Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Finance > FN Learning Path

Funding and Direct Retro Security by Campus in HRS


This document will cover the security that is in place in HRS system to add and update funding on the Budget Funding Data Entry page, as well as security to create Direct Retro's.

Process Considerations:

  • Direct Retros are often referred to as Salary Cost Transfers (SCT) at UWMSN
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Security Roles - Funding Entry

  • FI Campus User view only access to customized Funding Data Entry Page for their Business Unit.  The funding pages show funding distributions for employee/job for set effective dates.


  • FI Campus User access to enter funding for more than one Business Unit.  In rare cases, there is funding which crosses Business Units; this access will be limited to a few individuals and will need approval of the HRS Finance Team and Campus Leaders.
  • FI Campus User access to the custom Budget Funding Data Entry page to enter/update funding for employee/job for user's Business Unit only.
  • FI Campus User Funding Error Report access to view funding edits online (also can be downloaded in excel form) to assist making corrections via the Funding Entry Page after a payroll calc. and prevent funding to divert to Default Funding (128 PRDFLT 1).  

Security Roles - Direct Retro


  • FI Campus User view only access to salary funding distribution (Direct Retro) changes for employee/job/payroll period for their Business Unit for payrolls originating in HRS.


  • FI Campus User direct retro approver access includes the ability to approve direct retros and prepare them (set status to Ready for Batch Processing) to process through to SFS Financials.


  • FI Campus User access to enter a direct retro.  This access allows a user to enter a direct retro into the HRS system. Direct Retros is a mechanism whereby you can change funding distributions for a payroll run through HRS.

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