Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Benefits Administration

Reviewing the Health Application in Relation to Job Data and Benefit Program Participation in HRS


This document outlines the specific fields on Job Data that institution Benefit Coordinators and Administrations should review to validate a qualifying event to enroll an employee in Benefits.

Process Considerations:

Job Data and Benefit Eligibility Fields need to be reviewed to ensure:

  • Institution Benefit Administrators counsel the employee in the correct benefits
  • The employee is enrolled in the correct Benefit Program so that the correct premiums are taken, and correct option codes are available 
  • The employee type (Grad, FA/AS/LI, University Staff) will feed correctly into myETF Benefits system
  • The system supports the enrollment and/or enrollment change

Downstream effects of not updating this page or entering incorrect information

  • Employee could be counseled with the wrong benefits and potentially miss enrollment opportunities/deadlines
  • Employee could be under or overcharged premiums for insurance plans
  • Employee gets set up incorrectly in ETF under wrong employee type (grad vs regular), health plans, or coverage levels

Frequently Forgotten Fields in This Process:

  • Benefit Primary Flag review
  • Verifying the employee has the correct value in the Health Rate field
  • Benefits Eligibility rules for WRS and/or Grad
Click on the links below to skip directly to a section:


1. Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data

2. Search using the Empl ID

3. Before making any changes on Job Data, please review the Benefits Eligibility Decision Table 

4. Click on the UW Benefits Tab.  Verify that you are looking at the job that has the Primary Benefit Flag assigned to it.  The field for Primary Empl Rcd should match the Empl Rcd # as shown in the picture below.  This indicates you are on the primary job where benefits reside.

Benefits Primary record

5. Click on the Job Information Tab and note the employee's: Empl Class, FTE, and Pay Basis.
Empl Class FTE and Pay Basis
6. Click on the Benefit Program Participation hyperlink at the bottom of the Job Data pages to open the Benefit Program Participation page. This Benefit Program will be the same on all Employee Records for the employee.
  • The effective date of the Benefit Program and the Benefit Program assignment will be listed.
  • Please review Employment Changes on the UWSHR website, and the Benefits Eligibility Decision Table to verify if the employee has been assigned to the correct Benefit Program.
BN Program Participation Picture
NOTE:  The Benefit Program (in conjunction with other Job Data) is partially driven from the UW Benefits Tab Health Rate field.
  • If the Health Rate shows Full Share Rate, then the employee will be listed as full-time and will be eligible for full state share.
  • If the Health Rate shows Less Than Half Time Rate, then the employee will be listed as part-time and will be eligible for the less than half time rate or 50% of the premiums for health insurance.
7.  The ET-2301 ETF Health Insurance Application needs to be completed correctly based on Job Data information. Please review these boxes and write in correct Employee Type (03 University Staff, 04 FA/AS/LI, 12 Grad), Coverage Code (01 Single, 02 Family, 03 Grad Single, 04 Grad Family), Employment Status, Employee deductions, and WRS prior service.
Employer Box

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Keywordsbenefits eligibility, state group health, SGH, Job Data, ben prog partic, benefits program participation, FTE, empl class, qualifying events, ETF Interface, review Job Data BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID24829
Ownererinn b.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2012-06-25 11:58:38Updated2024-05-14 10:55:13
SitesUW–Shared Services
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