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Running the FTE Monitoring Report in HRS


This report identifies employees, as of a given date, who have active jobs where the sum of the FTE is greater than 100%. This can create an overload scenario which must be monitored by the UWSS Service Operations and/or Campuses.

Process Considerations:

  • Excludes .00025 FTE values from addition/selection.
  • Excludes jobs with a Payroll Status of “L” – Leave of Absence.
  • All active jobs for an employee appear, even if they are not included in the selection criteria.
  • Empl Class parameter allows for selecting some or all Empl Classes.
  • Distributed at the beginning of each month to the Cypress HR inboxes for the service center, campus and Madison division.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Navigate to UW HR Reports > FTE Monitoring

  2. Enter or create a Run Control ID.  See Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS
  3. In the Process Request Parameter(s) section enter:
    • As of Date
    • Department: enter specific department number or partial + % wildcard.  Leave blank to include all departments.
    • Employee Class: use the checkbox to select all classes or use the Employee Class Pushbutton to select specific Employee Classifications.
    • To select specific/multiple Employee Classification, uncheck the All Values box and click the Employee Class Pushbutton. Check the boxes next to the Empl Classes desired. Press 'OK'.
  4. Once the search parameters are entered, click Run.

    FTE steps 3 and 4

  5. Leave Type and Format as “Web” and “PDF” respectively. Click OK to run the report.

    Screenshot step 5

  6. Use the Process Monitor and View Log/Trace to monitor report.  See Viewing the Process Monitor in HRS
  7. In the View Log/Trace window, click the file name to view the report.

    link to pdf file

  8. Sample PDF

    report sample replace

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