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Corrections Job Aid for HRS


Correct History mode allows access to view, change, delete, and insert rows of data, regardless of the Effective Date. You must have Correction Access in your security role to make corrections. The button on the pages to allow updates to any and all data is labeled "Correct History." This process is also described as "correction mode,"correction access" or "correction".

Process Considerations:

  • It is the recommended best practice to only make Job Data corrections to add data to a record. UW has made the decision that any existing data will not be changed while in correct history, but instead, the practice will be to insert an Effective Sequenced row(s) with the same Effective Date as the original row but containing the correct or updated data. The original row remains on the record providing a chronology of the changes, while the new, sequenced row enables triggers to other areas of the system to process accurately. Adding a sequenced row to make a change also makes it transparent to any user what changes have been made to the data. This best practice ensures that the data remains consistent, certified, and can be reconciled.
  • NOTE: Changing data values on an existing row (rather than adding an additional sequenced row) has major downstream impacts to Budget, SFS, Payroll, Benefits, Benefits Administration, Time and Labor, Absence Management, and Auditing systems. The data in these systems can become corrupted and cause errors because the original data is no longer valid; data integrity is compromised.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:



Current Row = The last, effective-dated row that is equal to or less than (<=) today's date. There is always only ONE "current row". To correct the Current Row, you can insert an effective-sequenced row and do not need to be in Correct History mode.

Future-dated Row = Any and all effective-dated rows that are greater than (>) today's date. To correct a Future-dated Row, you do not need to be in Correct History mode unless changing a 'key' field (see below).

Historical Rows = Any row where the Effective Date is less than (<) the "current row". To "correct" a Historical Row by inserting an effective-sequenced row, you must be in Correct History mode.

Key Fields

  • Job Data
    • Empl ID
    • Empl Record
    • Effective Date
    • Effective Sequence
  • Personal Information
    • Empl ID
  • Position
    • Position Number
    • Effective Date

Making Changes Without Correction Access

  • Job Data
    • Data in Future-dated Rows can be changed, but Job Data rows with an Effective Date of today's date and earlier cannot be changed. However, sequenced rows can be added with the same Effective Date as the current row (even if it is in the past) to change data and make the new row the most current row.
    • The data in Future-dated Rows can be changed, except for key fields (Effective Date, Effective Sequence).  For multiple Future-dated Rows, data on all those rows can be changed except for the Effective Date and Effective Sequence.   Please open a ticket to UWSS Service Operations if you change information on a future dated Job row.
    • Present-dated and Historical Rows cannot be deleted, but Future-dated Rows can be deleted.  Future-dated Row deletion should only occur in the event that the issue cannot be resolved by row sequencing (updates to Job Data that require the changing of key fields).  Deleting/changing Job Data rows can have downstream impacts on Benefits, Time and Labor, and Absence Management.  Please use the following guidelines to determine if UWSS Service Operations action is required:
      • Campus HR Administrators are able to change/delete future-dated Job Data rows, even those created by Position Management, without UWSS Service Operations review so long as the change/delete occurs on the same date of entry (Date Created on Work Location tab, NOT the Effective Date of the row).  
      • Campus HR Administrators can also change/delete future-dated Job Data rows after the Date Created date; however, a ticket will have to be logged with UWSS Service Operations in order to clean up downstream Benefits/Time and Labor/Absence Management impacts.

  • Personal Information (Modify a Person page) - Biographical Details tab
    • Date of Birth can be changed. This is not effective-dated.
    • National ID Type can be changed. This is not effective-dated.
    • National ID Types can be added or changed. This is not effective-dated.
    • No fields in the Biographical History section on Current or Historical Rows can be changed. This includes Gender, Highest Education Level, Marital Status, Full-Time Student Employee indicator, etc.
    • Current and Historical rows in the Name section cannot be changed.
    • Current and Historical rows in the Biographical History section cannot be changed.
    • Future-dated Biographical History rows can be changed and deleted.

  • Personal Information - Contact Information tab
    • The status of the Release Home Information indicator/check box can be changed.
    • Current and historical addresses cannot be changed.
    • Future-dated addresses can be changed and deleted.
    • Phone Information numbers and types can be changed. These are not effective-dated.
    • Email Addresses and types can be changed. These are not effective-dated.

  • Personal Information - Regional tab
    • Ethnic Group can be changed. This is not effective-dated.
    • Current and Historical Rows on the History section on this page cannot be deleted or changed. This includes Military Status, Citizenship Proof 1 & 2, Eligible to Work in US indicator.
    • Future-dated Rows can be changed and deleted.

  • Personal Information - UW Personal tab
    • Current and Historical Rows cannot be changed or deleted.
    • Future-dated Rows can be changed and deleted.

  • Position Data (Add/Update Position Info page)
    • Same as all above.
    • Current and Historical Rows cannot be changed and deleted.
    • Future-dated Rows can be changed and deleted.

Purpose/Reasons for When Correction is Required (on Job Data and/or Position Management)

  • Inserting effective-dated rows in between other rows, less than the current row. This could be needed only on Job Data rows and/or Position Management rows.

    Job Data Example (not affected by Position Management): The current Effective-dated row is 08/01/2017 and the employee's prior row is 04/30/2017 (considered one of the Historical Rows). The person has a Pay Rate Change effective 06/01/2017. You must scroll to the 04/30/2017 row to insert a new row with an Effective Date of 06/01/2017. Since the 08/01/2017 row is Current, you must be in Correct History mode to insert the 06/01/2017 row.

  • Changing a "key" field. This could be needed only on Job Data rows and/or Position Management rows.

    Example: An employee is being entered with a hire date in the future (any date greater than today's date). It is then determined the employee won’t start until one week later than the original hire date entered. Since Effective Dates are key fields, you must be in Correct History mode to change this date.

  • Deleting a Position Management row (exception only). Although rows should not be deleted, there may be instances where you need correction mode to delete a Position Management row.

    Example: When you put someone on a Partial LOA and later determine the person should not have been put on an LOA, you cannot sequence a Return from LOA row to bring them back (there is no sequencing rows in Position Management). The only way to have this accurate on Position Management would be to delete the row. However, the row in Job Data should not be deleted.

  • Deleting a current or historical Job Data row (exception only).  Although Job Data rows should not be deleted, there may be instances where correction mode may be necessary to delete a row.  

Example:  When an employee needs to be terminated retroactively and there are current/historical Job Data rows after the termination effective date.

Deleting/changing Job Data rows using Correct History can have serious downstream impacts in Benefits, Time and Labor, and Absence Management.  When submitting a ticket that requires Job Data row deletion, UWSS Service Operations will also conduct a review to determine if the Job Data change has a Benefits/Time and Labor/Absence Management impact and fix accordingly.  

Impacts of Using Correction

  • Changing departments directly on a historical row
    • Making changes after a payroll has passed will impact SFS and Budget. A sequenced row should always be entered to update this scenario.
  • Changing compensation rates on a Historical Row
    • You will not have an audit trail of what the compensation actually was for that payroll, as well as no audit trail for SFS and Budget. A sequenced row should always be entered to update this scenario. If the sequenced row is added to a Historical Row that has multiple rows after the date entered, the "ripple" logic will apply and additional rows will automatically be put in to update subsequent compensation. See Running the Ripple Process in HRS
  • Any changes on Personal Information or Job Data pages can potentially have downstream impacts, which is why we must always abide by the decision UW has adopted for the use of correction mode.

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KeywordsCorrection corrections errors fix correct history mode change hire date enter historical row HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources   Doc ID17292
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-03-13 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:48:05
SitesUW–Shared Services
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