Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Absence Management

Overriding Absence Take Rounding for Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited in HRS


This procedure will instruct the user on how to enter absence takes that will override the system rules that round takes to quarter hour or to the 4 or 8 hour takes for Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointment (FA/AS/LI) Full Time employees.

Process Considerations:

  • Takes that are entered in other increments than 4 or 8 will round according to policy.  The user should not input values other than 4 or 8 hour for full time staff.
  • Exceptions: 
    • Using up a residual balance may not be in a 4 or 8 hour increment.  Therefore you would need the override in these situations.  In no circumstance should anything other than a .25 hour increment be used.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


1. Navigate to Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Maintain Absences > Absence Event

2. Enter the Empl ID or Employee Name

3. Click on Search

Absence Event

4. Select employee by clicking on the Empl ID or Name

5. Click on the + icon to add a row and then click the magnifying glass to view the Absence Take Elements

Absence Event Replace

6. Click on the magnifying glass to choose the appropriate Absence Take Element

7. Tab or Click to the Begin Date field

8. Type the date MM/DD/YYYY or click on the Calendar to select the Begin Date of the absence

9. Tab or Click to the End Date field

10. Type the date MM/DD/YYYY or click on the Calendar to select the End Date of the absence

11. Fill in the Partial Hours field. 

Partial Hours

12. Click on Details

13. Enter the override amount of hours (to bypass rounding rules or the 4 or 8 hour FA/AS/LI Full Time absence rule) in the Decimal 2 field. It should be the same number that was entered into the partial hours field.

14. Click on Comments to enter more information, if desired

15. Click OK to save

Decimal 2

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    KeywordsRounding Unclassified AM Absence Override Absence Events Takes 4 8 hours AM, Absence Management, TL, Time, Labor   Doc ID17853
    OwnerChristine P.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2011-04-05 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:49:12
    SitesUW–Shared Services
    Feedback  0   0