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Submitting an Off-Cycle Missed Payroll Request in HRS


This user procedure provides step by step instructions for filling out and submitting an off-cycle missed payroll request through a web form on the UWSS Service Operations web site. After the request has been submitted, it will either be approved or denied by one of the campus/division approvers.
To gain access to request or approve a Missed Payroll, your HR Director needs to send an Email to the appropriate AG Group requesting the access. The ticket should then be sent to the Service Operations payroll team who will work with the web team to set up new people.

Process Considerations:

  • Processing Time:
    Off-Cycle Payrolls for missed paychecks will be processed in HRS by Shared Services - Service operations with payments made payable on Wednesday of each week. Requests must be received at Shared Services - Service Operations by NOON Tuesday for processing that week. Employees will be paid via ACH direct deposit, Focus paycard, or on a rare occasion a paper check, as appropriate. Money will be available from direct deposit on the Friday of that week. Paper checks will be mailed directly to the employee's address in HRS as defined per the following KB: Managing Payroll Options in HRS .
  • Approving in a Timely Manner:
  • Approvers will receive an auto-generated email weekly for all unapproved missed payroll requests that are more than 7 days old. On day 22 the request will be rejected. Both the requester and approver will get notification emails on this.  If a check is still needed a new request will have to be submitted. 
  • Eligibility Criteria:
    There are certain criteria that must be met in order for an employee to be eligible to receive an off-cycle pay check. If the eligibility criteria is not met as defined below, the missed payroll request will be rejected.

    For “Regular Hours/Gross” only, the employee must have a minimum of:
    • Non-Hourly ~ 10% of “Regular” Gross Biweekly pay
    • Student Help (SH) ~ 5 hours or more
    • University Staff Employees ~ 8 hours or more
    For Lump Sum Requests:
    • Student ~ $100 or more
    • Non-Student ~ $400 or more
    • Must follow WfAP guidelines
Items that should not be submitted (on their own) on an Off Cycle/Missed Payroll Request:
  1. Over Time or Add-Ons
  2. Additional Pay, which is not part of their "Regular" gross
  3. Leave Payouts (TAL, TFH, TLG, TPP, TVA, TPH, TLH, TSB, TVN)
  4. Overload (UOL)
  5. Retro Pay (URP, SRP, HRP)**
  6. Missed pay older than 2 pay periods
**Retro Pay (URP, SRP, HRP) includes wages missed as a result of an increase in rate of pay or an FTE change
  • Exceptions:
    • Any other exceptions that require supervisor approval
    • If job data was changed it will create retro pay.  In most cases this does not meet the criteria for off-cycle processing but if it does, this must be monitored by the campus and turned off to prevent a duplicate on-cycle payment.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section: 

Enter Missed Payroll Request for Non-hourly (Salary) Staff

Below are step by step directions for submitting an off-cycle pay check request for non-hourly employees.

1. Use your web browser to navigate to the Off-Cycle Missed Payroll Request page.

2. First fill out the Employee Information section. Enter the information for the employee for which the request is being made, please enter the correct Empl ID and  Empl Rcd#. Select Get Details.
Missed Payroll Request 2021 image
3. The screen will appear defining the Position Number, Dept ID, and Pay Group. Select or enter in the following fields:
 Pay Period: Select the Pay Run ID for the missed pay period the request is for.

Earnings Code: Select the Earnings Code under which the employee should be paid. Lists of the possible earnings codes can be found here: Payroll Earnings Code Descriptions in HRS 

Gross Missed: Enter the gross amount they should be paid for the selected Pay Run ID and Earnings Code. The amount should be in the form of 0.00

Check(s) Received for Pay Period: Will default in after selecting Pay Period for Missed Payroll Request. This shows the requester if the employee has already received any pay checks for the same time period. Please review before proceeding! This will prevent multiple or duplicate requests for the employee.

Total Gross Missed: This field cannot be edited. It automatically adds up the values from the Gross Missed fields.

Add Another Request Button: Press this button to add more fields for another request. This will allow you to enter requests for multiple Pay Run IDs and/or multiple Earnings Codes
on a single form.

4. The last section to be filled out is the Explanation/Justification section. Both the comments text box and the Root Cause drop down menu are required fields. It's important to enter detailed and clear information in the comments section describing the circumstances and justification for this off cycle request. It will play a large role in determining whether the request gets approved or not.
5. Verify that all the information you have entered is correct, then click the Submit button..
6. You will be notified if your request has been successfully submitted. Both you and the individual assigned to approve the request will receive an email notifying them of the submission. The email contains the name of the requester, a list of the approvers that received the email, and a link to the Missed Payroll Status Page.

Enter Missed Payroll Request for Hourly Staff

Timesheet cleanup: Time and Labor Reported Time

If the reported time on the timesheet has been processed to payable time and is in an "Approved" status: Campus should remove the reported time from the timesheet and then after the next scheduled Time Admin job has run, approve the negative off-set hours generated as a result of removing the reported hours from the timesheet (net impact of removing the hours from the timesheet should be zero hours and have no impact on the employee).
  • If the reported time on the timesheet has been processed to payable time, was approved and is in a "Taken by Payroll" status: Campus should investigate the payable time in question to verify that the employee has not already been paid for the hours now being submitted on the missed payroll request.
  • If the reported time on the timesheet has been processed to payable time and the payable time is in "Needs Approval" status: Campus should remove the reported time and submit the timesheet.
  • If the reported time on the timesheet has been processed to payable time, was approved, and the payable time is in a "Rejected by Payroll" status: Campus should research why the payable time is in a "Rejected by Payroll" status.
  • If the reported time on the timesheet has been process to payable time and is in "Pushed Back" status: Campus should research why and not remove the hours from the timesheet. 
  1. Use your web browser to navigate to the Off cycle missed payroll request page
  2. First fill out the Employee Information section. Enter the information for the employee for which the request is being made, please enter the correct Empl ID and  Empl Rcd#.
  3. Select Get Details.

    Missed Payroll Request 2021
  4. The screen will appear defining the Position Number, Dept ID, and Pay Group. Select or enter in the following fields:
    • Pay Period: Select the Pay Run ID for the missed pay period the request is for.
    • Earnings Code: Select the Earnings Code under which the employee should be paid lists of the possible earnings codes can be found here: Payroll Earnings Code Descriptions in HRS 
  5. Check(s) Received for Pay Period: Will default in after selecting Pay Period for Missed Payroll Request. This shows the requester if the employee has already received any pay checks for the same time period. Please review before proceeding! This will prevent multiple or duplicate requests processed or the employee.
  6. Weekly Missed Hours: There is a set of day fields from Sunday to Saturday for each of the two weeks in a biweekly pay period.  Enter the number of hours the employee should be paid for in each of the desired days.  It is not necessary to enter zero hours in days for which there is no pay.  Note that the number of hours you are requesting the employee be paid for is not necessarily the number of hours they worked that day.  If an employee worked 8 hours in a day but was only paid for 3, you would request that they be paid for the remaining 5 hours.
  7. Total Hours Missed: This field cannot be edited.  It is automatically populated with the total number of hours that you entered for the pay period.
  8. Add Another Bi-Weekly Request Button: Press this button to add more fields for another request. This will allow you to enter requests for multiple Pay Periods and/or multiple Earnings Codes on a single form.
  9. The last section to be filled out is the Explanation/Justification section. Both the comments text box and the Root Cause drop down menu are required fields.
      It's important to enter detailed and clear information in the comments section describing the circumstances and justification for this off cycle request. It will play a large role in determining whether the request gets approved or not.
  10. Verify that all the information you have entered is correct, then click the Submit button. 
  11. You will be notified if your request has been successfully submitted. Both you and the individual assigned to approve the request will receive an email notifying them of the submission. The email contains the name of the requester, a list of the approvers that received the email, and a link to the Missed Payroll Status Page.

Additional Resources

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Keywordson cycle paper missed paycheck pay check Overload Retro Pay add ons additional pay PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll   Doc ID22181
Ownerjenny j.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2012-01-11 10:38:34Updated2024-05-14 10:57:26
SitesUW–Shared Services
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