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Reviewing the Payroll Error Messages Report in HRS


UWSS Service Operations staff must verify that the information going into the payroll final calculation and confirm will not cause the processes to fail. To do this, UWSS staff review and clean up errors that are produced by each payroll calc. The payroll error report used to be delivered to Cypress, but since UWSS staff work the calc errors, it is no longer available in Cypress. If UWSS staff need assistance cleaning up an error, they will reach out to institution staff for help. Errors that cannot be cleared will result in the employee's check being turned off for that payroll.
Authorized users can run the Payroll Error Message report ad hoc in HRS for their respective campus, division, or department. The Payroll Error Message Report is most useful to PY Coordinators if they do not see a calculated paycheck for their employee(s) in Review Paycheck or on the Payroll Edit Report. If there is a calculation error during the nightly payroll processing for that week, then there will not be a paycheck for viewing until the error is cleared. By checking this report, the coordinator can see the condition causing the error that was encountered.

Process Considerations:

  • If you see your employee with a negative gross error, you may want to check if all the employee's time has been entered/approved (for hourly EEs) or if there is an Absence Management issue such as Leave Without Pay (LWOP) on the employee's record (absence issues will also be on the Absence Underpaid audit sent every morning of the payroll processing week).
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Running the Payroll Error Messages Report in HRS

The Payroll Error Messages report can be run ad hoc in HRS by navigating to: UW Payroll Reports>Payroll Error Messages.

  1. Enter an existing run control ID or create a new one on the main page and click Search. See Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS for more information

    payroll error report
  2. Enter the Pay Run ID you want to run the error messages for.  You can further narrow your search by also entering a DeptID.  Leaving the DeptID field blank will return errors for all departments.  After entering your criteria, click the Run button in top right corner.
    payroll error report parameters
  3. You will be taken to the Process Scheduler Request page.  The Type and Format fields should default to "Web" and "PDF" respectively.  Click the OK button to run the report.
    Payroll Report Request
  4. You will be taken back to the Error Messages Report criteria page.  Use the Process Monitor link and View Log/Trace link to get to the report. See Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS for more information.
  5. On the View Log/Trace page, click on the PDF file under the File List section to view the report output.
    Payroll Report View Trace Log

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KeywordsUWSC integrity error messages py payroll missing check calculated data paycheck PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll   Doc ID21306
OwnerMelanie K.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-11-17 10:45:24Updated2024-05-14 10:55:13
SitesUW–Shared Services
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