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Managing Contact Notes and Attachments for an Applicant in TAM


You can track your communications with or about an applicant using the Manage Applicant page.

Process Considerations:

  • The system automatically creates contact notes when a user emails or generates letters during the recruiting process. For example, the system creates applicant contact notes when a user:
    • Generates ad hoc correspondence (Send Correspondence).
    • Forwards an applicant.
    • Generates an interview letter.
    • Includes applicant attachments to a job offer.
  • Users can manually create notes (with optional attachments) to record interactions that were not automatically captured.
  • Applicant Notes Visibility
    • Adding the job opening ID to the Applicant Note ensures that only those associated to the job opening have access to read the note.  Anyone who is not associated with the job opening will not be able to see the Applicant Note.
    • If a job opening ID is not added, then the note is visible to all Recruiters and TA Coordinators.
    • Viewing, creating, or editing Applicant Contact Notes is restricted to Recruiter and TA Coordinator roles.
  • The Applicant Notes functionality of TAM can be used to record the date, time, contact method, audience, subject, details and who asked the required sexual violence or sexual harassment questions of the final candidate and during the reference check of the final candidate (UPS Operational Policy TC1: Recruitment).
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


A. Review Applicant Contact Notes

  1. Navigate to the Applicant either through Search Job Opening or Search Applications. See KB 20381 or 46900 for more information.
  2. Click on the Applicant's name.
  3. From the Manage Applicant page select the Notes tab.manage applicant notes
  4. You will see a list of Notes in the Notes Summary Section, details appear for the specific note below the Note Details section; the Notes Summary section will be blank if no notes have been added.
  5. To edit or resend a note, click the Pencil icon applicant note screen

B. Manually Add an Applicant Note

  1. Click the Add Applicant Note button. 
    Add Applicant Note
  2. Use the Applicant Notes page to document applicant communications and add any attachments.
  3. Update the Date contacted.
  4. Select a Contact Method from the drop down.
  5. Select the appropriate Audience (Public)
    • Public means that anyone who has access can see the note (recommended).
  6. Private notes can only be seen by the author.
  7. Add Job Opening ID
      Use the Search Icon (Magnifying Glass) to Look Up and select the Job Opening.
    • You can optionally spell-check the note text, click the Spell Check Notes button.
  8. Once an attachment has been uploaded you will be able to enter a description.
    • This ties the note to a specific Job Opening and restricts the notes visibility to only those Recruiters and TA Coordinators who are associated with the Job Opening.
  9. Enter a Subject.  i.e. Required Questions for Final Candidate and Employment References.
  10. Document Details about the communication.
  11. Use the Add Attachment button to include any attachments.
  12. When finished click the Save button.
    Applicant note screen
  13. The Note now appears in the Note Summary
  14. Click Save when you are finished adding and reviewing notes.

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Keywordsrecruit, recruitment, recruiting, candidate, search, hire, screen, training, TAM, sexual, violence, harassment, questions, UPS, operational, policy, TC1 TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID20286
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-09-15 14:08:05Updated2024-05-14 10:49:13
SitesUW–Shared Services
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