains all row changes.
  • Each Employee Record is displayed in separate sections under the header row labeled Job Information.  The Empl Record # appears in the upper left hand corner.
  • To view different rows of the Employee Record, Click option in upper right hand corner (enclosed by red box):
  • View All - will display all rows within the Empl Record
  • Arrow button - this will change view to the next row
  • Last link - to view the first row in the Empl Record
  • To quickly access an employee's full Job Data record (Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data) from the UW Multiple Jobs Summary page, click on the 'HRS Job Data' hyperlink in the upper right hand corner below the row selection component of the employee record you wish to view (enclosed by blue box):
    Example 1: One Empl Record
      One Job
    Example 2: Multiple Empl Records; one is terminated. 
    Two Jobs

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    KeywordsView Empl Record job status job change concurrent multiple jobs job summary multiple job summary maintain workforce add an employment instance   Doc ID29424
    OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2013-04-11 10:37:37Updated2024-05-14 10:57:27
    SitesUW–Shared Services
    Feedback  0   0