Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Absence Management

Military Leaves of Absence


This procedure documents the process of entering a military Leave of Absence for University Staff and FA/AS/LI employees. Note: For Madison employees on military leave please send an email to with all military leave information.

Process Considerations:

    • Military Leave of Absence rules are very complex. Upon notification of an employee going on a military leave (active or inactive duty of any duration including less than 3 days), a WiscIT should be submitted to the UWSS Service Operations.
    • Requests for less than 3 days will still qualify for WRS service credit.
    • Employees on Probation or who have not attained permanent status, still qualify for WRS service credit while serving the first 30 days.
    • Employees on Inactive Duty still receive WRS service credit and leave accounting credit even though they do not get differential pay.
    • WRS contributions are optional in all cases. The employer portion is only granted with employee contributions - otherwise WRS earnings are not generated.
    You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

    Important Documents & Information for Military Leave

    1. Generate a WiscIT informing your Affinity Group of the leave of absence.

    In the WiscIT please include:

    a)   Military Orders

    b)   Military pay statement (vouchers) , when available to determine if differential pay is required in addition to determine Active vs. Inactive duty

    c) USERRA checklist

    • The campus will need to complete the employee and employer information on top of the form.  In addition, complete the following boxes 1, 2, 4, 5 on page 1. Page 2 the Current Year Employee Required Contributions (EERC) must also be completed with the WRS contributions desired by the employee.  They can contribute all, some or none of the WRS contributions associated with the military leave. WRS Service Credits will be made whole in all cases. This is also on the benefit checklist.

      The campus should not submit a copy of the USERRA Checklist to ETF, that will be done by Shared Services. For additional assistance please contact the Shared Services WRS team.


    d)   USERRA certification form Section A - Employee Information.

    e)   Indicate the employee's desire about WRS contributions. They can contribute all, some or none of the WRS contributions associated with the military leave. WRS Service Credits will be made whole in all cases. This is also on the benefit checklist.

    f)   Employee benefit check-list upon activation for military service.

    g)   Health Insurance Election during Military leave - if needed

    2. Visit the Military Leave general information at:

    3. Record the Leave of Absence in Job Data with an action of Leave with Pay and a reason of Military Leave Paid or Military Leave Unpaid.   Do not use the action Leave of Absence because the job needs to stay in active status in order for the WRS and leave accounting to stay whole.

    a)   If the person is FA/AS/LI, be sure the WiscIT is open and the UWSC knows if the salary should be reduced

    b)   If the person is University Staff, instruction will be given if entry into Absence Management is needed

    4. The UWSC will evaluate the information in the WiscIT and follow up with the campus/division/department as to how they should proceed. The eligibility pay will be evaluated to ascertain if differential pay is needed. The UWSC will coordinate with the campus to facilitate the pay or non-pay of the employee along with making sure their insurance, WRS and leave accounting stay accurate. The employer section and the Qualifying period on the USERRA will be completed by the UWSC and sent to ETF.

    Additional Resources

    Related KBs:

    Related Links:

    Keywordsabsence vacation sick leave sabbatical furlough fmla alra personal holiday takes uws retro take previous paid non-deductible deductible ROTC army navy marines airforce coast guard reserves duty AM, Absence Management, TL, Time, Labor   Doc ID19659
    OwnerChristine P.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2011-08-08 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:49:13
    SitesUW–Shared Services
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